This IS. the after action post for the Nevada Democratic Presidential Caucus….
With 60.4 percent of the 2,097 Nevada presents reporting?
Bernie Sanders IS the projected winner….
The vote numbers read like this….
Sanders …..46.0%
At this point ?
Sanders has been given 7 to 10 of the state’s 36 delegates ….
It is expected that Biden and Buttigieg will get some of the 26 left over….
Vermont Indepenedent Senior Bernie Sanders gets his second win in 3 contests….
He took this strongly with help from the state latino’s voters help….
He worked hard fo0r it and as polling pointed to he made the deal…
He now narrowly leads in the delegate race for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination….
Joe Biden predicted he would most likely come in second and looks like he was right…
He wanted a strong second…
But it also looks like Sanders beats him in Nevada 2-1 and Pete Buttigieg is a close 3rd…
As is usual?
A lot of pundits have gone batch crazy proclaiming Bernie Sanders the nominee already…
That in the 3rd state of over 47 more …..
You need 1,999 delegates to win…
Sanders has 31….
For candidates Klobuchar and Warren?
This is gonna be a rough 2 weeks, with the end of their campaigns in sight after Super Tuesday probably ….
Steyer and Bloomberg the money guys will last longer….
And Pete Buttigieg?
He his run will also depend on the Super Tuesday vote in more diverse state….
Joe Biden trails Sanders, Buttigieg , Klobuchar , and Warren in delegates as I type this….
He NEEDS a win in South Carolina in 5 days to keep a serious challenge against Bernie Sanders and to leap frog the others going into Super Tuesday….
In addition?
With Sanders polling ahead of Biden in California and Biden about tied in Texas after having a lead in the more moderate voting state?…Biden needs a win there…
No matter what?
The nomination race is far from over…
And Bernie Sanders , the outsider?
IS leading in the start of the race…..
The bottom line: Sanders is competitive in almost ever demographic, as today’s early exit polling from the Washington Post reveals.
- He leads among white voters, has a massive edge among Latinos, dominates with both women and men, does best among both college and non-college graduates and even did best of the field among moderates/conservatives.
- The only places where he’s not dominating are old people (Biden has an edge), African Americans (but he’s narrowed Biden’s edge) and among voters who prioritize foreign policy….
Looking at the last polls?
Sanders over performed by a little less then 10%….
Biden over performed by about 3%..
Buttigieg over performed by about 3%
Warren, Steyer and Klobuchar all under performed looking at the 87% totals…
I’ll probably just do the last up date to the final numbers….
NYTimes 88% in….