The Washington Post has gained access to a trove of internal documents that show a misguided and inept war effort in that country…
The Russians left the country in push that was helped by the American and NATO military….Things have been no better for the Allies….
After a quick but short-term victory over the Taliban and Al Qaeda in early 2002, and as the Pentagon’s focus shifted toward Iraq, the American military’s effort in Afghanistan became a hazy spectacle of nation building, with a small number of troops carrying out an unclear mission, the documents show.
Even as the Taliban returned in greater numbers and troops on the ground voiced concerns about the American strategy’s growing shortcomings, senior American officials almost always said that progress was being made.
The documents obtained by The Washington Post show otherwise.
“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan — we didn’t know what we were doing,” said Douglas Lute, a retired three-star Army general who helped the White House oversee the war in Afghanistan in both the Bush and Obama administrations.
Heaven knows, but (as one book has declared) the real opponent is Pakistan, more specifically the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
Much of Pakistan’s military and many Pakistani politicians, see supporting insurgents in both in Afghanistan and in Jammu & Kashmir (the part of Kashmir that India holds) as a way to keep India off-balance, distracted and less able to bully or invade Pakistan. Many feel that India attacked Pakistan by supporting the East Pakistan revolt that seceded from Pakistan to form Bangladesh (East Bengal).
Both countries have huge populations, but India’s population, area, army, industrial capacity and resources so dwarf Pakistan’s that this form of asymmetric warfare looks appealing. But it has backfired when the revived Taliban attack Pakistan.
Good point there DSD…
As with Turkey…
The countries in their region worry about THEIR issue FIRST….
The US and it’s Allies worry about THEIR issues….
Turkey NEVER stopped worrying about the Kurds wanting their own state….
NATO comes third….
Pakistan has ALWAYS worried about Indian more….
As u point out?
The Pakistan Intel people have keep their nose in the insurgent camps as a way to counter the Taliban…
Every American President from Bush on has been annoyed at the Pakistan chess game, which does NOT help American efforts in Afghanistan