He’s NOT winning the state….
Bernie Sanders has it to lose….
The latest poll has Pete Buttigieg jumping into second place…
(Most polls have Biden in 3rd place)
With Joe Biden on Pete’s tail….
Elizabeth Warren trails the guys….
If Joe Biden DOES come out as high as second?
He’d be doing alright….
Bernie Sanders has taken the lead in New Hampshire’s presidential primary, while Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden currently jockey for second place. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar round out the top five in the final Monmouth University Poll of the 2020 Granite State primary. The Iowa caucuses have not helped narrow the field, but the outcome there could eventually have an impact among voters looking for the best candidate to take on President Donald Trump in November. Based on the poll results, this could help Buttigieg and hurt Biden. Sanders, on the other hand, seems to have a firm grip on voters who prioritize issues over electability.
Among registered New Hampshire Democrats and unaffiliated voters who are likely to participate in the February 2020 Democratic primary, the race currently stands at 24% for Sanders, 20% for Buttigieg, 17% for Biden, 13% for Warren, and 9% for Klobuchar. Others registering support include Tulsi Gabbard (4%), Andrew Yang (4%), and Tom Steyer (3%). Michael Bennet and Deval Patrick earn 1% or less. Another 5% of likely primary voters remain undecided and do not lean toward any candidate choice at this time. [Note: Mike Bloomberg will not appear on the New Hampshire ballot and is not included in this poll.]
There have been some clear trends in support since the fall. Sanders has experienced steady growth (from 12% in September and 18% in January). Buttigieg is holding steady from last month (20%) but up from the fall (10%). Two former polling leaders have seen their support slip – Biden from 25% in September and 19% in January, and Warren from 27% in September and 15% in January. Klobuchar’s support has crept up from 2% in September and 6% in January….
If he finishes in 2nd, ahead of Buttigieg, he can call himself the “Comeback Kid” and then go on to must win states. I see no scenario in which Sanders falls to third there.
If he finishes 3rd, behind Buttigieg at all, it’s probably over. Fourth place? Definitely.
Biden WILL probably finish in 3rd and it won’t be ALL OVER…..
Biden will be fine if he wins Nevada and South Carolina ….
Contrary to the media?
It IS about delegates
No it’s not.
That’s the argument of a loser.
It’s about winning primaries.If you don’t win primaries you’re not going to be a candidate very long.Delegates only become important in a race where there are two candidates exchanging victories here and there (see Obama v. Clinton,2008).
The fact that Biden won some delegates in Iowa and may in N.H., Nevada and S.C. is irrelevant if he loses all three.
He won’t be a candidate any longer and his “delegates” won’t matter.
But Jack?
If Biden wins delegates in New and SC?
He WILL eclipse the others and go into Super Tuesday STILL as the leader and on his way….
He’s NOT gonna do good in NH….
I’ve said ALL along that his firewall HAS TO be diverse sates in the early race….
Nevada….South Carolina…California…Texas…
I’m sticking to my story…
These diverse delegate rich state’s are his salvation…
If not him?
Look for Bloomberg to do the same thing….
I just do NOT think the Pete can get past the brick wall…
Nor do I think Sanders will either..
Of Course?
I COULD be wrong….
Obama won the state Biden is the STRONGEST in Jack….
I’d agree if Biden loses SC he’s done…
A new NBC News/Marist poll finds Bernie Sanders leading the Democratic primary race with 25%, followed by Pete Buttigieg at 21%, Elizabeth Warren at 14%, Joe Biden at 13% and Amy Klobuchar at 8%….
Another poll….
A new Boston Globe/WBZ-TV/Suffolk University poll finds Pete Buttigieg leading in the New Hampshire race with 25%, followed by Bernie Sanders at 24%, Elizabeth Warren at 14% and Joe Biden at 11%….
Joe Biden was right in saying he isn’t gonna win in New Hampshire….
The fight will m most likely for 3rd place….
The final CNN poll in New Hampshire finds Bernie Sanders leading with 29%, followed by Pete Buttigieg at 22%, Joe Biden at 11%, Elizabeth Warren at 10% and Amy Klobuchar at 7%.
Key takeaway: “Only about half of likely primary voters in New Hampshire say they have definitely decided for whom they will vote, meaning that despite the stability in the numbers throughout the six-day tracking period, there remains room for preferences to shift.”
RCP has it at:
I’m still going for….
For tomorrow’s results…
Very Plausable, but more likely Warren passed him and maybe even Klobuchar. Biden will finish between third and fifth. I’m guessing he finishes fifth.
There will be a Trump counter rally in New Hampshire…