THAT is NOT going to happen….
Joe Biden IS a creature of Washington and power….
To think that he won’t keep bringing in those who have worked in the Obama, Clinton admin’s and Congress before to help him run his government is naive and ridiculous …
You cannot have someone that NEVER worked in the Defense Industry deal things for the government about Defense…
You can’t have someone that NEVER worked in healthcare dealing with healthcare issue for the admin …
You can’t have policy ran by people who do not know about what they are dealing with for the inside….
Now with this?
Joe Biden should be wary of the insider dealing that the Trump admin is right out there about ….
Donald Trump IS about making money…
He isn’t about government …Something Biden has been about for decades…
One would hope that with Trumpism fresh in the Mirror?
Biden and his Attorney General will vigilant against influence peddling of the likes in the present admin….
The complaints ARE from the Democratic progressives who are STILL trying to superimpose Bernie Sanders agenda on Biden…
THAT is NOT gonna happen…
Andrew Bates, a spokesman for Mr. Biden’s campaign, said the former vice president’s ethics proposal would be “the most ambitious” of “any administration in American history.”
Jake Sullivan, who has been helping to develop the Biden campaign’s policy positions and moderating virtual fund-raisingevents, resigned this year from a part-time job at the consulting firm Macro Advisory Partners. At the firm, he had negotiated with labor leaders on behalf of the ride-hailing company Uber to try to exempt its drivers from being classified as full-time employees in California.
On Saturday, Antony J. Blinken, a deputy secretary of state in the Obama administration who is running Mr. Biden’s foreign policy operation, joined the campaign full time and took an unpaid leave of absence from his role as a managing partner in WestExec Advisors, a firm he co-founded with Ms. Flournoy.
Aaron Keyak, who was named director of Jewish engagement for Mr. Biden’s campaign last month, took a leave from his public affairs firm, Bluelight Strategies.
Early in the Trump administration, the firm had been paid $10,000-a-month for Mr. Keyak’s help waging a public affairs campaign against the Gulf state of Qatar by Elliott Broidy, a Republican donor who owns a defense consulting firm. Federal investigators have since looked into whether that campaign violated foreign lobbying laws, but Mr. Keyak has not been interviewed by prosecutors, the Biden campaign said.
Some Democrats argue a Biden administration would be wise not to wall itself off from people with both government and private sector experience.
“We can’t all go to think tanks, or into academia, and you wouldn’t want to fill the government entirely with people who came from ivory tower institutions that are detached from the mechanics of Washington,” said James P. Rubin, who had served as a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Biden in the Senate and then moved to the State Department in the 1990s before becoming a registered lobbyist.
In an effort to ease potential hurdles to joining a Biden administration, Mr. Rubin in recent weeks terminated his lobbying registrations for a range of clients.
Mr. Rubin argued that Mr. Biden’s decades of experience in government meant aides would be less able to shape his worldview, but he nonetheless contrasted the years of public policy experience inside and outside government of many Biden advisers to the relatively less experienced set of advisers around Mr. Trump.
“I’d like to think that now we have to acknowledge that having expertise is good,” he said….
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Niles Edward Francis
Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden and is actively campaigning for him but his former staffers continue to trash him on Twitter