The nation’s top virus doctor warns that those getting the Pfizer and Moderna virus vaccines should get BOTH shots…
Not just get the first shot and wait…
Both those vaccine’s claim at least 94% effectiveness against the Covid virus…
“We’re telling people [two shots] is what you should do … and then we say, ‘Oops, we changed our mind’?” Fauci said. “I think that would be a messaging challenge, to say the least.”
Fauci said he spoke on Monday with health officials in the United Kingdom, who have opted to delay second doses to maximize giving more people shots more quickly. He said that although he understands the strategy, it wouldn’t make sense in America. “We both agreed that both of our approaches were quite reasonable,” Fauci said.
Some public health experts and other Americans have urgedpolicymakers to reconsider whether millions of doses intended as second shots in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s two-dose regimen could be distributed as first doses instead — to offer at least some protection to a greater number of people….
image…Mother Jones
Apparently it’s not the GOP who makes Dr Fauci a partisan issue. The DCCC* just pushed a teaser to this page onto the daily news summary I get from WJAR, NBC10, in Cranston/Providence:
*Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (U.S. House of Representatives as opposed to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee-DSCC or Democratic National Committee-DNC).
Imagine if Dr. Seuss ran Covid.
One Shot. Two Shot.
You need to wear a Mask. This is not too much to Ask
The Grinch that Stole the Daytona 500
I do not like vaccine and ham,
Said Sam I Am.
I do not mask upon a train,
I do not mask upon a plane,
I do not mask when I walk,
I do not mask when I talk.
I will not take it when I’m in bed,
I will not take it til I’m dead.
I don’t think the no mask thing is gonna work on plane these days
Might not pn a train either….
Buts ya CAN walk!
Clarification: Apparently it’s not just the DCCC who makes Dr Fauci a partisan issue.
Curse Dr Fauci if you’re a good Republican (i.e. Trumpublican); Thank him if you’re a Democrat.
One of the earliest threads on the Politics1 site was on Dr. Seuss day in 2004, and I remember people making political versions of those kind of lines.
I wish there was a way to see it. I think I made one regarding Green Eggs and Ham that one should not eat them on Yom Kippur or with that man Al Gore.