Four years ago the Real Clear Polling average had Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by .2% …..
Today…May 24, 2020….Joe Biden LEADS Donald Trump by 5.5% points….
Four years ago Donald Trump was a New York City Real Estate guy, with a entertainment sideline running for President against a battled Sec of State, who thought she had the race in the bag , and didn’t want to really campaign and did it badly….
Joe Biden is NOT THAT person….
Added to this is Donald Trump has no real positives from the last 3 1/2 years in office ( even Republicans admit he’s in over his head, but they’ll vote for him) a virus crisis STILL running and a economy getting worst by the minute…
Unlike four years ago?
Every time Donald Trump tweets or goes before the media?
It cost’s him….
The chaos throw downs from the last campaign that got YUGE media coverage and seemed to make Trump invincible then?
Do NOT help him anymore…
We still have 5 months to go…
But Donald Trump with all the money he and the GOPer’s have?
Still have to be worried….
Yea he DID pull it off last time with only 70,000 votes
His miracle win seems like a one hit wonder right now…
The November vote IS shaping up to be about a President Donald Trump’s failures…
Not Joe Biden…..
A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday showed Trump trailing Biden by 11 points, one of the biggest gaps to date. In addition to a 50 percent to 39 percent national lead, Biden also outscored Trump on honesty, leadership skills and caring about average Americans. Voters were split over which candidate would do a better job handling the economy, an issue that had been a source of strength for Trump before the pandemic.
Polling also has indicated that people who dislike both Trump and Biden now lean strongly toward Biden, in a shift from 2016, when Trump won voters who disliked both candidates in the race.
The president and his allies quickly dismissed the negative polling, pointing to 2016 as a cautionary tale for pundits.
“#FlashbackFriday,” Dan Scavino, White House social media director, tweeted Thursday after Fox New released a poll showing Trump behind Biden by 8 points. Attached to the tweet, which the president reposted to his 80 million followers, was a 2016 Fox News headline that read “Fox Poll: Clinton Leads Trump by 10-Pts.”
“Of course we dismiss public polls, and that’s throughout the history of the Trump era,” said campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh. “Public polls have been wrong about him.”
Murtaugh said the campaign was not aiming to run a 2020 bid mirroring 2016, but argued that Biden has the same vulnerabilities as Clinton.
“I don’t think it’s a question of using any particular playbook,” he said. “They are about to nominate another candidate who lo and behold has almost the exact same problems. He happens to have the same vulnerabilities. It’s not our fault the Democrats nominated another swamp creature.”
Still, the recent polling figures have gotten under Trump’s skin, highlighting a sensitivity over how his handling of the coronavirus is being viewed by the public….
…some Republicans have acknowledged that the pandemic has been a setback to Trump’s campaign, robbing him of the rallies that he relies on and hampering his ability to effectively attack Biden. Several Republicans close to the campaign — many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations — lamented the lost opportunity to define Biden earlier in the year….
image…fortune/Robyn Beck/Getty
A prime example of Trump’s 2016 Bull Shit falling flat…
“I would’ve said experience but he doesn’t really have experience because I don’t think he remembers what he did yesterday, so how is that experience?”
— President Trump, in an interview with Sheryl Attkisson, when asked about Joe Biden’s best attribute….
Trump’s advisers relish the contrast between his public appearances and Joe Biden’s lack thereof. The former vice president, following the guidance of public experts, has eschewed public events and stayed home for months now. Trump, meanwhile, is out and about — masks be damned.
What we’re hearing: Watch for plenty more mask-free outings from Trump, hyping the reopening of the economy and avoiding discussions of social distancing and death counts.
And watch for a visual contrast between the two party conventions in August. Two sources close to the president said they hope to have a boisterous, live crowd.
They want to have more people there physically than at the Democratic convention the week earlier, which will likely involve significant virtual elements….
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) called on President Trump to stop promoting the “completely unfounded conspiracy” theory regarding the death of an intern for MSNBC “Morning Joe” anchor Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman from Florida.
The president on Sunday morning urged his followers in a tweet to read an article from conservative website True Pundit, which claimed that evidence showed foul play in the death of Lori Klausutis, 28, in 2001.
“Just stop,” Kinzinger responded said. “Stop spreading it, stop creating paranoia. It will destroy us.”…
At least someone has spoken up.
From time to time they get brave….
Usually doesn’t last…..
Trump want to be our dictator. He is fully qualified. He wants to take away our democratic right to replace him, he wants to get rich off of his position, he wants to golf at will, he wants us to flatter him, he wants to hob nob with other dictators, he wants to insult and denigrate, he wants to use his power to intimidate and silence any opposition, he doesn’t understand why we wouldn’t want him as our forever leader….
You nailed it RE!
The worst part is GOPer’s KNOW this….
But support and will vote for him anyways…
To deal with this?
Americans MUST come out and vote to dethrone the guy….
Another 4 years of him will screw the country into the ground…He IS a failure at most things he tries to do…
The GOP is in lockstep with everything Trump is doing. It strikes me the lack of symmetry in the campaign: Biden is running for president and Trump is “running” for post president (or uber president). Your point that he has been a failure at most things, I think that’s true of most dictators until they find their true calling.
There seem to be small rebellions against Trump….
They seldom last…
I DO want to see what happens if Trump is trailing Biden by what the numbers are now?
I still think Trump is running the show now…
and it’s HELPING Biden…
One thing Trump doesn’t have going for him this time around is any demand for a 3rd party candidate.
In an election that will be a referendum on the leadership (or lack thereof) of the incumbent getting 46% when the nationwide 3rd party vote might only be 2-3% is not the same as gstting that amount when there is a 3rd party vote twice that.
Ya can’t be 3rd party from the right…
It don’t work