Money Mike gets the negative treatment from Democrats and Republicans…
The media attention will counterbalance some of his TONS of adds….
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday slammed sexist remarks Michael Bloomberg reportedly made to women who worked for him, saying they are “far worse” than what President said on the infamous Access Hollywood tapes, Politico reports.
Said Conway: “The way Michael Bloomberg treated female employees … to have created that kind culture, that unsafe workplace, to feel that you’re being harassed because of your gender, that is problematic. I think you’re going to hear more of it.”….
Michael Bloomberg has made it his late life’s mission to take on the National Rifle Association, calling the organization “shameful,” “dangerous” and extreme.
The problem now that he’s seeking the Democratic nomination? In his final year as New York mayor, Bloomberg compared two groups core to the Democratic base — a local faction of the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York City teachers union — to the NRA.
“We don’t need extremists on the left or the right running our police department, whether it’s the NRA or the NYCLU,” the then-mayor Bloomberg said of the New York Civil Liberties Union, in a 2013 speech in which he defended the city’s controversial stop-and-frisk policy….
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg said the final Obamacare bill would do “absolutely nothing to fix the big health care problems” and also called the program “a disgrace” in comments made in 2010, just months after the law’s passage.
Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said on Saturday that Mike Bloomberg would not generate the “excitement and energy” needed to win the White House, focusing on a rival still not fully participating in the race.
“The simple truth is that Mayor Bloomberg, with all his money, will not create the kind of excitement and energy we need to have the voter turnout we must have to defeat Donald Trump,” Sanders said at a Democratic party gala….
HBO’s Bill Maher drew boos on his show Friday night, with the live studio audience taking exception to the “Real Time” host mocking liberals for calling 2020 presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg racist over his role as mayor in New York City’s stop-and-frisk policy.
“Bernie Sanders won Iowa and New Hampshire. He’s also leading in the national polls, which means we have a new front-runner,” Maher said in his opening monologue. “Michael Bloomberg? What the f—?”
“Well, Bloomberg must be the front-runner because liberals are calling him a racist,” Maher added to a chorus of boos from the audience in Los Angeles.
“Keep booing. That’s how you lost the last election,” Maher said with a smirk….
Mike Bloomberg WAS THE REPUBLICAN mayor of New York for 3 terms = 12 years…
Bloomberg gets some of the Biden ‘negative thrown at’ feeling…..
Fox News contributor Donna Brazile said she was “extremely dismayed” by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s reported sexist comments.
Brazile said on “Fox News Sunday” that The Washington Post’s report on women’s allegations against Bloomberg is “extremely” damaging to his campaign.
She added that she understands why some Democrats are backing Bloomberg because he has the resources to beat President Trump but added his record made her “uncomfortable.”
“I mean I am uncomfortable with his policies in New York,” she said. “I understand he’s apologized. I get that. I’m for forgiveness. But I am extremely dismayed at the information I read over the weekend about the sexist work environment.”
There IS a effort to pull the any black vote support from Bloomberg….
THAT is due some the policy Bloomberg had during his 12 years as the Republican mayor of New York City….
We don’t need another racist president
Is Michael Bloomberg, the man who saw potential suspects in every Black and brown face, all that different from Donald Trump?
Michael Bloomberg is expected to make his presidential debate debut Wednesday night in Las Vegas. Given how much he’s already spent on his campaign — $400 million and counting — I expect to see him on the stage in a $38,000 Bolotas armchair with a $20,000 cashmere Hermès blanket draped across his legs.
We should also expect excuses, equivocations, and evasions about the racist policies he enforced, as New York’s mayor, against communities of color.
Bloomberg will probably apologize again for “stop-and-frisk,” which allowed anyone to be stopped, searched, and questioned by police if there was “reasonable suspicion.” That suspicion fell disproportionately on young Black and brown men. Bloomberg did not start “stop and frisk” — that dishonor belongs to his predecessor, Rudy Giuliani. Yet he expanded the program, terrorizing communities of color in ways that continue to have devastating repercussions.
More @ Boston Globe…
Bloomberg will apologize for stop and frisk. Trump never apologized for his mistake with the Central Park five, for calling Africa shithole countries, for discriminating against blacks in hiring, for saying there were good people on both sides at the Klan rally in Charlottesville, for his frequent criticism of black women as “low IQ”, for saying that he had proof Obama was born in Africa. And these are what just came to mind as I was typing.
So the Boston Globe’s comparison of Trump to Bloomberg is almost offensive.
But Isn’t it ironic that James criticizes Democrats for going after each other and then frequently posts opinion articles like this?
Bloomberg has already apologized for his part in “stop & frisk” and will do so again tomorrow night.
I spoke with a black friend in DC today who said, “the cops have stopped all of us, Bloomberg didn’t invent stop and frisk.” He, like so many black voters I know, is very pragmatic in making his voting decisions. He simply wants to defeat Trump because he knows what damage the man is doing to our country.
Aaron Blake
1) Sanders spox baselessly says Bloomberg had heart attacks.
2) Media point that out.
3) Sanders supporters respond by pointing out Bloomberg had stents implanted for a blockage, which is not a heart attack and is not what was alleged.
Does this formula feel familiar?
If Sanders learned anything, his nickname for Bloomberg tonight will be “Stents.”