The US Senator has denounced the Russian efforts…
But the news would seem to support the notion that even the Russians think Donald Trump could easily beat Bernie Sanders instead of Joe Biden….
Those who thought the Russians would stop their efforts to support Donald Trump are sadly mistaken even if Trump tries vainly to deny the truth…
Russia has been trying to intervene in the Democratic primaries to aid Senator Bernie Sanders, according to people familiar with the matter, and intelligence officials recently briefed him about Russian interference in the election, Mr. Sanders said on Friday.
In a statement on Friday, Mr. Sanders denounced Russia, calling President Vladimir V. Putin an “autocratic thug” and warning Moscow to stay out of the election.
“Let’s be clear, the Russians want to undermine American democracy by dividing us up and, unlike the current president, I stand firmly against their efforts and any other foreign power that wants to interfere in our election,” Mr. Sanders said.
He also told reporters that he was briefed about a month ago.
“The intelligence community is telling us Russia is interfering in this campaign right now in 2020,” Mr. Sanders said on Friday in Bakersfield, Calif., where he was to hold a rally ahead of Saturday’s Nevada caucuses. “And what I say to Mr. Putin, ‘If I am elected president, trust me you will not be interfering in American elections.’”
Senior intelligence officials told members of the House Intelligence Committee last week that Russia was continuing its election sabotage campaign, including intervening in the Democratic primaries.
Intelligence officials also warned House lawmakers that Russia was interfering in the campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, according to people familiar with the matter. They said that the disclosure to Congress angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Republicans have taken issue with the idea that Russia supports Mr. Trump, insisting that Mr. Putin simply wants to broadly spread chaos and undermine the democratic system. But some current and former officials say that a Russian campaign to support Mr. Sanders may ultimately be aimed at aiding Mr. Trump, with Moscow potentially considering Mr. Sanders a weaker opponent to the president than a more moderate Democratic nominee.
The Washington Post first reported the briefing of the Sanders campaign….
Bernie Sanders
I’ve got news for the Republican establishment. I’ve got news for the Democratic establishment. They can’t stop us.
He might be right certainly as regards the Democratic establishment.
I still don’t see him winning the GE but since all traditional norms of politics has been shattered by Trump,it certainly is possible,
Sanders denunciation of Putin is far beyond anything said by Donald Trump whose signature moment was a playful jab at Putin when face to face to”stay out of our elections” to much mirth and laughter.
Talk IS TALK….
They ALL say they’ll win…..
Ya gotta do it….
But I can understand why he might think it’s his….
Yeah two victories under his belt ,likely aThird today,leader in almost all polls, even showing about as good against Trump as Biden, and the best campaign so far?
All that can make one “confident.”
Sanders did NOT win Iowa…..
He got less delegates and so far less in the popular vote….
Buttigieg LEADS IN THE delegate count at this moment….
That’s like saying DJT was winning in October 2016 because he ended up with more Electoral College votes.
Do you honestly believe at this point that (regardless of the votes of ordinary Democrats) Buttigieg will lead Sanders in delegates (let alone popular votes) after SuperTuesday??
It should be Biden vs Sanders with Bloomberg looking to steal….
Sanders won the popular vote in Iowa. He just didn’t get the most delegates
It is not clear to me that Biden winning SC will hurt Sanders.
The Demographics really benefit Biden in SC. Biden does best among older voters, voters without a college education, and black voters. SC ranks in the top ten per capita of all three of those categories.
So if Biden loses SC, he is essentially finished, and the moderate “hope” will likely be Bloomberg. But if Biden wins, then some people on the Super Tuesday will consider voting for Biden. With the exception of yours truly, there aren’t many people who will like both Bloomberg and Sanders. So once Bloomberg enters the race, he won’t be taking many votes away from Sanders. But if Biden is still viewed as viable, then the moderate vote might split – giving the edge to Sanders.