Democratic voters DO NOT favour candidates going after each other…
Bernie Sanders people HAVE BEEN going after Elizabeth Warren…
She dropping in the polls….
Now Sanders handlers (Re: Bernie Sanders HIMSELF) are throwing down on Joe Biden just before Sanders in stuck in the US Senate sitting on the Trump trial jury…
Bernie Sanders is back where he was in 2016….
Trailing the establishment Democratic candidate …
Ands trying HARD to climb into the lead…
And it’s messy and ugly ….
And will probably cost him any chance of ever gaining a nomination for President in the Democratic party he won’t join…
New Open thread is HERE….
The amount of pro-Biden “spin” are going to make the headlines and all jamesb comments unreadable for the near future.
I guess I can still check out what the others have to say.
I make no excuse against I favour Biden…
I also post pieces that favour others…
Well, when one proclaims that Biden losing Iowa actually “helps” him?
That gives whole new meaning to the word,
I do NOT think Biden losing Iowa will ‘help’ him…
I DO feel that…. AGAIN…
Well then you better read your comment @2:58 on the Joe Biden Pulls Away ….thread because that is exactly what you said.
I DID say ‘probably’…..
I do believe Trump either refuse to admit that he lost the Iowa caucus in 2016 or insisted that losing it waa better than winning.
Republicans must have agreed with him!
On Caucus Night he was actually very gracious after losing which surprised a lot of people and led many to speculate that he never wanted to actually win and was looking for a way out.
Then after thinking about it for a day, he exploded and said that Cruz’s win was corrupt, because the Cruz people had tried to tell people that Carson was dropping out or soon to drop out and that this was the dirtiest thing that he had ever seen and that “Lyin Ted” should be prosecuted, etc.
And instead of punishing him for that ridiculousness Republicans promoted him!
The media is gonna go batshit crazy over the trial….
Trump still HAS the jury from where I sit….
That link was hard to use because it was seamlessly embedded in extraneous text.
Here it is, again:
Here’s Mark Murray’s summary of Zephyr Teachout’s op-ed:
Teachout, who has endorsed Sanders, cites 3 reasons in saying Biden has a “corruption problem”
1. He represented credit-card industry when he was Delaware SEN
2. He attended fundraiser with health-insurance lobbyists.
3. He attended a fundraiser with a fossil-fuel cofounder
If that’s all, it seems pretty weak to me. Sanders’ campaigners seem a little too eager to attack Warren and Biden, something that can easily backfire, for example by tarnishing the general reputation of Sen. Sanders as Mr Clean who’s one with the team, even as he differs with his team-mates in policy and approach.
If it is overzealous supporters, then Sanders should rein them in sharply. If he condones such an attack, he should definitely think hard and more than twice.
I myself feel less inclined to Sanders and more inclined towards Biden and Klobuchar.
(I’ve always thought Elizabeth Warren as a presidential candidate was a little too removed and strident; and I have my own problem with her use of a private conversation — once upon a time, private conversations stayed private unless both participants agreed otherwise — to launch a Kamala Harris style attack on Joe Biden. As someone who’s always had a firm grip on hard, gritty financial details, she surprised me a little with her initial endorsement of Medicate for All being qualified under pressure into something rather different, as if she hadn’t studied and thought the issue through.)
I think Z said that it wasn’t Bernie himself , which seems correct…
These attacks KEEP coming so I do NOT accept that Bernie HIMSELF hasn’t ok’d this….
Fun with the Census, part 1:
Did you know that, according to Census estimates for April 1, 2019, the South (Confederacy + Okla, Ky, W. Va, D.C., Md & Del., but not Mo.) had about as many inhabitants as the Northeast and West combined [126 million vs 133] ?
You may already have known that a majority of the U.S. population (168 million out of 328) of is to be found in these nine states:
.New York
.Georgia &
.North Carolina
or that California by herself has more inhabitants (39.5 million or 12% of the U.S.) than the 22 least-populated states combined (37.5 million or 11.4%).
There are more people in my county then in 5 US States….
According to Gallup,
Trumps average support among Republicans in 2019 was 89%.
I have noticed that we hear little on here anymore about his “declining “ support among Republicans.Seemingly, reality has finally (after three years ) set in…
Republicans strongly support Trump and there is No indication that such support is declining in any significant way.
The way I see it we can’t count on Republicans to “do the right thing” and vote against Trump.
However a few high profile Republicans endorsing the Democratic nominee will help with independent voters.
Time for George W to step up!
The Hometown newspaper (Sacramento Bee) of Devin Nunes issued a blistering editorial attacking Nunes saying that he betrayed the truth, the voters and maybe the country.
Nunes is every bit as corrupt and amoral as Trump.
His hometown is Tulare. The closest big newspaper is probably the Fresno Bee.
Did that run in the Fresno Bee or Sacramento Bee? (Both are historically very liberal.)
I’m not a fan of Nunes, just to point that out.
It was the Sacramento Bee. You are correct that I erred when I said hometown.
In case it’s of the slightest interest to anyone (and Keith could back me up), the liberal (but independent) and relatively-small McClatchy family chain of California owns and manages The Sacramento Bee, The Modesto Bee and The Fresno Bee.
The Sacramento Bee enjoys a high reputation in California, among both other journalists and the general public. As the largest newspaper in the Golden State’s capital city, it’s probably able to maintain the largest, closest and ablest state house bureau.
Morning People…..
Biden and Sanders are still duking it out….
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday largely sought to cool tensions with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders amid their feud over Social Security, but jabbed at the fellow presidential candidate for his mixed record on gun reform and previous opposition to a key background checks bill in the 1990s.
The critical remarks came after Biden was asked on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” whether he would cut Social Security benefits if elected president — a question prompted by a Sanders campaign ad released Tuesday night which featured a recording of Biden in 1995 advocating to freeze federal spending for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
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“No. No, no, no. And we weren’t talking about cutting them either then. That was trying to figure out how we got through a debacle where the whole government didn’t shut down,” Biden responded.
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“I find it amazing that we go back and look at statements, many of them — most of them — taken out of context of 10, 20, 30, 35 years ago,” he continued. “And it’s like my going back and pointing out how Bernie voted against the Brady Bill five times while I was trying to get it passed when he was in the House, or how he voted to, you know, protect gun manufacturers — it’s the only group in America you can’t sue.”
Sanders adviser Jeff Weaver previously told PolitiFact that, at the time, the candidate believed the Brady Bill constituted an example of federal overreach. In an interview last month with The New York Times editorial board, Sanders said that “the world has changed” since his votes against the measure, and acknowledged that “I certainly have changed” with regard to his opinions on gun control…
Polling sidebar updates….
Biden still has a decent lead over Sanders…
Bloomberg behind Buttigieg….
Biden leading in Iowa….
And now for a little humor….
Mike Huckabee,one of the biggest supporters of the King of Deficits, Donald Trump, is in South Carolina campaigning for a Balanced Budget amendment.
No shame?😒
On theoretical grounds I oppose the Balanced Budget Amendment. Deficit spending was absolutely needed to prevent the government from going into a depression during the end of GWB’s term And the beginning of Obama’s first term.
But the reckless deficit spending under Trump is making me re-think that opposition.
I agree Z….
Governments do NOT need to strictly balance their budgets…
Shit happens…
It MUST be taken care of…
Todays budget deficits are prime examples of the craziness…
People running around saying we have a GREAT economy was the government spends MORE money and keeps printing even MORE….
James, the government is borrowing the money. It is misleading to say the government is financing the deficit by just printing more money.
We’ve had this discussion over the years…
Does the US Treasury have enough gold to cover the paper out there?
Could the US government cover the loans outstanding?
We haven’t been on the gold standard for many decades. The government has no obligation to cover its debt by sending gold.
“Paper” is only a very small portion of the money. supply. While there is not just one definition of the money supply, all definitions that I know of include money placed in checking accounts – which far exceed the amount of “paper” in the economy.
A government could theoretically finance its debt by “printing money”. Doing so would be exceedingly inflationary – and (thank God) that is not what we are doing. Instead, we are borrowing it.
Thank you Z for backing up my statement….
They just keep the printing presses going, eh?
I feel your pain Zreebs.
The basic IS the US Govt. doesn’t have to actually balance its books…
WE AGREE on that….
I suppose, Zreebs, that James wouldn’t understand (or even know that he doesn’t understand) the history of fixed exchange-rates under Bretton Woods, the IMF, reserve currencies, the Sterling & Dollar Zones, the replacement of fixed rates by (mainly) floating rates or the establishment and rise of the Euro Zone.
My own mind and slowly-fading memory would definitely need prompting and some explication, but at least I have some idea what’s involved.
¶ If Uncle Sam runs out of money to finance the National Debt, he would have to print more money, which causes domestic inflation, and sinking exchange rates abroad. At some point this becomes unmanageable, as in the cases of Greece and Zimbabwe, and theoretically the U.S. would need some kind bailouts from other central banks (e.g. the Bank of England, the Bank of China, the Bank of Japan or the European Central Bank in Frankfurt).
DSD, o could use a refresh on th0se topics you mentioned too!
I not “o”
inflation ?
Just keep printing the damn money , juicing the deficit by a debt loving President!
You CAN explain all ya want…
The system works on trust …
And Donald Trump got the bull shit working!
I don’t remember any “discussion” as to “the treasury(having enough) Gold to cover the paper out there.”
Indeed why would there ever be a “discussion “ of something that is so well known?
The very question sounds like something Trump would ask.
Trump will be the first sitting President to go to the national anti choice rally in D.C. Friday.
This will turn off more suburban voters and Obama/Trump voters who didn’t cast a ballot for a cultural warrior.
The supposedly liberal media portrayed Trump as a “different kind of Republican” in 2016.
We now see he is as or more opposed to women controlling their own bodies as any right wing evangelical Republican out there.
Morning People….
I believe that Donald Trump, who is a excess person, IS gonna do EVERYTHING in his power to make sure there Democrats get MORE AND EVEN MORE shit against him for November…
Republicans are gonna have to eat EAT even more shit to carry his big sorry ass on their backs….
And eat they will.
I wonder how many abortions he has paid for?
You know.?
Even if Trump freely admitted to doing so?
It would make no difference to most Republicans and “evangelicals.”
They would say something like “The Lord has shown him a new way…”
I suspect you are right Jack. He speaks to their fears of black, brown, and yellow people, and their basic insecurities. They really don’t care if he paid for an abortion or put little children in cages.
Good show Mike Bloomberg!
Apparently, this morning Bloomberg ran an anti Trump ad ruing Trumps favorite tv show,Fox and Friends .
The ad set off a twitter storm .
I’m surprised Fox News agreed to run the ad.Then again as boosters of capitalism , maybe it’s not that surprising.
Guess they would tell Trump,” Look Don we ‘re with you ,but business is business.He who pays?Plays.You understand!”
He’s running ads everywhere. Although it might also be that the ad was a local affiliate ad. “Regular people” don’t seem to understand how ad buys work.
Of course Fox News would run the ad though as they would allow any of the candidates time to speak in interviews and would have hosted debates, etc.
Political Wire reports simply that it was run during. Fox and Friends.
One things for sure…It set Trump off.
Why? Did he Tweet?
Also, Brian Kilmeade ,one of the co hosts of what is essentially aTrump propaganda show, vigorously defended Trump and his record on military matters which apparently was the subject of the ad.
And this happened as Fox and Friends had Bloomberg’s campaign manager on their show to say his piece.
Did Keith Olbermann *ever* in all his years on MSNBC have a guest on that disagreed with him on anything? Just wondering.
I never watched his show so I don’t know.
I do know we had a President then who may have broadly agreed with Olberman, but didn’t obsessively tweet in reaction to what was aired on MSNBC
This ad thing seems to bother you.
Seems like you would support anything that weakened Trump.
He’s defending FOX News as though it isn’t completely in the tank and an extension of Donald Trump.
I read the transcript of the ad and I agree with every word.
I think that focusing on the Fox News aspect of this is factually irrelevant and purposeless.
Back to Olberman, I was referring mostly to when GWB was President. He would spent countless hours calling GWB a “war criminal” and asking for him to be prosecuted at The Hague, etc.
No, GWB never responded. Good for him. He knew what his job was and what came with the territory and he was and is a man comfortable with his Almighty to let the judgments of others roll off him. Many on the right hold it against GWB for not responding though, felt it harmed Republicans politically (and there may be much to that) and that is why they like Trump’s style.
Uh, FOX News is relevant because that is exactly where Bloomberg knew to find Trump, and it set him off predictably.
Who cares about Olberman and Bush?
Trump has fans on Fox News but he also is regularly criticized on there. Kilmeade himself did it on the Kurds. Tucker Carlson went beserk about the Iran action, etc. etc. They are actually airing the impeachment. People like Chris Wallace are on the air saying how effective he thinks the Democrats case is.
If anything, don’t confuse Fox News with OAN or Newsmax.
The contrast is that MSNBC had a policy that never allowed anybody on most of its shows to speak favorably about GWB or negatively about Obama and as far as I can tell never has anyone on now that is remotely pro-Trump.
As an anti-Trump person, I might enjoy that, but MSNBC is certainly not “fair and balanced” historically or now.
We all know Trump is watching CNN and MSNBC too.
But yes, of course Fox News is going to run the ad. And any Democrat that wants access to their airwaves will get it. They have featured some (such as Sanders) and would love to have Biden or Warren on for a Prime Time Town Hall, etc.
Sure, Trump “hate watches” CNN and MSNBC. But he responded to the ad on FOX News because he assumes they are completely in his pocket. And they are, they just want Bloomberg’s $$.
There’s like three or four improvable assumptions on there that makes you sound less serious than you otherwise would, but hey, whatever gets you thru the day.
I merely pointed out that the ad ran during the Fox andFriends show , aFox opinion show .
You yourself have differentiated between the Fox opinion shows that are pro Trump and the straight news shows
F and F is vigorously pro Trump, has hm on occasionally ,and is ,by his own admission ,one of his favorite shows.
So it is humorous to point that out in talking about the ad?
Sure it is.
Fox & Friends Airs Brutal Bloomberg Ad Highlighting Trump’s ‘Erratic and Out of Control’ Attacks on the Military
Fox News’ Fox & Friends, often reported to be one of President Donald Trump’s favorite shows, aired an attack ad on the president from 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg Thursday, which highlights President Trump’s alleged verbal mistreatment of military leaders.
“2020 hopeful Michael Bloomberg, releasing a brand new ad attacking President Trump’s relationship with the military,” introduced Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade, before the ad played.
“The Pentagon. President Trump arrives for a briefing by top military leaders. Trump explodes, attacks the war heroes in the room as ‘losers’ and ‘a bunch of dopes and babies.’ Many in the room had risked their lives for our country,” the ad declared. “Soldiers, heroes, attacked by an erratic and out of control president. Arrogance, ignorance, chaos. Enough. America needs a steady leader who will honor those who serve.”…
Trump is the product of FOX News and Rush Limbaugh.
This idea they are somehow not responsible for his rise or that the occasional personality on the network criticizing him proves they are independent is laughable.
I don’t think there was any discussion as to airing the ad or not, even if it was a national buy for Fox News designed specifically for that show. Of course they will air it.
And yes, F and F is very nice to Trump at times but also criticized him. It seemed to work in the past. They got him to change his mind somewhat on abandoning the Kurds.
Going down this rabbit hole is somehow soothing to CG’s soul as he wants to imagine Trump as a boil that can easily be removed from the Republican party and conservative media that he still has soft spots for.
Trump is attending the Right to Life march tomorrow. The first President to do so. He is entangled in the current GOP and conservative movement more than any previous President–including Reagan and GW Bush.
I am always very proud of the people who show up for the Right to Life March. Every year it is one of the largest demonstrations in America, and of course a peaceful one. I wish I could believe Trump was a genuine convert to the cause but I find it hard to trust him on anything.
But the average woman or man or child there is of course exercising their right as a a Loyal American and for that, they all should be applauded.
They are vigorously pro Trump ad is every other opinion show on Fox.
So sometimes they disagree with him?
That’s normal, we all disagree with peopke we support from time to time.Nothing unusual about that,
Now, how about Bloomberg?You still going to vote for him?
Or did Bobby Rush’s endorsement cool your support?
They have the right to match.
I support that.
Do I “applaud “ them?No,I disagree with them.Why should I?
I don’t feel the need to “applaud” every group that exercises their right to march in support of their cause(s).
and every other opinion show on the other two major national cable networks are vigorously anti-Trump. Nobody should fear “balance” or other views. I just watch Special Report and Fox News Sunday myself on that network myself.
I anticipate voting for Bloomberg in the IL primary. My main rationale though for voting in that primary is to vote against the Cook County States Attorney.
“But the average woman or man or child there is of course exercising their right as a a Loyal American and for that, they all should be applauded”
Sure. Just as the Code Pink anti-Iraq war protesters during the Bush-Cheney years were.
So what?
As to whether Trump is a “genuine convert to the cause” it doesn’t appear the people attending care. They consider him as committed to inserting government into a woman’s private medical decisions as any Republican. If not more so, since he is actually attending and Reagan, Bush, etc did not.
Ok, you don’t have to “applaud” them if that is too much, but you certainly agree they are “loyal Americans”, right?
The March is also attended by Democrats, Independents, people of all sort of political stripes who may disagree on other issues.
Whatever one feels about abortion, the passion and organizational skills of those who stand for the Right to Life should not be ignored.
I don’t sit around thinking whether people are “loyal Americans” or not. Like Jack I will not applaud them.
Almost every Saturday I drive pass the protesters waving placards of bloody fetuses attempting to shut down Planned Parenthood. The same PP that saved the life of someone I love.
So while I recognize their right to protest. No I won’t “applaud” them. Nor will I weigh in on whether or not they are “loyal Americans”.
That specific group of protestors then should not be conflated with a much larger group of tens of thousands of peaceful marchers, etc.
We all agree here at the moment at least that they have the right to march. There sure is a lot of silence about Keith though. Imagine if I said that various kinds of liberals were not real Americans, etc.
People who lawfully protest outside abortion clinics are also exercising their Constitutional rights. I think some tactics are clearly more effective than others, but without a doubt they have saved the lives of people others came to love.
So you are now using phrases uttered by Keith?
A guy you despise?
That’s interesting.
I don’t use such phrases myself .
Those folks have the right to march .I express no personal views of them .I dont know them.
I am disagreeing with Keith.
Nobody else wants to, even as he calls Zreebs a sexist and attacks DSD in a similar way.
Loyal Americans will march to protest abortion. Loyal Americans will march in favor of abortion.
Loyal Americans will vote for whomever the Democrats nominate. Loyal Americans will vote for Donald Trump in November. Loyal Americans will either stay home or write someone in.
We should all be able to agree to that and think less of the views of anyone who would try to claim otherwise.
What Is this ?
Why is a “disloyal American?”
You would need to ask Keith “McCarthy” who is pointing out here on a daily basis his theory that anybody who does not vote for a Democrat is not a “real American” or not a “loyal American.” (This is years after he insisted that anybody who voted for Mitt Romney was a Nazi sympathizer. To this, jack and others said they disagreed but I needed to merely get a “thicker skin.”)
Some of the times he has done this over the past couple weeks, I have expressed my disagreement. Most others here are silent just like many were silent during the McCarthy era.
To his credit Zreebs did say that “of course” Trump will receive votes of loyal Americans, while not mentioning Keith directly.
There are certainly Democrats who are personally opposed to abortion.
The number of them who will travel to DC to protest Roe v. Wade in 2020 is incredibly small.
There are probably about the same percentage of Republicans who are opposed to all gun ownership.
And that’s exactly what many Trump voters say.
“Yeah, I don’t really like some of what he says. I certainly don’t use those phrases myself but…..”
Vox: “Starting with The Five, the network’s early evening roundtable commentary show, and continuing throughout the evening, Fox News broadcast portions of screen-in-screen video of the trial. But instead of playing the audio, network hosts provided the normal Trumpian spin. So while someone who just looked at the screen may have concluded Fox News was covering the trial, in fact it wasn’t covering it at all.”
“The network went as far as to broadcast screen-in-screen video of the trial during commercial breaks — but, again, without the sound that was necessary to make any sense of what was being discussed.”
Speaking for myself I’m not getting into your personal beef with
Enjoy the rest of your day.
New Open thread coming later….
I just know that on Tuesday, Special Report showed the audio and video for the full hour (6-7 EST)
Yesterday (as the broadcast networks seemingly returned to regular programming as well), they played large portions during the hour of the House Managers opening statements.
What’s Keith Olberman got to do with anything?
I wouldn’t know.I never watched him.I remember seeing him on ESPN years ago.
Well since Bloomberg is going to spend to defeat vulnerable Senate Republicans I hope he makes some ads targeting Collins, Gardner, Tillis and McSally during FOX and Friends airing in DC.
Then Trump will tweet his support of those Senators and help seal their fate
Fox gonna take the money folks