This country simply does Not have the capacity to keep in detention the ‘millions’ Trump said he’d pick up and ship away…
Busloads of immigrants dropped off
Federal authorities have released 300 of the nearly 700 workers detained in the Mississippi immigration raids on Wednesday, according to officials.
“Approximately 30 detained aliens were released yesterday on humanitarian grounds at the individual sites,” said the US Attorney’s Office for the state’s Southern District in a press release Thursday.
“Another 270 detained aliens were released after being processed by HSI [Homeland Security Investigations] at the National Guard base in Pearl and returned to the place where they were originally encountered.”….
Wouldn’t it make more sense to arrest the plant owners?After all they are active accomplices to all this “illegal” immigration.
Wonder why these “conservatives” who are so outraged by all this don’t advocate laws which would accomplish that?
Don’t hold your breath.
This actually happened during Obama’s term also as he tried to get a deal from GOPer’s…
There was NO deal….
Remember the plant owners make MONEY and who does the GOPer’s rep in Congress?
I assume that this ‘detained ‘ people will go back to work or be replaced with new undocumented workers…
The piece goes through lengths to say the detainee’s where uncovered by investigations?
Of course not Jack. The plant owners will get a tax break for their “inconvenience”