Worried about the Big Apple economy, the Mayor is floating a trial ballon about making city workers return to offices from working from their homes…
As the infections case’s dip in New York , the Mayor and the Governor have begun cutting back virus restrictions….
Both the city and state have billion dollar plus holes in their budgets due to huge dip in tax revenue from workers who work from home and do not spend like they used to at work or being out doing other things…
There has been no rush to bring workers back to the office towers by private companies…
The Mayor is not pushing for mandatory vaccine shots for city workers….
Even with plans now underway to bring city workers back to their onsite jobs, Mayor de Blasio said Friday he’s open to allowing municipal employees to continue working from home under certain circumstances.
De Blasio announced Thursday night during his State of the City presentation that he intends to start bringing workers back to the office in May, a move designed to jump-start the city’s failing economy and boost worker efficiency and morale.
“We know that when people gather in a workplace there are things that happen better than happen remotely,” de Blasio said Friday during an appearance on Brian Lehrer’s call-in show. “But there will be a clear evaluation of where flexibility might make sense in the short term and the long term.”
The city’s push to get its workers back into the office is not likely to include a vaccination requirement or for workers to report whether or not they’ve received the vaccine.
Part of the reason for that, de Blasio suggested Friday, is that mask-wearing and social distancing requirements — like the ones now in effect in city schools — will be in place for city workers as well….