THAT is good thing….
But we now learn that scientists are working on a booster shot for those who have gotten the first vaccines and they are looking to adjust later vaccines to deal with changes in the Covid virus that is seeking to change against efforts to control it….
The Pfizer vaccine is good against at least one of the virus variants…
The coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna triggers an immune response that protected in laboratory tests against two variants of the virus first detected in Britain and South Africa, the company said Monday.
“The virus is changing its stripes, and we will change to make sure we can beat the virus where it’s going,” Stephen Hoge, president of Moderna, said in an interview. “The unknown is would we feel it’s necessary to do that, would public health officials want this at that point or would they still be comfortable? What we’re trying to do is create an option.”
The success of two remarkably effective vaccines in record time last year provided the world some breathing room and hope, even as the pandemic surged. But the detection of both variants late last year triggered immediate concern, first because of evidence they were spreading far more easily. Many of the mutations in each variant — eight of those found in the British variant and 10 of those in the South African variant — drew special concern because they sit in the spiky proteins that dot the outside of the coronavirus and have been the key target for vaccines and therapeutics….
The report comes after similar news from Pfizer-BioNTech, which released data last week that also was not yet peer-reviewed. Pfizer found that antibody-rich blood serum samples from 16 vaccinated people showed that vaccine was equally as effective at blocking the British variant as it was against the original version of the virus that took hold in Wuhan, China, a year ago. That publication did not address the South African variant…
And then there is this…..
“This is criminal violence and we will treat as such,” he said.
Protesters had gathered in defiance of lockdown orders in at least 10 towns and cities Sunday, looting stores and clashing with police after authorities imposed a new nighttime curfew — the first in the Netherlands since World War II….
On CNBC Andrea Mitchel is talking to a virus expert who says she’s had the Moderna first shot and Mitchel says yes she has had her first Moderna shot as has others at the News channel…….
Big companies with juice ARE getting their own supply of vaccines….
There ARE ALL sorts of efforts to leverage getting vaccine’s….
I got a Moderna shot .
Did DSD get his?
My pfirst pshot was Pfizer.