A reluctant Governor and a inept President has put the sunshine state in jobless hole…
With Gov. Ron DeSantis finally telling people to do what others states have been doing for weeks…
That is…
Stay home ….
The requests for unemployment assistance ARE gonna mushroom…
And Florida doesn’t have a strong system to handle that…
Even the northern state’s with larger government expenditures are being overwhelmed …
Florida IS gonna have serious issues…
And the thinking is?
People without jobs means a less of an economy….
Less of an economy in Florida means less votes for Republicans come November….
The staggering unemployment exploding on President Donald Trump’s watch would worry any incumbent running for reelection, but troubles in Florida are injecting an added dose of fear into a jittery GOP.
Already anxious about Trump’s chances in the nation’s biggest swing state, Republicans now are dealing with thousands of unemployed workers unable to navigate the Florida system to apply for help. And the blowback is directed straight at Trump’s top allies in the state, Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Rick Scott.
Privately, Republicans admit that the $77.9 million system that is now failing Florida workers is doing exactly what Scott designed it to do — lower the state’s reported number of jobless claims after the great recession.
“It’s a sh– sandwich, and it was designed that way by Scott,” said one DeSantis advisor. “It wasn’t about saving money. It was about making it harder for people to get benefits or keep benefits so that the unemployment numbers were low to give the governor something to brag about.”
Republican Party of Florida chairman Joe Gruters was more succinct: “$77 million? Someone should go to jail over that.”
With hundreds of thousands of Floridians out of work, the state’s overwhelmed system is making it nearly impossible for many people to even get in line for benefits.
After a record number of claims were reported Thursday, DeSantis said the state would resort to paper applications, build a mobile app to handle the flood of traffic and deploy hundreds, even thousands, of state workers to provide stopgap help.
Congress last week delivered relief in the form of a $2 trillion stimulus package that directs cash to the unemployed. But to get that money into the pockets of Floridians, the state will have to duct-tape the rickety web-based unemployment system to deliver it.
It’s a monumental task. The system has had problems from its very start in 2013, and was one reason state senators refused in 2015 to confirm Scott’s pick to run the agency that manages unemployment benefits….
A Trump cultist blaming another Trump cultist?
Gee what’s next?
Are you suggesting it is Scott vs. DeSantis?
They have clashed since the 2018 election in the state and are seen as rivals as both want to run in 2024 for President.
This is a binary choice this year, it’s Biden or Trump. Voting for anyone else is a vote for Trump.
And a third party vote is the height of white privilege. It says no matter how many shit sandwiches the Republicans serve up, Mr. White Privilege won’t go hungry. He can afford to unpatriotically throw his vote away.
Better be careful, the way things are going a person might have to move home with mom & dad.
Once again, the Republican Party is destroying the economy and their ineptitude is killing people.
Only man to fix this is Joe Biden.,
I can’t move home with Mom & Dad. It could kill them. Like a good son though, I do call my mother three times a day.
Patriotic Americans and decent people understand that everyone has the right in this democracy to use their voice and their vote the way they desire.
Suggesting otherwise is simply fascist. What a shame.
the Bernie people need get with program to beat Trump…
With a Biden win at least Bernie has a chance to get a piece of his policies…
Bernie has a chance to get many of his policies with Trump too.
Ok ?
Bernie having Trump help him with his agenda IS the joke of the day!
They share the same agenda on trade matters and “ending wars”, and believing that America itself is rigged.
It is widely documented how they share some of the same supporters.
bernie wants to drag America to the left
THAT IS NOT what this country needs to replace Trump…
And where does Biden want to drag America?
To DisneyWorld?
So Republicans are now “leftists” using that logic.
Republicans almost uniformly support Trumps agenda across the board.
So if Trump is Bernie?Then the Republican Party is now a bunch of “Socialists!”
Who knew?
At least I remain tethered to principle.
“Terhered to principle”
You are a freaking joke. The adults in the room know the choice we have. Keep playing 0retend though
Keep playing pretend. You think anyone gives a shit about your “principle”? Lol
someone has been drinking…..
no driving please.
Yes I was drinking and I have not driven in days. So what? Even after a couple drinks I’m not posting foolishness like Trumpublican s and Bernie Sanders supporters are one and the same.
Well good for you because one things for sure.
The party you will return to shortly has conclusively shown in the Trump years that it has no principles.
I really don’t care who CG votes for. It’s his holier than thou insistence that as he casts around for a write in it is somehow moored in “principle”.
I’ve voted for no chance third party candidates before and written in candidates for local offices when I was younger. I voted for Nader in 2000 (the presidential vote I most wish I could take back–even though in MO Bush’s margin of victory was more than Nader’s total). But I never acted like those votes were anything more than protest votes. And yes, at the Presidential level in a year as important as this there is a sense of privilege in casting these votes. Whether they be Bernie hold outs voting Green or former and future Republicans who dream of a center right independent candidacy that was never ever going to happen.
I still think CG should channel his imagination and political knowledge into writing a book or screenplay about such a character. It could be West Wing for the center right souls out there.
Some of CG’s throwbacks are just intellectual …
I think he’s a bit stuck….
He REALLY. doesn’t like Trump, but he REALLY IS. a Republican…
Nothing wrong with that…
It’s his life….
He isn’t the only one out there that goes at this the same way…
The thing is?
Some of the Republican’s hate Democrats SO MUCH they will hold their noses and vote for Trump again…
CG and other GOPer’s may have a rough time come Nov
Scott, sober or drunk, continues to misread me.
Clearly I despise Trump as do many other people I am familiar with who share my center-right ideology. In this cycle or the last one, I never insisted anybody must vote as I do. I never criticized those who voted for Hillary nor those who will vote for Biden. So “Holier than Thou” would not apply in that area. I simply cannot bring myself to do it. For one thing, I live in a blue state where it would not make any difference, and for another, I want to have a clean conscience because I believe those people as President will be doing things I very much oppose, and it would be tougher for me to do so , when others can say, “well, why did you vote for them then,,,” A Presidential vote is a very personal, solemn, thing for any American. “Rooting” for a candidate in a debate or on Election Night is different, as I found myself experiencing last time and I expect to this cycle as well.
When I said I was “tethered to principle”, I was replying specifically to jack’s post about Trump supporters abandoning their past principles and beliefs. Whatever one wants to angrily say about me, they cannot claim I changed what had been my genuine beliefs to either support or oppose any politician or party.
Fair enough. Still diesn’t explain your riduculous assertion that Trump is going to enact Bernie Sanders policues. And for all your personal principles ou will be voting in the future for plenty of Republicans who wholeheartedly endorsed Trump, and by extension are now Sanders socialists. Weird.
tariffs, precipitous military withdrawals, going overboard on prisoner release, paid family leave, etc.
So you are back on your “Trump is a secret Democrat” kick?
Jack and Scott have said it all, our friend is tethered to a party lacking principles or any moral character.
There is only one principle for our friend, he only votes for Republicans (even when he throws his vote away on a write-in).
Right now there are eight Governors in America who have refused to order their residents to shelter in place — all Republicans. Does anyone doubt that our friend Corey would refuse to vote for the Democrat running against any of those eight if the election were tomorrow? Anyone?
Of course he would vote for the Republican who was actively engaged in putting their constituents in danger.
Once again, Trump is a danger to us all. But, by default and a tethering to the prejudice of party label, our pro-life friend will vote for the people who are actively killing Americans with their policies.
I am beginning to think Corey just doesn’t get enough attention at home and needs to be as provocative as possible here to compensate.
In any event, the idea that a specific party policy should keep someone voting for the very people who condone and support the criminal in the White House is pathological.
8 GOP Governors Won’t Issue Stay-at-Home Orders
“Just eight governors have decided against issuing statewide directives urging their residents to stay at home as the outbreak of the coronavirus escalates and spreads across the country, the last holdouts in the nation,” CNN reports.
“The governors, all of whom are Republican, have offered a variety of explanations for why they have not followed the lead of their colleagues from coast-to-coast — along with countries across the world — by ordering people to restrict their movement in hopes of slowing the pandemic.”
Ego’s and temperament Jack….
And Cuomo , as u pointed out, is closer to Trump then Sanders
The fascist is in the White House and this is about being a good American and casting the only vote to remove him from office that counts – a vote for Biden.
All the silly justifications in the world cannot excuse a third party vote this year.
I would guess that lots of people will have to prove they can go home again after the Republicans get done fucking things up.
I imagine lots of 30 and 40 somethings will be living with mom & dad, if they aren’t already.,
Someone with whom you share many personality traits. I think that has to be something that should concern you during what you could use as a time of self-reflection.
The economy IS gonna be a YUGE issue for America and other countries …
I just question WTF someone hurt by Trump’s action would vote for him,…
But we saw the same thing with Obamacare
People knocking the very healthcare program they where enrolled IN ❗️
I don’t care about that.
It’s just funny that they are going at each other.I mean tweedledum tweedledee.
Fire away Cultists.
There’s no difference in them .
One would hope the Democrats get their act together down there…
In this crazy year, when things hopefully get better and we have conventions, “getting their act together” should mean Democrats nominate Cuomo or Newsom and Republicans nominate Hogan or DeWine.
Of course, that won’t happen.. at least probably not as it relates to Cuomo.
Newsom and Cuomo are not the Democratic nominees because they did not run. They will both be voting for Joe Biden, who will put science and medicine front and center in his administration.
I cannot speak to the Republicans Governors but they also did not seek their party’s nomination and will have to make a choice in the fall.
I would guess Hogan wont support Trump.He will likely just remain neutral.
DeWine will support Trump.
Yeah my guess about Hogan and DeWine too. Missouri’s Trump supporting governor seems intent on doing nothing and letting the local areas issues stay at home orders. Which have been done in the St. Louis and Kansas City metro areas.
Parson the accidental governor doesn’t seem to want his job. Hopefully the Democratic nominee Nicole Galloway will relieve him of that in November.
The latest Republican deflection. Uncle Joe will be the nominee and all thinking and patriotic Americans will vote for him, all others, will cast a vote for Trump.
Patriotic Americans will vote for Biden, Trump, and others of course.
I wonder who these “others” might be.
Nobodies for sure.
Everybody is somebody. At times like this, we ought to realize that more than ever.
Yes we are all “somebodies”. Which is why this election is too important to throw away one’s vote on a “somebody” with absolutely no chance of winning.
The election is a referendum on Trump’s lack of leadership and empathy, his dereliction of duty and corruption. The lives of millions depend on denying him a second term.
But who is the “somebody” who is going to mount a serious third party challenge to Trump and Biden this year?
Let’s hear who he or she is.
And its a referendum on more than that as well. Don’t worry though, I will not be voting for Trump. You are welcome.
Otherwise, it is like you or anyone else telling me that I must choose between Protestantism or Catholicism.
What if Sanjay Gupta ran?
I don’t get what religion has to do with this. And I’m simply asking who could be a serious third party contender this year.
Unfortunately, nobody attempted to mount a serious third party bid like I would have wanted. There might still be other names on the ballot though or of course the option of a write-in.
Religious beliefs are part of one’s personal conviction just like political beliefs are, and America has been made better at many turns by the intersection of the two.
Yep no major third party bid because there simply isn’t the market.
If there was someone would have done it.
Amen Scott..
Hopefully the campaign ads will help people to NOT forget the guys selfishness…
I think the market was misread. Nobody wanted to take the risk though of all it entails.
My point today is that after this unprecedented event, the market for extraordinary occurrences would be larger than ever.
And you best believe that even among people who already have or will vote for Joe Biden in the primaries, there are many among them who are somehow hoping that a deal gets worked out where Cuomo replaces him.
Cuomo is NOT gonna be the nominee…
He has said NO…
The party has NO reason to go there . especially with Bernie & Co. Still doing a slow burn over going 0 – 2….
And Andrew Cuomo has more in common with Trump’s ego then even Bernie…
What if Lord forbid, Biden gets the virus? Are they just going to turn to Bernie then?
Heck no. The establishment will be on the phone to Cuomo (nipple rings or not) in a second.
Biden needs to pick his VP choice…
This would be the worst time for Biden to announce a VP pick. It would look rushed and political. Hell, he’s only about halfway there technically to the nomination anyway. Would be a bad idea.
Delaying the convention gives him another month now. His supporters ought to be happy about that.
I do not agree…
Biden picking a VP to be part of his ticket gives him a leg up till June with majority of remaining primaries ….
A dedicated stand-in if needed..
Ted Cruz tried picking a running-mate. Jerry Brown revealed his choice. Even Reagan in 1976. That sort of thing never works. He needs to clinch the nomination first and then announce it when America is in a better mood.
Furthermore Biden says he is considering the Michigan Governor and she may be a very good political choice.
She’s a little pre-occupied at the moment to be jumping into a national political contest.
Patience, james. Patience.
Picking her would drive Trump up the walls
I’m working on that ….