The court upholds the LGBTQ community civil rights…..By a 6-3 margin…
Jim Sciutto
Breaking: Supreme Court rules Federal civil rights law protects LGBTQ workers. The landmark ruling will extend protections to millions of workers & is defeat for Trump admin that argued Title VII of Civil Rights Act did not extend to claims of gender identity & sexual orientation
Alito, CJ Roberts, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor & Kagan
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Thomas
Gorsuch wrote the opinion for the Majority. Alito was in the Minority.
FWIW, Kavanaugh seems to have written a different, “softer” dissent than the one written by Alito and joined by Thomas. Kavanaugh said he is essentially happy with the historic nature of the decision and what it means for gays and lesbians, but that he believes Congress should have passed a specific law.
While I believe discrimination against LGBT people is wrong from a moral standpoint, I cannot claim to be enough of a Constitutional expert to have a specific opinion on if the decision is correct or not.
Well you take ten “constitutional experts.”
Likely some will say it’s right .Some will say it’s wrong.
Usually ,but not always, according to their philosophical proclivities.
And for what irs worth,
Having read Excerpts from Gorsuchs opinion,it appears to be a tightly reasoned rather “conservative” opinion in which he simply applies the letter of the law without wading into “intent.”
REALLY BAD day for Trump & Co…..
Conservatives Declare End Of The World After Gorsuch, Roberts Help Deliver Huge LGBTQ Win
On Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Neil Gorsuch sided with their liberal counterparts to deliver a landmark decision about LGBTQ workplace protections. And conservative observers are feeling the keen sting of betrayal.
Some are expressing outrage that the justices broke ideological ranks. Some are declaring the decision the end of President Donald Trump’s reelection prospects. And some are just plain mad.
Carrie Severino, president of Judicial Crisis Network — which spent massive amounts of money to help bolster Trump’s judicial nominees — invoked Justice Antonin Scalia’s memory while impugning his replacement, Gorsuch.
Carrie Severino
Justice Scalia would be disappointed that his successor has bungled textualism so badly today, for the sake of appealing to college campuses and editorial boards.
This was not judging, this was legislating—a brute force attack on our constitutional system. (1/x)
Varad Mehta, a historian who has written for conservative outlets like The Federalist and the Washington Examiner, suggested social conservatives would see Trump’s presidency as useless if his Supreme Court appointees don’t maintain partisan orthodoxy.
Varad Mehta
Replying to @varadmehta
This is also the end of the Federalist Society judicial project. Gorsuch was grown in the Federalist Society lab and did this. The whole thing just imploded. It’s all finished.
Varad Mehta
The whole point of the Federalist Society judicial project, the whole point of electing Trump to implement it, was to deliver Supreme Court victories to social conservatives. If they can’t deliver anything that basic, there’s no point for either. The damage is incalculable.
Erick Erikson, the conservative blogger and radio host, also prophesied the death of Trump’s reelection chances.
Erick Erickson
All those evangelicals who sided with Trump in 2016 to protect them from the cultural currents, just found their excuse to stay home in 2020 thank to Trump’s Supreme Court picks.
In a now-deleted tweet, Josh Hammer, conservative opinion editor at Newsweek, accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of “flaunting his virtue” by congratulating “gays and lesbians” on their win, even while he decided against it.
THIS why the Supreme’s get the job for life….
Sometimes they actually follow the LAW Donald and Rightwingnuts!
To be clear, I do not think anyone should vote for Trump for a myriad of reasons, but if conservatives are genuinely going to be that upset at Gorsuch and the process that selected him to sit home for this reason alone, then they are pretty dumb. The dumbness of Trump must be contagious because surely they would not like Biden’s picks any more than Gorsuch (or Roberts.)
Maybe you guys shouldn’t have went as crazy as you did about Gorsuch (and wasted the nuclear option on it), let alone how much you all tried to stop John Roberts back when he was nominated.
I don’t necessarily think the Trump Administration is upset about this ruling. Some on the right are. Remember, the Trumpists are not necessarily conservatives.
But to be fair, you have to give it up to Gorsuch I suppose. I note that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh went to the same High School at just about the same time. I believe that if Kavanaugh had been nominated first and Gorsuch second, then Gorsuch would have been the one falsely accused of sexual assault.
Who constitutes uh, “ you guys.”
Not you. You made it clear you would have voted yes on all of them.
Just like I have to remember that when you make blanket reference to “Republicans” you do not mean me.
Well sometimes I do.
Wouod Gorsuch have lied and said a devil’s triangle was a drinking game? Would he have said “I like Beer” repeatedly like a crazy person?
The problem of drinking in High School (and it was legal at the time for part of Kavanaugh’s High School years) had never been asked before. It was never even considered remotely relevant.
If that was all there is, it would have been laughed out in the court of public opinion, so they had to embrace slanderous tales of sexual assault and “rape trains.” As I said, Kavanuagh could have been picked first, the Dems blow their load on the “nuclear option” and then Gorsuch gets picked next, and it would have just been a complete role reversal with the character assassination.
And if either one of them were black, like Clarence Thomas, the sexual deviant/criminal angle would have been played even more.
Waa, waa –conservatives are so poorly treated. Cry me a river.
Yet you defend how Gorsuch got that seat, despite filling a vacancy that should have been filled by the previous President.
Maybe if we want to address grievances–we should start with that real one,
Gorsuch got the seat very fairly. Obama should not have filled it anymore than Trump should fill any vacancy that occurs this year (especially a sudden death of a liberal Justice.)
Clearly, I am consistent.
Maybe Jack or DSD can elaborate , but once on the bench , after the handling by the respective admin people getting thru the Senate?
Things change as the politics and the world changes for the judges
See Earl Warren, Hugo Black,Harry Blackmun, Byron White (to some extent)William J Brennan,John Paul Stevens to name afew.
I would say Democrats forced the Nuclear Option on Gorsich because That was originally a seat that was supposed to be filled by Obama that the Republicans stonewalled, so Democrats did the right thing to force the option because Republicans were shady…
The Jury is still out on both Gorsich and Kavanaugh, but Roberts recent decisions have him more in line with a normal conservative judges (opposite Thomas and Alito who are douches)…And what I mean by that is he will more often than not fall on conservative lines, but there is room in his brain and decision making to see gray areas…the other two Alito and Thomas, there is no gray and no compromise, Gorsich and Kavanaugh have both shown at times to see gray, but again their body of work is limited as of now…
I’d bet Trump fucking with Roberts and judges in general, didn’t help Trump and the Republicans either….
Remember the vast majority of Trump supporters call themselves “conservatives.”
Now if your point is the term “conservative” is essentially meaningless as used in a political context today?
Well I agree.
The majority of conservatives are Trump voters to be sure, but is there any polling data to indicate the first part exactly as you phrased it?
Very very Trump supporters consider themselves “liberal”.
The vast majority proudly call themselves conservatives,
Why is that so hard to comprehend?
Among those who identify as “Trump supporters”, I would surmise maybe close to 50% use the label “conservative”, but I don’t think it’s a “vast majority.”
There are many who would say they are centrists, populists, nationalists, etc.
Trump would never have been President if only conservatives supported him.
I’ve never met any of those people.
Me neither. Every Trump supporter I’ve met is down the line right wing. Calls themselves “Conservative”, watches FOX News, etc
In my experience, almost all Trump supporters call themselves “conservatives.”
Now some refuse to call themselves “Republicans,” even though readily conceding that they vote exclusively for Republicans.
Mostly this seems to be that since they object to certain individual Republicans they are loathe to adopt the actual moniker.
Meaningless trivia as far as I’m concerned.
The are Republicans.
Many of them are particularly loathing of Mitch McConnell for some reason and ,until recently, Lindsay Graham.
Some are more tolerant of Graham now that he has become aTrump booster;however several I know still don’t “trust “ him.
Indeed ,one third of Republican primary voters a few weeks ago voted for one of his three totally unknown opponents.
Very very few Trump supporters call themselves liberal
I’m not doing any more math than I need to, but just looking at Trump voters in the 2016 exit poll (and this includes all those who voted reluctantly for him, which was sizeable.)
He got 81 % of conservatives who made up 35% of the electorate
He got 40% of moderates who made up 39%
He got 10% of liberals which made up 26%
Maybe someone can create a formula.
Yes, 1 in 10 liberals voted for Trump. But Scott claims to not ever meet them.
It is a smaller number though than the roughly 2 in 10 conservatives (like myself) who did not vote for him.
You guys have serious tunnel vision, like the lady in NYC who could not understand how Nixon won when everyone she knew voted for McGovern.
She would have been surprised to meet young jack.
Trump got 23% of the vote from the people who wanted the next President to be more liberal than Obama.
I guess they are disappointed .
Too bad.
Oh that wasn’t unusual in S.C.
Hell I attended Democratic Party meetings in 1972 where half the people openly supported Nixon.
Of all the presidential votes I’ve cast in my life, I now regret that one more than any.
Which one is #2?
There isn’t one really.
I actually liked Gerald Ford .Still, I voted for Carter because I figured that if he lost the stigma that a southerner couldn’t be elected President would have continued.
My biggest regret is voting for Nader in 2000.
Even though his margin of 2% in Missouri didn’t affect the Electoral College (Bush beat Gore by 5%).
Still, it was a protest vote and my thought was “both sides bad”.
I was wrong.
I’ve heard Republicans who only hang around other conservative white people claim the same thing about Trump now.
That there is no way he can win. Then they of course point to 2016 as if that is somehow proof that Trump is infallible and cannot lose
We NOW KNOW who Donald Trump isn’t
He has a strong head wind of virus, protest, economy and his own dumb tweets to desk with…
Biden isn’t Hillary.,,
But the polls are a bit to good right now for Biden should win easily but not with the margin he has now i would think
Sorry, meant that they think there is no way Trump can lose.