He is NOT Donald Trump or Barack Obama with the media….
Less is safety for the President….
Keeps him almost gaff free for the last few months…
Scant twitter noise….
A Press Sec does the daily admin talking….
Cabinet members also carry the water for their own policy actions…
No popping off in public….
With the pandemic as a cover….
Few close encounters of many kind….
A almost 60% approval polling average with the public….
For now?
It works….
Three months in, Joe Biden’s White House has settled on a firm press strategy: First, do no self-harm.
The president is not doing cable news interviews. Tweets from his account are limited and, when they come, unimaginably conventional. The public comments are largely scripted. Biden has opted for fewer sit down interviews with mainstream outlets and reporters. He’s had just one major press conference — though another is coming — and prefers remarks straight to camera for the marquee moments. The White House is leaning more heavily on Cabinet officials to reach the audiences that didn’t tune into his latest Rose Garden event…
During the campaign, the Biden team sold themselves as a return to calm. Their commitment to that pledge since taking office makes clear that it wasn’t just a show for voters but an actual strategy. It is a head-spinning departure from four years of President Donald Trump, who was his own surrogate and aspiring assignment editor, tweeting changes to policy and taking the typically adversarial relationship with the press to a full-on war….
The Biden Cabinet have quickly become press mainstays. This Sunday alone, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was on “Meet the Press,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm hit “This Week” and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pulled double duty on Fox News Sunday and State of the Union…
“We’re not interested in making everyone crazy on Twitter,” [ Deputy Communications Director ] Berner said. “We’re interested in driving the message that Americans around the country know what their government is doing for them and how their taxpayer dollars are being used and feel confident in the administration….
image…Yahoo News
He, he, he….
Biden as a small target ….
Quote of the Day
“Invites the question: Is he really in charge?”
— Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) on Twitter, commenting on President Biden’s lack of appearances on cable news.
Well we certainly know who is in charge of this bootlicker don’t we?