For Donald Trump of COURSE…..
While the media goes bonkers over Rudy being investigated and probably charged with some crimes by the US Attorney in the Southern District of NY?
The guy is back in the place where things have been politically on fire….
It would appear that Donald Trump IS afraid of Joe Biden running against him for his job….
Checking todays poll numbers across the country will give you a clear picture…
In the Real Clear Politics listing of Trump vs Biden across 13 states?
Biden beats Trump in 11….
While the other Democrats do beat Trump also in some states?
Biden is clearly the guy in the lead…
One would think that Donald Trump has somehow signalled to Rudy that IF he come snoop around some more on the Biden’s in the Ukraine?
He can replicate the hook he used against Hillary Clinton back in 2016 about the emails that his supporters swallowed and caused Clinton a last minute drop in the polls in several states…
It appears that Trump is playing the long game here…
And he can since he’s certain. the US Senate GOPer’s won’t convict him of charges handed down by House…
One wonders that with Trump’s background?
Can he count on Trump actually pardoning him?
Leaving on his own after he’s done with him?
Giuliani has alleged that Biden pushed for the 2016 firing of Ukraine’s top prosecutor to help his son, Hunter Biden, who at the time was a board member of a Ukrainian gas company whose owner was under investigation in Ukraine. Apart from a claim by the top prosecutor in question that Biden had him fired for that reason, no evidence has surfaced to show that is why Biden sought his removal. European Union leaders also wanted the prosecutor removed.
During the trip, Giuliani said on Twitter that until the matter is resolved, the issue “will be a major obstacle to the U.S. assisting Ukraine with its anti-corruption efforts.”
In Kyiv, Giuliani met with two members of Ukraine’s parliament, Andriy Derkach and Oleksandr Dubinsky, who have called for a joint U.S.-Ukrainian parliamentary investigation into the gas company. The One America News correspondent traveling with Giuliani posted photos of them interviewing former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko in Budapest, where they stopped before traveling on to Ukraine.
On Capitol Hill, Democrats were shocked by Giuliani’s nerve.
“It’s a brazen move,” said Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, which led the impeachment inquiry. “This is emblematic of this White House: When they are in the wrong, they double down. And in this case, they are tripling down.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the trip an indication of “the arrogance of it all” in comments at a CNN Town Hall on Thursday night.
Some Republicans were left scratching their heads.
Asked about the trip, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) replied, “Rudy does what Rudy does.”
Others were surprised. “The fact that Giuliani is back in Ukraine is like a murder suspect returning to the crime scene to live-stream themselves moon dancing,” said Dan Eberhart, a prominent Republican donor and Trump supporter. “It’s brazen on a galactic level.”…
Told ya so…..
… President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani will deliver a “report” to Congress and Attorney General Bill Barr about his latest findings in Ukraine, Trump told reporters on Saturday…..
(Someone is gonna have to double check Rudy’s ‘story’ for its bull shit quotient …)
Julia Davis
Giuliani departed Kyiv after meeting with a range of Ukrainians who have been feeding him unproven allegations against former vice president Joe Biden and helping construct a counternarrative that is taking hold in the Republican Party.
A last ditch effort by Trump?
A ‘hail Mary’?
Are the Russian’s trying to save their asset?
As with Hillary?
People seem to scared shitless of Biden?