Over a million. people are employed by banks, financial institutions and Big Tech in this country ….
Sure these institutions COULD use some pushing to be more consumer friendly…
But NOBODY is gonna break them up….
Voting for her for that is a wasted vote….
Voting for her to ride herd on them isn’t….
For instance, on Wall Street, JPMorgan employs over 256,000 people. Citibank employs 204,000 and Bank of America, 205,000. Each of these three behemoths has high minimum wages and great health care and numerous other benefits, like educational assistance.
Why change a formula that’s working well? Banks are lending to consumers and businesses, and are robust again.
Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple are growing by leaps and bounds and leading the world in cutting-edge technologies. And Amazon alone has 647,000 employees.
Sure, there may need to be some privacy rules, which many technology companies say they embrace, but the goal need not be to break them up — that should only be the last resort.
Who would want to weaken America’s strong global leadership in technology? It would undoubtedly lead to mass layoffs and definitely destroy future investment and wreck the economy.
Being president is about lots of things, but the economy and employment has to be Job No. 1….
First of all, the New York Post is not a serious paper. It is Rupert Murdoch’s mouthpiece and the source James often goes to when he wants to mischaracherecterize what a liberal says. He just doesn’t publish the Post’s articles on Biden.
There are plenty of good articles on why many economists and Warren believe that breaking up the banks will be beneficial and ultimately will enable the economy to grow and especially to retain jobs. I just don’t have the time to do an effective summary at this time. I encourage readers to do a search for these articles on their own.
And it is not just liberal economists who want to break up the banks. For capitalism to work well, it requires a competitive environment, and the banking industry is not even remotely competitive as it once was. So I am aware of at least some conservative economists who believe in breaking up the banks too.
Serious voters should feel confident that we won’t have another economic collapse as happened in 2007-2008. It is only non-educated voters that are not aware of that possibility.
James has always disliked Warren .Now he is reduced to quoting a pro Trump columnist of the pro Trump Murdoch family owned New York Post to justify his anti Warren stand.
James =“uneducated voter”
I do NOT hate Sen. Warren…
I don’t know her…
I DO feel she is NOT the right person to be President…
I WOULD like Joe Biden to bring her along as Vice President and have said THAT HERE before…
She is focused almost exclusively on excising her early business work and THAT is good, but NOT what should be a drive for the Presidency…
I’ll go a bit farther…
Joe Biden , like Barack Obama has his goods and bad’s…
But unlike Obama in 2007?
Biden leads…
It’s ok by me that Biden gets negative media…
It’ll make him better…
But I will continue to point this out…
If you think she is absolutely wrong to be President, why would you want her to be a heartbeat away from someone who is 78 years old to start off?
Because as VP she would be able to influence things a way she cannot any other place…
She IS knowledgeable ….
Biden COULD let her handle the effort to help consumers…
THAT would be a plus for a Biden admin…
She compliments Biden nicely…
Biden’s biggest weakness is age related. She is only a few years younger than him. I do not see that happening, minus a virtual tie between them for delegates and a deal needing to be made.
Besides she is another white northeastern Senator from a state he doesn’t need to worry about.
He, he, he….
You REALLY need to retire the age issue thing….
Trump, Biden and Warren are ALL younger 70 year olds then Sanders..
The age thing is straight out Biden negative Bull Shit…
The piece from the Post is of course slanted Z…
I agree…
The basic premise IS correct….
Warren may shop break-up action…But?
NOBODY in Congress…NOT even the Democrats are gonna break up the basis of the American financial world…
Jobs and un-stabilzation of the countries economy would be foolish and disastrous …
I happen too agree with her on better oversight and having more consumer friendly policy from OUR Government…
She was going in the right direction with the Federal Consumer Bureau…
But what happened with THAT?
She couldn’t get confirmed lead the agency…
My comment IS to vote for her for more control over the giants…
MY COMMENT is she will NEVER break up those organisations and I’d bet a years salary on THAT…
It ain’t gonna happen….
If things go south like 2008/2009?
A Democratic President (Biden or Warren?) is gonna have to SUPPORT the banks AAGAIN REGARDLESS...
A useful idiot.
Could Warren ,even as President, single handedly break up the mega banks?
Of course not.That isn’t even the point.
By advocating the same, however, she could certainly start the conversation.
As Zreebs pointed out,concern over the concentration of power in a few mega banks is a source of angst not just among the “Lefties”( as you refer to anyone who advocates taking on “power”).
Could Warren as President cause major reforms in the banking system ?Sure.Indeed, it is you who are always lecturing about “compromise.”There exists a lot of skepticism toward mega banks among adherents of both parties(Trump was on their case during the campaign of 2016).
Your problem James is you are awed by the powerful and have an essentially cynical attitude when anyone advocates change or criticism of powerful interests .This causes you to recoil at any suggestions of “change.”All things start from an idea.
You may not like Warren but a lot of the issues that she is raising are striking a chord with a lot of people.She is running a good campaign and to borrow a term from the political cognoscenti who are continually bet hedging by saying Trump “could be re-elected?”Well, Elizabeth Warren “could” be elected President.
I agree she’s running a good campaign…
AS I HAVE written I commend what she ‘wants’ to do….
As you pointy out she has little chance to do so…
But like Biden I HAVE pointed out that Congress and America in general does NOT move quickly….
Even Trump has found that out….
Candidates ARE selling stuff they can’t produce…
And THAT IS one of the reasons Biden leads right now….
Heck, any of us COULD be elected President if Trump was…
Right now my friends?
Ole’ Joe Biden IS our Best choice to beat Trump out of his job…