I watched about 2/3 of this debate….
It was more of a debate then the first one….
The much advertised muting the mic didn’t happen…
Kristen Walker was alright in my view…
Probably could have been a bit more stronger…
But held her own…
Donald Trump…
I give him credit….
He didn’t go off the hook….
He still IS a serial liar….
My overriding impression is he spoke all night about companies and rich people…
He seldom gave actual facts , preferring to throw negatives , and tries to advance his bull shit efforts to tarnish Biden like he was able to hit Hillary Clinton…
I find it curious that Trump blames Biden for things he had no control over since he was the Vice President…
You are gonna use our military to pass the vaccine out?…Really?
What healthcare program do u have to replace Obamacare that all the sudden you like and are improving?
You finally admit the vaccine ain’t coming soon and you have not empathy for those who have gotten sick…
You knock Biden for China…
Yet WE pay extra for ur trade war …
Joe Biden as a ‘corrupt politician’?.
Climate change is for ALL of America….
Not corporate America….
A $15 minmum wage should be in the East and South of America…
Joe Biden…
You actually look like you didn’t let the guy bother you that much…
Throughout this night?
You talked about people and feelings….
You asked about the virus….
You asked about the immigrant kids who do not have their parents…
You asked about Trump’s taxes…..
Pointed out that Trump pays China more taxes then America and still won’t show his taxes…
You told us you would support state efforts to combat the virus…
You had a LOT of time to shake your head and think WTF…
You gave facts…
The guy across the stage didn’t….
This was more of a debate…
My guy did good….
He cares about me ….
The other guy defended the rich and corporations …
He lied again as he tends to do….
He doesn’t care about us middle class Americans…
But he didn’t gain anything….
He doesn’t belong in office ….
He won’t get my vote….
And Joe Biden is STILL up 10 a week and a half out from when they count the vote….
Twitter World reaction….
Charlie Cook
Good news for the President? He did not hurt himself, unlike first debate. The bad news? He was ten points behind and did not help himself. Race not changed. A Republican had no reason to feel better had debate. Biden did not do a face plant. That is all he needed to do.
Van Jones
Tonight Trump did his best. His best was NOT good enough.
The shocking lack of humanity he showed talking about those children, lying about them being treated well (not true) – AND he can’t find their parents?? Completely barbaric.
A stench in the nostrils of God. #Debates2020
First snap poll….
Political Polls
Who won tonight’s debate?
Biden 52% (+11)
Trump 41%
, Among Debate Watchers
$750. President Trump called the number a “filing fee” during tonight’s debate. However, the IRS does not charge a fee for filing taxes.
“You have not released a single solitary year of your tax returns. What are you hiding?” Biden asked.
Key moments https://politi.co/34khhMI
Megyn Kelly
Trump won this debate, handily. Biden wasn’t a force at all. Trump was substantive, on-point, well-tempered. Definitely helped himself, when it mattered most.
Trump’s claim that only immigrants with “the lowest IQ” show up for court proceedings was unconscionable. It was also false: Almost all immigrants show up for hearings.
Pod Save America
CNN Factchecker/masochist Daniel Dale on Trump:
“This was just a bombardment of dishonesty, much of what we heard before at his campaign rallies about subjects big and small, important stuff like the pandemic, about Biden’s policies, about his own record.” #Debates2020
Trump: “I am the least racist person in this room.”
Biden: “This guy has a dog whistle about as big as a fog horn.” #debates2020 https://trib.al/RupxEWQ
Trump on raising the minimum wage: “I think it should be a state option.”
Biden on his support for raising the minimum wage: “There is no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage businesses go out of business.” #debates2020 https://trib.al/HsSPxSr
Joe Biden warned during tonight’s debate that the U.S. is about to go into a “dark winter” as Covid cases rise and the annual flu season approaches. “And he has no clear plan,” he said of Trump. https://politi.co/2Tj9rwM
Trump repeatedly and misleadingly tried to conflate Hunter Biden’s money and Joe Biden’s money #2020Debates
“It’s going away,” Trump claimed of the coronavirus pandemic.
That’s just not true.
The US is now experiencing its third major surge in coronavirus cases. Experts have warned it was coming for months. https://vox.com/21523039/covid-coronavirus-third-wave-fall-winter-surge… #Debates2020
Another snap poll- post debate
Political Polls
Favorable view of candidates
Before Debate 55%
After Debate 56%
Before Debate 42%
After Debate 41%
, Among Debate Watchers
I guess Donald Trump ain’t gonna get a bounce form any of his debates or town halls…
Republicans are said to be so pleased by the performance, just because it was different than the first one.
Regardless, it was still horrible for Trump substantively and stylistically. Just tremendous low bars.
Biden was better than his first debate, but not a Hall of Fame performance by any standard. That’s fine for him.
Four years ago, people across the spectrum were convinced Hillary was going to win and Trump was going to lose. This time, I am sure the political community on the right (“the elite”) knows Trump is going to lose.. hence the urgency on ACB, but the grassroots Trump supporters seem to really think he is going to win and win big. They simply do not believe polls or other metrics.
They are going to be completely surprised when the actual votes comes in….
Or they are right all along, and you guys will have totally blown another election for completely avoidable reasons and you would have to be ashamed beyond all belief if that happens… but you can’t say I didnt do my part… at least once I get to a mailbox.
2016 haunts a LOT of people CG….
Political Polls
Which candidate came off as more mentally sharp and stable to you during the debate?
Biden 46% (+4)
Trump 42%
, Among Debate Watchers
It would be hard to get any sort of significant sample here, but I would be very curious about the optimism level of die-hard Democrats and compare it to how they were feeling in 2016.
My sense is that james and Scott tend to always be perhaps overly optimistic about any election for the party and that jack has a fatalist streak about actual elections.
U ARE on point….
CNN Snap Poll says 53-39 Biden won.
Probably a slightly more Dem audience watching live, but basically at this point it is mirroring the national vote. Whomever you voted for or plan to vote for “won.”
The talking heads over at CNN do it again…
They give Trump credit …
Then I’d bet they start to see the snap polls come out and track back to Biden winning the debate…
They did this last time…
Biden won this…..
Biden won, but not without committing a couple pretty avoidable errors towards the end.
My hunch is that by that point, people had either changed the channel or were scrolling through their phones and not paying as close attention.
I watched the Giants snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again….
There REALLY should be NO undecided’s this late ….
Trump probably IS in deep shit politically…
The entire NFC East sucks. You should have recorded the game and watched every second of this debate, hanging on every word, being the Biden fanboy that you are.
Well, I think that “Sleepy Joe Biden” will be a far less convincing or useful epithet after last night.
Why suffer more?
They keep getting screwed up in the both quarter….
I was happy to see Eli go….
But this guy isn’t much better even though he CAN run for TD’s….
Trump referred to Biden derisively as the “Big Guy” as if everyone is in the same bubble as him on the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell” story and knew what in the world he was even referring to.
Biden should have said. “I thought I was Sleepy Joe. Now, I’m the Big Guy. I’ve really moved up in the world.”
Incidentally, let’s not kid ourselves, Hunter Biden, whether in the throws of drug addiction or not, has lived a very troubled life, and in a purely political sense, it would make sense for his father to throw him under the bus in order to secure an election.
Joe Biden won’t do that though. Going to continue to cause him political headaches, but speaks to his loyalty as a father. I think people probably care most about that.
Can we ALSO talk about Trump being married THREE times….
Can we talk about Trump paying women off that he slept with while married?
Can we talk about the lawsuits STILL pending from women dealing with him…
Can we talk about his son Don Jr. just talking to the NY AG’s people?
can we talk about his daughter and son-in-law making side money while working FOR the US Govt.?
No wonder the Hunter Biden shit is going nowhere except wasting NY Post ink and Fox looks…
The small portion of the game I caught when I changed the channel was Jones falling down in a wide open path to the endzone.
That was after he ran half the field ….
The Bears are 5-1 and in first place and I have no idea to even explain how.
Didn’t have much choice with a black/mixed moderator….Who let him get in the last word alot
Trump compliments Kristen Welker on moderating debate
President Trump commended NBC News journalist Kristen Welker for her work moderating the second and final presidential debate Thursday night, after previously clashing with the moderators of the first debate and his prime-time town hall.
“So far, I respect very much the way you’re handling this, I have to say,” Trump told Welker during the debate, despite dinging her for not quizzing Democratic challenger Joe Biden about his position on fracking.
They ain’t the Giants….
I’m out till the morning….
All ways good to have ya along….
I did notice looking at the admin side here that some of our old times ARE following the site….
I hope they enjoy the place….
As a conservative I cannot help but be amazed that these two candidates fought viciously tonight over which one of them wanted to be the *least* tough on crime.
Also, while I know we have a lot on our plates in 2020, I think it is pretty bad that in all of these debates, there was virtually no discussion at all about national security, especially as it relates to the ongoing terrorist threat from Jihadists.
I hope it will never happen, but one day in the future, that topic may come to dominate everything once again.
The argument expressed on here who who been opposing Republicans for decades now that Trump is merely a “conservative” and thus the same as Reagan-Bush-Dole-Bush-McCain-Romney is just ridiculous.
Trump is very different than those conservatives, terms of style and substance, and has, at least for now, changed the Republican Party away from them and purely towards him.
Bill Clinton did the crime bill back in the day…
a Lot of minorities where all right with it….
In hindsight it DOES look bad for Democrats….
Bill Clinton has lost his title as America’s first ‘Black President’…..
Joe Biden gets a little brush back on this…
But carries the Black vote easily….
Trump’s constant follow up’s did exactly what they were suppose to do….
Run out the clock and let Trump get the last word….
This business about the 1994 crime bill now shows how completely far to the left Democrats have gone since.
What is amazing is that so called conservatives are simpatico to the completely hypocritical and incoherent way that Trump attacks Biden on it.
I was glad Biden brought up the Central Park Five. (he seemed much more prepared and practiced than the last debate) He should have articulated it better though.
He did good enough according to the feedback….
Except for a small number of “conservatives “ like you?
The vast majority of self described “conservatives” are all in with Trump.
I guess he’s their idea of a “conservative.”
Its now a meaningless term that simply equates to “I’m against them libruls.”
Instead of lecturing us?Maybe you need to confront your fellow uh
Have fun!
Trump is the face of the conservative movement in the US right now.
He just is.
I’m reading numerous fact checking articles.Spparently most of what Trump said was verifiable Lies.
Also apparently,based on their opinion as to who “won” this so called “debate?”
Most “conservatives “ like Lies ,support Lying, and believe that he who lies the most is a “winner.”
Conservatism is bunk.
Trump mocked Biden for saying he wanted to talk about American families instead of the Trump and Biden families.
Trump said that’s being a regular politician and he’s not a regular politician.
And thus is what a conservative movement completely taken over by the likes of the soon to be dead Rush Limbaugh looks like. Baseless conspiracy theories, blatant racism, personal attacks and lies are all excused by conservative Republicans in the name of being “politically incorrect” and “not a regular politician”.
Trump kept calling Biden a politican as if he isn’t one?
Trump still thinks he’s a NYC real estate guy that moved to Florida next year?
Trump does NOT ‘get it’ that ole’ Joe talking about American families is kicking his ass?