Donald Trump would be gone with a Biden win….
But Mitch McConnell as the US Senate Majority leader still will be problem for Biden’s efforts to put the country back together from Trump’s chaotic 4 years….
Joe Biden needs to at least a small Democratic majority for Senator Schumer(and Pelosi in the House) to lead and help Democrats, the country and world get back to some sort of normalcy ….
Biden is looking beyond the 40% of Americans that Trump caters to…
Joe Biden “finds himself in landslide territory without having had to do very much to get there… Mr Trump’s flailing has made a Democratic Senate majority possible,” The Economist reports.
“That opens up the chances of a highly productive presidency which once seemed inconceivable. Before COVID-19 and widespread social unrest, Mr Biden’s candidacy was about restoration — the idea that he could return America and the world to the prelapsarian days of 2016. It transpires that he could have the opportunity to do something big instead.”
“To make lasting change through the federal government you need to win the Senate. And that cannot be done with a candidate at the top of the ticket who frightens the voters… Because he comes across as the grandfather he is, he is viewed with suspicion on the left. Yet that is precisely what makes him reassuring … to voters in states like Montana and Georgia where Democrats must win to gain a majority in the Senate. It is Mr Biden’s caution that opens up the possibility of more change than a real radical would.”
image…World NewsGroup
There are rumors that Sam Alito will retire from the Supreme Court this week as Senate Republicans are worried Trump and the GOP Senate will both be a thing of the past in 2021.
I’m doubtful. But it’s a rumor that’s out there.
Lord help us….
Trump and McConnell would try to get someone to cancel Roberts voting…