Donald Trump and Progressives ain’t happy with that…
Image that?
But the Biden history IS long and strong….
He also wants bad cops removed from service….
The Trump campaign has spent at least $20 million in July on advertising promoting the false and repeatedly debunked claim that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden favors defunding the police.
Biden has said he doesn’t support that. “While I do not believe federal dollars should go to police departments violating people’s rights or turning to violence as the first resort, I do not support defunding police,” the former vice president said in a June 10 op-ed.
A campaign spokesman also told us Biden supports more funding for police for initiatives to strengthen community relationships and for body-worn cameras.
The Trump campaign’s latest TV ad debuted on July 20, just one day after a nationally televised interview in which President Donald Trump made the claim — and was instantly corrected by interviewer Chris Wallace, host of “Fox News Sunday.”
The new commercial, which has aired most heavily in the swing states Florida and Pennsylvania, explicitly says that Biden supports defunding the police. Previous ads on the subject say that his supporters do and suggest that law enforcement spending would plummet during a Biden presidency, leaving Americans at the mercy of criminals. The campaign has spent $461,000 on the new ad in the first two days, according to Advertising Analytics….
Trump is trying to0 sell the idea that Joe Biden is NOT who actually IS and has been for decades….
For Progressive’s?
Biden IS who has been…
He IS NOT gonna change…
Biden just needs to make sure that voters out there believe who he IS , NOT who Donald Trump is trying to make him out to be ….
This especially because of the violence in some of the current protests…
Trump baselessly said that a Biden administration would mean “defund[ed] police departments all across America” and a country in which “no one” would be safe. But Biden has said that he opposes “defunding the police,” and Trump has presented no evidence to suggest life under Biden would be more dangerous….
Since Mr. Floyd’s death on Memorial Day, Mr. Biden has made eloquent calls for systemic changes to the country’s criminal justice system and proposed reforms in police tactics. But he has said he opposes cutting resources for law enforcement — rather, he has proposed new funding for community policing, which a spokesman said would be conditioned on departments implementing reforms.
As a longtime Democratic politician who has pitched himself as a champion of the working class, Mr. Biden has courted support from law enforcement unions — groups that have resisted the sort of systemic changes and accountability for individual officers that activists and even Mr. Biden are now demanding. Mr. Biden also played an important role in passing the tough-on-crime legislation of the 1990s that many activists feel led to the abuses in the criminal justice system that fueled this summer’s protests.
He has long insisted that the American law enforcement can be improved by weeding out bad personnel. He has also called for tactical reforms like banning chokeholds and ending the transferring of “weapons of war” to police forces, and he has pledged to create a national police oversight commission within the first hundred days of his presidency.
“I don’t think it’s rotten in the core,” Mr. Biden said of policing during a June interview on “The Daily Show.” “I don’t think all cops are bad cops.”
But by cheering calls for reforms while also proposing increased funding for law enforcement and attributing problems to a few bad apples, Mr. Biden is trying to appeal to the widest possible expanse of general election voters without alienating either end of the political spectrum….
The candidates responded with their past proposals, their new ideas or both, and both reminded the IACP that they have worked together with police leaders to shape legislation to improve the nation’s police capabilities. “I have hosted law enforcement groups such as the IACP” at the White House, Trump noted. Biden pointed out he wrote the legislation which created the federal Community Oriented Policing Services program, and added, “You know me and you know you are always heard, and you always will be.”…
Biden’s response on the nine issues stretched over four pages, calling for assault weapons bans, massive investment in drug treatment programs and investing $300 million in the COPS program to hire more officers and deputies.
Trump did not respond to the nine issues and provided no explanation….
image…Vice President Joe Biden with members of law enforcement during a media availability after their roundtable to discuss the impact of budget cuts in 2011 in Philadelphia. (Alex Brandon/AP)
Please note how James is always babbling about “progressives.”
Now as to Republicans?
Well he spends most of his time with totally inaccurate posts implying that there have been large scale defections from Trump and his conclusion that if Trump loses?Republicans will miraculously erase the whole experience from their memories and become sort of lije they were in the Bush/Dole era.
“Progressives” are a major part of the Democratic Party and any real Democrat could find much better things to do than constantly criticizing them while making up out of whole cloth the lie that Republicans are leaving Trump.