The guy is truly living in an Alternate Universe ….
We are truly all standing by and watching a American President that has grasp on reality , while Republicans follow him in lockstep and US Senate Republicans (turn the the other way ) give him protection to continue in office….
President Donald Trump on Tuesday asserted that scores of black Baltimoreans and African American supporters have expressed gratitude in recent days for his unrelenting attacks on the city and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, offering no evidence to support his claim beyond phone calls he said he had received.
Trump also accused political leaders in Baltimore, a city governed largely by Democrats, of stealing and mismanaging federal funds, although he again offered no specifics to support his claim.
“I’ve received more phone calls than I think on any other subject of people from Baltimore and other cities corruptly run by Democrats, thanking me for getting involved,” Trump told reporters outside the White House.
“Those people are living in hell in Baltimore. They’re largely African-American,” Trump said. “You have a large African-American population, and they really appreciate what I’m doing. And they’ve let me know it. They really appreciate it.”
The president’s comments mark his fourth consecutive day of sharp criticism toward the living conditions in Baltimore and Cummings, the Democratic chairman of the powerful House Committee on Oversight and Reform, which has launched several investigations into the administration. His rhetoric has been met with sharp criticism from opponents who accuse him of racism….
Trump acolytes are convinced he has large ever growing support among blacks and Latinos and that many of them will simply never admit as much to pollsters, rendering all polling moot.
They try so hard to convince themselves he is not trafficing in racism, so they point to that as a good thing.
Trump only got 8% of the black vote in 2016
There’s nothing to indicate he has increased popularity among African-Americans since then. Other than the occasional black Republican commenter that says so on FOX News.
ABOSULTLY NOBODY believes that Donald Trump is getting ‘more’ Black Americans to support him as a racist….
Alternate Bull Shit Universe stuff….
Repeated so the media can shop it out to America….
The very, very sad fact, as I’ve said before, is how (beginning as early as 1876) the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass slowly moved away from being the champion of Black Americans to becoming their adversary. (The Democratic Party over the same period, but especially after 1930, very slowly moved from being the White Man’s Party to the champion of Equal Rights.)
See this striking chart, based on the Pew Research Center and the Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies of Black party affiliation and presidential vote from 1936 to 2016:
In 1956, 39% of black voters liked Ike while, in 2016, only 8% liked Trump.
In 1940 & 1944 (before Fair Employment rules and Harry Truman’s presidency), an equal percentage of Negroes identified with each party (42% each in 1940 and 40% each in 1944)
In 2016, 70% identified as Democrats, 23% as independents, and only 3% as Republicans.
Black Republican affiliation & presidential voting for GOP candidate (listed first against his opposition)
first, beginning with an era when 18-42% of Negroes identified with the GOP and 23-39% voted for its candidate)
1936 – 37% – 28% (Landon-FDR)
1940 – 42% – 32% (Willkie-FDR
1944 – 40% – 32% (Dewey-FDR)
1948 – 25% – 23% (Dewey-Truman, Thurmond & H. Wallace)
1952 – 18% – 24% (Ike-Stevenson)
1956 – 24% – 39% (Ike-Stevenson)
1960 – 22% – 32% (Nixon-JFK)
then a huge dropoff after GOP affiliation & pres. vote never exceed 15%)
1964 – 8% – 6% (Goldwater-LBJ)
1968 – 3% – 15% (Nixon-Humphrey & G. Wallace)
1972 – 5% – 13% (Nixon-McGovern)
1976 – 5% – 15% (Ford-Carter)
1980 – 8% – 12% (Reagan-Carter & Anderson)
1984 – 5% – 9% (Reagan-Mondale)
1988 – 9% – 10% (GHW Bush-Dukakis)
1992 – 9% – 11% (GHW Bush-W. Clinton & Perot)
1996 – 9% – 12% (Ford-W. Clinton & Perot)
2000 – 7% – 8% (GW Bush-Gore)
2004 – 15% – 11% (GW Bush-Kerry)
2008 – 4% – 4% (McCain-Obama)
2012 – 5% – 6% (Romney-Obama)
2016 – 3% – 8% (Trump-H. Clinton)
1964 – 8% – 6% (Goldwater-Johnson)
It would make a striking graph, eh?
I remember GOOer’s a bit back taking about trying to get inroads to the more black voters….
The IS gonna be hell to pay for the party after Trump leaves the stage….
The graph already exists and is striking. Find it at:
In 1964 and beyond, the GOP made a choice. Although Barry Goldwater was one of only 6 GOP Senators to vote against the Civil Rights Act, 27 other Republicans voted for it, and assured its passage.
However Goldwater’s insurgent campaign made a choice: to make a serous appeal to the disgruntled segregationists in the once-Solid South rather than to reach across (like Nelson Rockefeller and Jacob Javits) to genuine moderates in the North and South. Goldwater won only one-fifth (20%) of Rhode Island voters at the same time they were re-electing Republican Gov. John Chafee. Republicans also noticed George Wallace’s appeal to many disaffected white workers in the North during the 1964 Democratic primaries and the 1968 General Election.
Thus the Southern Strategy, which (one dearly but perhaps fondly hopes) seems to have reached a climax and a limit in the played-out base strategy of Sean Trende, Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump. Hard as they try, the Republicans can’t defy and frustrate demographic trends forever.
The Republican hope has been that ,although demographic trends are going against them,these growing minorities ,as they slowly climbed the economic ladder , would increasingly vote like Whites.
In other words Blacks and Hispanics , as they entered the Middle Class would come to identify more with Republican conservatism than Democratic liberalism.They often point to the fact that many Minorities often are culturally conservative.
The problem ,of course, is that Minorities tend not to focus much on these cultural issues when voting.Thusly, while many Hispanics are anti Abortion,on their list of issues that affect their vote, abortion is like number nine out of ten.
Trump though may have scrambled that future with his blatant racism.That may be hard for Blacks in particular to forget, while his anti Immigrant verbiage has long since become more personally aimed at Hispanics than just a general support of tough immigration laws.
One thing is for certain ,if the Republican theory cited above does not come to fruition,the Republican future is bleak.
I mean ,at some point ,you simply run out of White people.
Blacks , Browns and Yellows STILL experience discrimination in their lives…Some as they leave the lower and middle class forget ….
But most do not… Even Black GOPer’s express their uneasyness with Trump’s bull shit…
As i pointed out in a post…
Some Republican lawmakers have grown tired and leery of Trump’s actions and have chosen to leave Congress …
Bull Shit….
President Donald Trump said Democrats have called him a racist so often they’ve diluted the meaning of the word.
“Everybody’s called a racist now,” Trump said in an interview with C-SPAN’s Steve Scully that aired Tuesday.
“The word is so overused, it’s such a disgrace,” he continued. “I’m the least racist person there is in the world, as far as I’m concerned.”…
“Absolutely Nobody?”
Oh a lot of Republicans probably believe it.
They definitely believe it.
White Trump die-hards are convinced that black men secretly love him and all his “swagger” but choose not to state so publicly.
Of course those Republicans believe it.
The alternative is confronting Trump and his base.
Sonething none of them–not even the widely touted “maverick” Mitt Romney wants to do.