It was as if Pence closed his eyes and skipped what was in front of him….
There is little hope the guy is dealing with reality….

VP saw 384 men sleeping inside fences, on concrete w/no pillows or mats. They said they hadn’t showered in weeks, wanted toothbrushes, food. Stench was overwhelming. CBP said they were fed regularly, could brush daily & recently got access to shower (many hadn’t for 10-20 days.)
“I was not surprised by what I saw,” Pence said after touring a facility near McAllen, Texas. “I knew we’d see a system that was overwhelmed.”
During the visit, Pence praised Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials for their “compassionate work” and said he “couldn’t be more impressed” with their work with migrants.
The facility Pence visited is a border processing center, which has been criticized by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general for giving substandard care to migrants.
The facility is a tent complex that opened in early May and holds 8,000-square-foot pods that reportedly have space for restrooms, showers and laundry facilities.
Pence spent part of his visit speaking with detained migrant children in a facility described as being cleaner and having cots for sleeping and medical supplies readily available. But later, reporters and the vice president briefly entered another area where almost 400 men were being held.
In a White House pool report, Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey described seeing more than 380 men behind fences with no pillows or mats to sleep on and not enough space for everyone to lie down. Dawsey said men told reporters they had not showered in weeks and did not always have access to toothbrushes and food….
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside Dallas City Hall on Friday night to protest the Trump administration’s treatment of asylum-seekers in federal custody.
The protest was one of 800 across the country that together formed a national demonstration called Lights for Liberty, which aimed to bring attention to reported overcrowding and unsanitary conditions at federal immigrant detention facilities. Similar protests were held in New York, San Diego and Washington, D.C. …
Here’s the post on the Pence visit…