I wonder if the Trump lawyers are getting paid for this stuff?
From the NY Times…..
The Trump campaign and its Republican allies lost four legal challenges to the election in four states in a little more than an hour on Friday evening as President Trump’s attempts to use the courts to overturn the election results drew ever closer to an end.
The first defeat came around 4:30 p.m. when the Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed a Republican-led petition to stop certification of the state’s voting results because of what the campaign said were improprieties with how elections officials handled absentee ballots. Minnesota certified its vote results on Nov. 24 and the state’s top court ruled that the effort to derail the process was untimely not only because the petition was filed just hours before certification occurred, but also because the state had set rules for handling absentee ballots more than two months earlier.
Then, a little after 5 p.m., the Michigan Court of Appeals rejected an attempt by Mr. Trump to appeal a loss last month in a lower court which had denied his effort to halt the certification of the vote in Wayne County, home to Detroit, after he questioned the validity of absentee ballots there, too. Michigan certified its statewide results on Nov. 23, which rendered Mr. Trump’s attempt to derail the process moot.
Within minutes, a state judge in Nevada dismissed a lawsuit filed in Carson City last month by several Republican presidential elector candidates who claimed there was widespread illegal voting in the state and sought a court order to nullify the victory of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the state and declare Mr. Trump to be the winner.
But after considering depositions from several witnesses, Judge James T. Russell rejected these arguments, writing in an order that he found “no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 general election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”
Not long after 6 p.m., the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued Republicans their fourth defeat of the evening. In a scathing order, the court dismissed an attempt by a conservative group, the Wisconsin Voters Alliance, to overturn the state’s already certified election results and let Wisconsin’s presidential elections be chosen by the state legislature instead.
“Such a move would appear to be unprecedented in American history,” Judge Brian Hagedorn wrote for the court.
In another setback, a little after 7 p.m., a judge in Phoenix denied a request by Kelli Ward, the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, to invalidate the results of that state’s election….
There are at least two more state cases still alive in Georgia and a federal case in Milwaukee. Sidney Powell, a former lawyer for Mr. Trump whom the campaign has disavowed, also has four more federal cases — in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona — alleging conspiracies to tilt the election to Mr. Biden by manipulating voting machines….
We have spent years both here and I think even on Politics1 (back in the day) stressing how conservative and partisan the elected Wisconsin Supreme Court can be, especially in this kind of case (I use the word “case” advisèdly or as Jack would say arguendo — for the sake of argument — without asserting that this legal pleading is in fact a case).
So I think it’s pretty telling that even this court has no time for Trump’s lawyers.
Most judges ,whatever their partisanship,have little patience for absurd ,unprovable ,mere assertions,which is all these so called lawsuits being filed by Trumps legal “ team” are.
With the California certification the Trump legal stuff is REALLY ‘moot’…
Meanwhile the Washington Post surveyed all 249 Republican members of Congress…
25 conceded that Biden has been elected ,while 2 actually claimed Trump has won(kooks).The remainder?In true Republican cowardly fashion and reflecting those well known “conservative value” refused to give a clear answer.
He, he, he
I knew i’d jump on that Wash Post piece!
Which is worthless
Who gives a hoot !
Biden IS getting calls from GOPer’s
They ARE working with Pelosi and Biden to get spending bills done that stop Trump from doing several things ….
THAT IS what counts…
Not the nonsense about conceding or saying out loud the Biden won…
This is stupid…
They ALL KNOW Biden WON…
Even Trump had acknowledged it more and MORE…
Yes The Washington Post should consult a political expert like you before they publish “worthless” material.
Some people though may think it’s significant that most Republicans refuse to acknowledge publicly that Biden won.But wait?!You should !After all you told us Trump has actually been running “against” the Republicans!
So why are they still following his line?
Of course,and once again, nothing more than you banging away At your keyboard in this weird stream of consciousness ,contradicting yourself as you go.
Another day in your “alternate reality.”
I had on Fox and Friends this morning watching story after story of how votes spiked for Biden once observers were out of the room, Republican observers told to leave the polling site while the Democratic observers remained, fraudulent ballots delivered from NY, how more people are filing affidavits. But the hosts don’t quite mention that these charges were laughed out of court, sometimes by Trump-appointed judges.
Fair and balanced as always!
I haven’t heard Fox use “Fair and Balanced” for some time, although I rarely watch that. Maybe now that they have competition from OAN and Newsmax, they might try to craft a niche to differentiate themselves.
I would assume that Fox viewing numbers on a bad day are times OAN and Newsmax…
They don’t.
I do because I think it was one of the great pieces of humor orchestrated by sexual harasser Roger Ailes, the media maestro of modern conservatism and the founder of Fox News.
I don’t….
It’s just space filler for the media…
Ah yes, the “media.”
A site that is composed of “media “ stories But whose biggest complaint is the “media.”
Makes sense!
And FOX is seen as being part of the conspiracy because they aren’t cultish enough.
The FOX stuff don’t matter….
The states have turned in their results …
>THAT matters
Apparently not to the vast majority of Congressional Republicans, who as Jack notes still refuse to acknowledge Biden’s victory.
But how many of us REALLY give a shit?
Uh you see James this is supposed to be a political discussion site,
So in discussing things political that fact is at least noteworthy.
Now as you are the second best known apologist for whatever foolishness Republicans perpetrate here, your outburst isn’t surprising.
So neither is mine when offering the following as regards your comment above,
“Who gives a shit”
We ARE having political discussion’s here Jack….
Different views is how we find out different things….
You KNOW that😳
Nah? Really?
Hey Jack?
It’s up to 27❗️
70% of those asked did NOT even answer the WashPost questions on this….
And you’ll love this!
From Trump….
….’ “I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the . . . RINOS,” the disparaging acronym for Republican in name only….’
Their complicit silence now comes as Trump continues to mount an unfounded campaign against the democratic outcome of an election, leaving them isolated as other federal, state and local Republican officials have rejected Trump’s false assertions.
Even Kellyanne Conway — Trump’s 2016 campaign manager and longtime adviser, who famously coined the phrase “alternative facts” — went further than most Republican members of Congress. She acknowledged Friday that it looked like Biden “will prevail” and called for a “peaceful transfer of democracy.”
I thought you “didn’t give a shit?”
I do NOT…..
Scott does….
I “give a shit” that my Republican US Senator refuses to do his job regarding the upcoming inauguration (refusing to allow free tickets on the basis of the lie that the election isn’t decided yet)
It may be a joke to CG and James but it isn’t funny anymore.
The effort to get Republicans to PUBLICLY say what they know IS wasted in my view…
This IS America where we have freedom of speech ….
Gee I didn’t know that people have “freedom of speech!”
That’s a remarkable comment!
and of course I DO understand if U are annoyed Scott…
Well the crazy stuff continues in Georgia ….
Trump will arrive in the state tonight….
This morning he leaned on Gov Kemp to change the vote FOR him which the Georgia Gov CANNOT DO….
Right now?
Kemp will attempt to appear with the President tonight…
And not a peep from the vast majority of elected not retiring Republicans. Shameful
They just call Biden & Co on the ‘low-low’….
You have no idea who or how many Republicans reached out to Biden.
He didn’t identify them , preferring simply to say that some have.
For all you know they could have been some or all of the 25 who told the Washington Post they believed he had won.(which probably makes the most sense)
So that is no answer to Scott’s apt complaint and represents nothing more than your weird defense of these cowards.
Why don’t you go back to the “don’t give a shit” line?