THIS IS going to be something that state and local official ‘s ARE going to HAVE to contend with….
Some 0f these efforts are driven by politics and economics….
Added to the problems is Trump egging the Governor’s on to cut back on the restrictions and ‘open things back up’…
Growing unrest from coronavirus “stay at home” orders in place across the country have resulted in organized protests and the creation of anti-quarantine organizations across the nation.
On Monday, about 100 protesters crowded the Ohio statehouse as Gov. Mike DeWine (R) gave his daily coronavirus briefing, according to the Columbus Dispatch. They demanded an end to the state’s “stay at home” order, which the governor extended to May 1 earlier this month.
The protestors join Republican lawmakers in the state in pressuring the governor to reopen the economy.
“We need to get the economy open, even if that means social distancing of some sort for months to come,” State Sen. Andrew Brenner (R ), wrote in a Facebook post. “We can’t stay like this much longer, and the hundreds of thousands of Ohioans who’ve lost their jobs or the thousands of small business owners can’t keep doing this either, or their lives will be irreparably destroyed.”
Protests in the state came the same day President Trump received pushback from a number of governors after he claimed he has the full authority to reopen the country. Trump has been a proponent of reopening the country as soon as possible, saying several times “we can’t have the cure be worse than the problem.”
“It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue,” Trump tweeted Monday. “A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!”
The Michigan Conservative Coalition and Michigan Freedom Fund are planning an in-vehicle protest at the statehouse Wednesday to demand an end to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s “stay at home” order, which she recently extended to April 30 as the state continues to see some of the highest rates of infection in the nation.
The conservative organizations described Whitmer’s mitigation measures as “erratic, unilateral orders that threaten Michiganders’ economic existence,” according to the Lansing State Journal….
Though public health officials have said that social distancing measures have helped mitigate the spread of the virus, most states in the U.S. have yet to reach their apex of cases.
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert and member of the administration’s coronavirus task force, has said gradual reductions of coronavirus restrictions could happen in some parts of the country as soon as next month…
Fauci has also said that the U.S. can expect to see “a real degree of normalcy” by November….
Governor’s are insisting on more testing as the key for lifting restrictions …
It seems that so called “conservatives “ are increasingly taking the following position or a reasonable facsimile thereof.:
Sure this virus is bad but still the number of deaths are relatively small and are mostly confined to people with a certain types of pre existing conditions and mostly among the elderly.If we just go back to “normal” infections might increase somewhat ,but that’s a small price to pay to get things moving again.Of course, elderly people and those with preexisting conditionswhich make them liable to die from the virus should Stay at home.The rest of us need to get back to living normally and if we get sick?Well we will miss work fora week or two, once again, sort of like the flu.
I’d say you’ve ‘gotta it’ Jack…
I wonder how many of those 100 protesters at the Ohio state capital get sick.
In related Liberty University has been hit with a class action lawsuit for refusing to close it’s campus amid the coronavirus and refusal to refund tuition.
Hopefully the charlatan who runs that joint–Trump friend and longtime Republican supporter Jerry Falwell Jr. will be sued into the poor house.
Screw him!
WTF would u allow ur kid to go back?
Refunds should be made….
And then there’s this asshole–Republican (of course) Representative from Indiana who thinks dying from the virus is the “lesser of two evils” if it means saving the economy.
Maybe this numbnuts hasn’t figured out that telling people there’s a decent risk they are going to die isn’t going to get them to pack restaurants, shopping centers, churches, etc.
So we open up the economy to a public too afraid to get out and spend money in a way that’s actually going to stop the impending recession (or depression), but just enough to get a decent amount of folk sick to pack the emergency rooms!
Time to vote out every Republican.
Trump’s moves WILL put pressure on governors to ease up….
That does NOT MEAN EVERYBODY is just gonna be like it’s a ‘all clear’ they can resume back to the old ways…
Doubts and phased state relaxing of restrictions are gonna be the result going into the summer…
Whatever happened the the Republican concern for “innocent human life?”
I guess an old guy with cancer just ain’t that innocent!
Republicans = Money
The same GOPer’s that went for the SEQUESTER to cut spending?!
Who was THAT President?
Maybe the ones that exist should be appreciated more.
To paraphrase George Carlin’s line about Republican “respect for life”–if you are pre-born you’re safe-if you are post cancer treatment you’re fucked!
And exactly what position about “absolute authority” is the Federalist Society taking now?
Or all those States’ Rights and 9th or 10th Amendment champions?