…from Newsday….
Statewide coronavirus cases remained stable and low, with 116 new cases reported Saturday on Long Island.
The statewide positive testing remained at 0.93% out of 75,000 tests, with five new deaths that occurred Friday, according to state data.
The state had 703 new cases, bringing New York’s total number to 420,345. The state’s total death toll is now at 25,195.
Long Island did not report any deaths while Nassau County tested 48 people positive and Suffolk County tested 68 people positive. Long Island’s positive testing rate remained at 0.9%.
“Despite increasing infection rates across the country and in our region, we continue to see our numbers hold at low levels, all thanks to the hard work of New Yorkers to change their behavior and our data-driven, phased reopening,” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said in a statement. “While our numbers remain low and steady, this is not the time to get complacent — we must focus on protecting our hard-won progress now.”…
Meanwhile Sturgis, SD is expecting 250,000 bikers this week.
I wonder how this fits in with CG’s previous comments that demographics who tend to vote Democrat are the ones spreading the virus
Yes, the typical demographic of a member of the Republican Party has traditionally been heavily tattooed bikers.
I wish they would have cancelled the rally but it is “outdoors” and probably similar to a “peaceful protest.”
I am sure that Biden has fans at Sturgis too
Trump is the one who has targeted Harley-Davidson with tariffs and called for a boycott of the company
So anyone in Sturgis who shows up on a Harley doesn’t seem to care a lot about what Trump wants anyway.
I’m guessing CG has never been around these bikers. They are overwhelmingly conservative in their politics.
It’s probably a lot more diverse than you think,
The barber I had for many years, was an avid biker, who would go to Sturgis every year, and definitely looked the type. He was not into politics at all. Four years he died in a motorcycle accident outside a local Wal-Mart.
In a normal year Trump supporters would likely make up a majority of bikers attending Sturgis.
The attendees this year are more likely to be those who think COVID is overblown or do not agree with social distancing or masks.
Polls show those sentiments are much more prevalent among Trump Republicans.
People here still try to fight with me on the concept that Trump has the support of a lot of people who are not traditional Republicans.
Bikers may be an example. If you were to look back into the recent history of the Republican Party you would not think that a heavily tattooed biker with a mullet would fit the image of the “wealthy elitist Republican.” And that’s just the women.
If there was a way to somehow take a straw poll at Sturgis, I think you would maybe find say half the people there even intending to vote. Sort of like society in general. Among those who will vote and are decided, you would find support for Trump, Biden, and third party candidates. Again, sort of like society in general.
Not everything is political or red vs blue or pro vs. anti-Trump, He is the one who thinks it is.
Hopefully, people will be smart enough to wear helmets and masks.
Also my Supervisor (and her husband) are biker types. I do not think they are Republicans. I will be pretty annoyed if she takes another day off work because they went to Sturgis or something.
Now, the people in Florida on all those big beautiful boats with Trump signs on them that are not being polled and thus causing all polls to be fake… they are far more likely to be Republican.
Tremendous, tremendous thing.
Maybe your idea of “traditional Republican” is outdated.
50 years ago the stereotypical Reoubkican was Thurston P Howell IV.
But for decades I’ve viewed bikers who often wave Confederate flags as likely Republican voters.
Trump has changed the Republican Party and brought into it a ton of people who were not Republicans before. I wish you folks would admit it.
It’s far more recent than 50 years ago. The Hell’s Angels at Altamount were not Republicans. Democrats were displaying campaign material with the Confederate flag as a background still during the Bill Clinton years.
Dan and Roseanne Connor were supposed to be the typical working class Democrat family and he was a Harley rider who owned a bike shop at one point. They were definitely not Republicans, although the real Roseanne, with or without her Ambien, seems to be the kind of mentally disturbed individual who gravitates to Trump.
Thurston never once made a move on Ginger or Mary Ann. Something for the party to be proud of.
In fact in the NYC Metro area there are TONS of black bike riders….
They may smile at the white mostly Harley guys , But?
They are NOT gonna be wearing MAGA hats ….
Those going out to that rally one would assume will be overwhelmingly white and pro Trump….
I think the people going to the rally this weekend are the same ones that always go and very few of them are thinking about Donald Trump one way or another.
Society is not like our online political fighting world.
The head of “Bikers for Trump” just said that “the left created the virus to hurt Trump.” Stupid and proud of it.
Sturgis is a virus Petri dish this weekend.
A mask isn’t a political statement it’s an IQ test.
I would estimate that 75 percent of the people in “Bikers for Trump” did not vote for Romney.
I would definitely take that bet if there was a way of proving the answer. But even if there was, you would immediately begin to change the bet by saying for example, that of course you meant 74.5%.
74.5 and 75 are the same thing statistically, of course.
And of course 75.5%is statistically the same as 75%.
You provided my point.
No, I would say 75.5 is 76%. We tend to follow the practice of “rounding up.”
And the amazing thing is you think this is a clever response.
No, it’s just common sense. It’s how everyone approaches statistics in terms of elections, sports, and numerous other things. We “round up.”
Saying ‘we’ implies that others would believe your argument. Childish argument. I didn’t realize that in football, you only need 9.5 yards for a first down.
Depends on the spot.
Any poll will “round up.” Election results are given with the number rounded up. People like whole numbers
Not EVERY Republican will vote for Trump..
Not EVERY Democrat will vote Biden….
But in both cases?
Most WILL stay with their party leader…
Okay . I will definitely admit that Trump changed the GOP by bringing in others from outside the party. And Trump will have a more permanent impact if he wins re-election.
Likewise if Biden wins the presidency, he will also change the party to some extent. If Biden loses, the progressives will nominate the Democratic candidate in 2024, but that is much less likely to happen than if Biden wins in 2020.
So by CG not voting, he is making it more likely That Trump wins and less likely that progressives Will take over the Democratic Party. But of course voting for a Democrat over a Republican would hurt his pride. He won’t admit the real reason why he won’t vote for a Democrat, so we may hear “My vote would’ve matter anyway”.
If Biden wins in 2020, who will decide the 2024 nominating process?
Now, as for me, I am voting. And I will have absolutely no impact of the outcome.
If Illinois somehow comes to a total and exact tie (instead of Biden winning by one vote) and that those votes are needed for Biden to win in EC and the state of Michael J. Madigan is not somehow about to get Biden that one vote via other means, you guys already have a lot more problems than can ever be explained by me.
Thanks – again you largely proved my point.
You had no point.
Are you registered to vote in Illinois again now?
No – I don ‘t know where I will be Living in November. So I might not be able to vote.
Well, that would not be good for you, considering in how badly you want to impact the election. I would assume you are eligible where you are living at the time of the deadline (which is usually about 30 days before the election), so you should make sure you aware of those dates and act accordingly.
Joe Biden becomes the head of the Democratic parry at the end of the convention….
As President ?
That continues ….
Do you think he will be nominated again in 2024?
Do any of your other contributors agree?
My view all along has been that Biden MUST have the perception that he will do the two terms to preserve his ‘juice’….
He could step aside July 2025….
But i feel he HAS to run again…
That is unless his VP is polling strong going into 2024….
So you are advocating he should run in 2025 without letting people know of a plan to resign six months into a term?
I understand Bidens having to say that he would run again in 2024 if elected this year;however, that’s a long time off.
He would be 82.
In my view, about a year before his term ends he will announce he will not run again.
And depending on the situation in the country at that time?
His VP may or may not be in a good place politically for the nomination.
Close to my view Jack….
But I’d want more political cover for Biden and his VP my way…
Biden likely won’t run in 2024. I agree with Jack that he’ll probably announce in 2023 that his Presidency was meant to be transitional to the next generation of leaders.
Now if he picks Bass it’s likely he prefers that his VP also be part of the transition. If he picks Harris (or another woman in her 50s) he is likely setting up the front runner for the Democratic nomination in 2024.
At this point, the odds are < 49.5% that Biden will be nominated in 2024.
So sez u Z, eh?
Yes, it is an opinion. But Biden might not even win this year and If he doesn’t, he won’t be the nominee in 202;. And Biden is an old man. He might not even be alive at 82. Lastly ,we don’t know how successful Biden will be or how healthy he will be.
DAMN Z?????
NOT on the positive, eH?
James, I will vote for Biden, but I don’t believe he will be an effective president. I have no doubt he will be better than Trump. If he wins in 2020, It is to early to say if I will support him in 2024.
I believe Josep R. Biden WILL BEE MORE than effective as President….
I believe that when Trump exits the stage The virus will recede , the economy will come back and America will again be seen as world leader…..
But BEST of All?
We will have a sense of normalcy…
Things won’t be perfect…
They never are…
But the country won’t be worried about a guy running the show that don’t give a fuck about anybody but HIMSELF….
That the government will be ‘for’ the people not ripped off to make it’s leader a profit he can’t make anywhere else …
That it will be led by someone who won’t use racism to gain political support….
I’m POSITIVE that Joe Biden CAN do all those things Z….
And that’s more than enough that would make him successful for Me….
If history is any guide Biden will be effective in cleaning up Trump’s mess. But Republicans will complain it’s either too slow, somehow slights their old white rural base, or otherwise try to deflect with some sort of culture war nonsense to gain in the 2022 midterms.
See: 1994. 2010
Agreed Scot…..
I am reminded of the 2010 midterm where Obama mochas moved to ‘change’ things with a majority House and Senate and the reaction to the changes cost the party it’s majority Congress and down ballot political loses…
I see the hard left is ignorant of the political history of this country which m
major change is
Bikers for Trump may not have fliwn flags on their bikes for Romney but I’m fairly certain most of them were adamantly opposed to Obama. So it’s likely they voted for Romney 3ven if he didn’t give them the thrill Trump does by being an unrepentant misogynist and bigot
Some voted for Romney. Some voted for Obama. Some voted third party. Some did not vote.
This should not be hard to own up to. Many Obama voters went for Trump in 2016 and that is why Trump was able to win.
And there are bikers (probably upscale business types who might ride on the weekend) who happily voted for Romney in 2012 and did not vote for Trump in 2016 and will not again this time.
Why are you so intent on denigrating bikers in general? Biden has reached out to them politically many times and has posed on Harleys, etc.
If we want to look at something specific, we should consider the people who work at the Harley-Davidson factories in Wisconsin who typically voted for Democrats and who voted for the Obama-Biden ticket who then voted for Trump in 2016. That probably is a good explanation for how he won Wisconsin, when no Republican had since 1984… (though I would argue 2004 might have been stolen)
But after becoming President, Trump has done much to hinder Harley-Davidson and that might be a reason why Democrats made a comeback there in 2018 and why Trump is favored to lose there in 2020.
He tried Scott, but was so awkward and inauthentic that most saw him for what he really is, an entitled elitist who only occasionally can manage to find his balls.
I agree, this crowd in SD never voted for a Democrat. But, many I suspect are not registered to vote.
But, vote for a black boy, never.
And the Republicans counted on that.