After following Donald Trump as the second coming?
(For ratings and Access)
Their talking heads KMNOW Joe Biden won a month ago as Fox News copped to with some of their on air people…
But the other little right leaning Networks have found something to chew on….
Instead of dealing with the reality of the 2020 Presidential election?
Why NOT keep feeding their audiences more of Trump lies and distorted reality?
Audience figure’s are what drive ad dollars….
Ad dollars pay the bill, staff and stock holders….
What are they gonna doooooooo?
Those challenges have universally fizzled, and the electoral college confirmed Biden’s status as president-elect Monday.
But conservative media still haven’t quite figured out what to do with the phrase. And the last 24 hours have been especially telling on that front.
Newsmax and One America News have been vying to outflank Fox News on the right by offering more sycophantic and credulous coverage of Trump — particularly when it comes to regurgitating his and his allies’ baseless claims of voter fraud. This appears to have paid dividends, with Newsmax in particular rising as Fox’s ratings have taken a hit under bashing from Trump, who is upset that some of the network’s straight-news hosts and reporters have recognized that he lost…..
There are “news” networks like the WWE is a “sports “ entity.
WWE is at least honest labeling their product “sp0rts entertainment.”
We need a new category,”news entertainment.” That is more what these networks are,more about entertaining their audiences by buttressing their pre conceived notions and opinions rather than providing information.
Agreed on the media entertainment for ratings and ad dollars ….
This shouldn’t matter so much after January 20th: the press and para-press can just call him the President.
Or (with infinitely less justification) they could follow the supporters of Aaron Burr and Samuel Tilden by calling Joe Biden “His Fraudulency”.
Oh I think they’ll bend DSD….
Might not be happy and just bend…
But they NEED access….
Newsmax issues apology after being sued by Dominon Voting machine company for damaging its rep…
The company reported on Trump’s claims that their machines where at fault during last years General election….
They admitted that the reported story had no basis in fact…Thus backing away from Donald Trump’s rants….
The admission gets the company out of some legal jeporty and essential admits Trump was lying….
Newsmax issued a public apology to a Dominion Voting Systems employee on Friday after airing false allegations against the worker involving the 2020 presidential election.
The conservative network said in a statement posted to its website that it found “no evidence” backing up claims that employee Eric Coomer had manipulated voting machines or votes as previously alleged.
“On behalf of Newsmax, we would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” Newsmax said in the statement….