Donald Trump continues his history of beating up on strong women……
In 2016, it was “lock her up.”
In 2019, it’s “send her back.”
President Donald Trump doubled down on the go-back-to-where-you-came-from trope during a Wednesday rally in Greenville, N.C., laying into the four progressive House members who have styled themselves as the foil to the Republican president.
During his first rally since officially relaunching his re-election campaign, Trump spent more of his initial energy focusing on the four new Democratic members — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan — than his assorted 2020 presidential opponents. The rally was a campaign distillation of the racist tweets he had sent Sunday where he insisted the four members “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
“They are always telling us how to run it, how to do this,” Trump said Wednesday of the Democratic freshmen. “You know what? If they don’t love it, tell them to leave it.”
Save for the occasional heckler, the crowd at East Carolina University seemed to enjoy his new campaign themes, chanting “send her back” and responding to other encouragement to make itself heard. It echoed the way crowds on the 2016 campaign trail delighted in chanting “lock her up” when Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was mentioned, except none of the four congresswomen is running against him…..
The chairman of House Republicans’ campaign arm on Thursday criticized the “send her back” chant that animated the crowd at Donald Trump’s Wednesday night rally and added a dimension to the president’s attacks on four Democratic freshman women.
“I didn’t watch the rally last night, but there’s no place for that kind of talk,” said Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), who heads up the National Republican Congressional Committee and hails from the same state as the Democrat who was primarily targeted, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). “I don’t agree with it.”….
New Open Thread is HERE…..
A full blown hatefest.
A disgusting demagogue…
And an even more disgusting rabble.
Now I see the lying sack of garbage is claiming he didn’t really approve of the chants.
Former S.C. Governor and Congressman Mark Sanford may have a home state problem if he challenges Donald Trump for the Republican nomination.
There is no certainty that he will even have a home state primary to run in.
Holding a presidential primary in S.C. is up to each party.Traditionally, when there is an incumbent President a primary is not held by that party.
Gov. Henry McMaster indicated earlier that he would support holding a primary ,if there was a serious opponent to Trump,even though he is an avid supporter of the President.
S.C. Republicans will meet soon to decide if a primary will be held.
I would imagine that Trump would want a primary so he could brag about obliterating Sanford on his home turf.
The Trump controlled RNC for months has been taking steps to eliminate primaries in various states for just this reason.
I don’t think he wants to deal with a primary anywhere.
This is why candidates would have been better off trying to get on the general election ballot instead.
Well this should be easy then.
McMaster is a total lackey for Trump.
So if the S.C. primary is not held ?Then obviously the RNC is putting the heat on.
If it is held?Then Trump gave the green light to McMaster.
But, CG, that doesn’t in any way mitigate the truism that Candidate X running on a third-party ticket in a general election could conceivably (one certainly hopes) draw more net votes away from Trump than from the Democratic candidate without increasing the Democrat’s vote.
That was the problem with John Anderson in 1980, Ross Perot in 1992 & 1996 and with Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, Pat Buchanan and assorted Libertarians in this century.
For one possible example, Jimmy Carter dropped 9% (50.05% to 41.02%) from 1976 to 1980 and Ronald Reagan (despite the legend of a landslide shift) only increased the Republican vote from 48.00% to 50.75%, while the John Anderson-Pat Lucey ticket grabbed 6.6 %.
Ross Perot in 1992 & 1996 flipped a couple of Western states to Bill Clinton, and even made a second-place showing in one or two states, but really did very little.
And we know how Ralph Nader, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson helped the Republican challenger under a Democratic presidency win the Electoral College while coming second in the national popular vote.
I don’t buy the theory that Mark Sanford running as an Independent would take votes away from the Democrat and not votes away from Trump. Certainly many of the people that would vote for that hypothetical or who voted for Gary Johnson, would not have voted otherwise. Nader and Jill Stein are other stories because they were running as ideological candidates (and Stein was being backed by Russia the whole time.)
I think for a candidate with national appeal who could be presented as a “centrist” that a path to victory thru Constitutional means would be possible against the two parties.
There was a time Perot was leading both major party candidates and then he got out of the race. The general consensus was that he was a bit nuts so there was a ceiling to his support in 1992.
Someone without that kind of baggage could certainly take close to 40% in a three way race
Your problem with your continuing fantasy?
You can’t name this mythical candidate.
Further, I strongly dispute that such a candidate would come anywhere near forty percent.
I thought Kasich would have had the best shot at doing it (of course Mitt Romney would be my ideal President), but devoting two years out of your life to something like that when it’s a long-shot is just something he decided he couldn’t do.
For months and months, Ron G. seemed to claim that he knew Kasich was planning on it and then as a top level staffer to Governor Hogan seemed convinced Hogan would run.,,,
Kasich is aconservative Republican (self proclaimed).
There is nothing at all to indicate that he would come anywhere near 40% of the vote.
Indeed, he would probably do little better than Johnson did as a Libertarian and remember they will have their own candidate in the field,maybe Amash ;thus, splintering the anti Trump conservative vote, assuming a Kasich or like candidate were to run.
Kasich is less conservative than used to be.
Against a Trump and a Sanders or a Trump and a Warren, I think all sorts of things would be possible.
It’s better to be an “Independent” than a “Libertarian” for these purposes also.
I don’t think many Democrats would vote for Kasich
Further, I think there’s little chance he will run.
If you’re not wealthy ,like Schultz or someone like that,you need to start very soon.Just getting on the ballot is a major lift.
There is no indication whatsoever that Kasich is planning on doing this.
However ,assuming he does, He will be lucky to break double digits.
Kasich got over 60% running in Ohio the last time he was in a general election. Clearly, a lot of Democrats voted for him.
And clearly a lot of Democrats want a non-socialist option to Trump.
As you all know, if Democrats were to sort of say we will step aside this one time and just give their ballot spot to Kasich (or Charlie Baker or someone like that if you want to go a bit further left), then defeating Trump will be a given.
But I get it. You are all willing to roll the dice in the name of Medicare for All, slavery reparations, and abolishing ICE.
and I have indicated that Kasich clearly is no longer (or never was) planning to run.
Then why do you bring him up all the time?
Your histrionics above aside,the fact remains you don’t have a candidate for your little fantasy and no proof whatsoever that such a mythical candidate with have any chance.
We have grown used to this little flight ever few weeks.
We will return to this s “show” after Labor Day.
I brought it up last year when Kasich was giving every indication that he was gearing up to do it. Then, he changed his tune. The money and lifestyle of being a pundit is certainly easier.
I think the total percentage of third party/ independent votes will be quite a bit lower than the 6% Johnson/Stein/ McMullin, etc combined to get in 2016.
It’s a fantasy that anyone could get close to Perot numbers at the time being.
The strongest third-party candidate by far was Teddy Roosevelt (Progressive) in 1912. He even pushed the sitting President (and TR’s one-time close friend and protégé) William Howard Taft into a rather sad third place, both in popular and in Electoral votes.
But all T.R. did was to give the Presidency to Woodrow Wilson. [He was too much of a Republican to accept the Progressive Party’s nomination in 1916 against Wilson and the Republican, Charles Evans Hughes.]
The one successful third party is of course the GOP, but it gained first place in two stages. In 1856, John C. Frémont pushed the dying Whigs (allied with the anti-immigrant or know-nothing Amercian Party) into a hopeless third place, but assured victory to James Buchanan (D). Then in 1860, the GOP won the Presidency with less than 40% (one of the lowest winning percentages ever) against an opposition split between three other candidates.
¶ While I hope that neither Jack nor I completely discounts the theoretical potential of a third party (nor love the two-party system simply for its own sake), it should be noted that we both came from a the dominant faction within the old Socialist Party of America-Social Democratic Federation that strongly rejected continuing the glorious tradition of separate Socialist campaigns in favor of working within the Democratic Party, where almost all of the Socialists’ allies had already migrated. Norman Thomas had given up on the hope of winning office in third-patty campaigns as early as the 1930¦s or 1940’s.
Wait a minute…
jack was once a socialist? Why have I never heard that before?
No I wasn’t.
I think DSD is misinterpreting a conversation we had years ago ,when I was talking to him about some books on the Socialist Party and the Social Democratic movement within the Democratic Party.
I have never been a Socialist,although I definitely favor a mixed economy,as do most people in this country ,even many who steadfastly denounce Socialism.,ie,the famous Trump supporting older woman from Arkansas who famously declared,
“I don’t want the government messin with my Medicare.”
I was ;however, a member, in the seventies ,of the Coalition For a Democratic Majority , which was led by Daniel P Moynihan and Sen. Henry M Jackson (who I supported for the Democratic nomination in 1972) ,and included such people as Charles Krauthammer and Irving Kristol (Bills father), who later drift into the Republican Party.
CDM included many former Social Democrats who gradually drifted into the GOP over Defense issues.
Jackson and Moynihan of course remained Democrats.
Sorry for the misinterpretation, Jack
The Coalition for a Democratic Majority was largely organized at the nuts-and-bolts level by members of the more-conservative, more hawkish and/or more pro-George Meany wing of the former Socialist Party, renamed Social Democrats USA in 1972-3, most prominently by Penn Kemble, a former leader of the Young People’s Socialist League (YPSL) who I think became CDM’s executive director.
Yes Kemble was the Executive Director for a number of years until the CDM essentially faded away in the early eighties.
CDM was set up to be a counter to the Americans For Democratic Action ,originally aLeft Wing Anti Communist Group, which was founded by,among others, Eleanor Roosevelt and parenthetically to advance the presidential aspirations of Henry Jackson .Most Of the old Socialists who were involved no longer can nsidered themselves Socialists by that time although they remained staunchly anti Communists and pro Israel.Most fell ADA had become “too liberal” and insufficiently vigilant vis a vis the continuing Soviet threat.
Jackson was thought by many to be the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination in 1976 in light of the McGovern debacle in 1972.No one ,least of all Jackson, considered a southern Governor named Jimmy Carter as a threat.
Ironically ,Carter had given Jackson’s nominating speech at the Democratic convention in 1972.
CDM never really became what it was intended to be and rather quickly faded from the scene.
Too bad.
Apparently,Trump received some pushback from his wife and daughter from the Cultists chant at his Hatefest in North Carolina the other day.
That likely accounts for his lame claim that he didn’t “encourage “his cultists actions.
Why didn’t he just say No?
There will be more Hatefests–and Trump will certainly mention these Congresswomem again.
So when the chants start again what will Trump do?
By popular demand (heh heh heh) it’s time by my unfair and unbalanced percentage odds for winning the Democratic nomination.
Totally without any basis whatsoever,except the meanderings of my imagination…
Someone Else..1%
As of July 19 2019…To Be Revised Periodically.
Ur numbers look good…..
Unabridged & unedited: presidential tweets since the end of the Greenville rally
Note that Mr Trump has still not recovered from the tongue-lashing that the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, gave him when the island wasn’t getting enough aid soon enough to stop people starving and dying. The President seems to have a knack for starting and prolonging personal feuds with mayors who aren’t non-Hsipanic whites; compare his enthusiasm for London’s former Mayor, Boris Johnson with his obvious hatred for the current Mayor, Saddiq Khan. Combine that with his blistering rage against anyone who seems to make him look bad (and are themselves therefore despicable and disgusting) and you get rants like this:
“The Governor is under siege, the Mayor of San Juan is a despicable and incompetent person who I wouldn’t trust under any circumstance, and the United States Congress foolishly gave 92 Billion Dollars for hurricane relief, much….
…of which was squandered away or wasted, never to be seen again. This is more than twice the amount given to Texas & Florida combined. I know the people of Puerto Rico well, and they are great. But much of their leadership is corrupt, & robbing the U.S. Government blind!”
Unbroken string of Tweets from
Just returned to the White House from the Great State of North Carolina. What a crowd, and what great people. The enthusiasm blows away our rivals on the Radical Left. #2020 will be a big year for the Republican Party!
A lot of bad things are happening in Puerto Rico. The Governor is under siege, the Mayor of San Juan is a despicable and incompetent person who I wouldn’t trust under any circumstance, and the United States Congress foolishly gave 92 Billion Dollars for hurricane relief, much….
…of which was squandered away or wasted, never to be seen again. This is more than twice the amount given to Texas & Florida combined. I know the people of Puerto Rico well, and they are great. But much of their leadership is corrupt, & robbing the U.S. Government blind!
Most of the MS-13 Gang members indicted & arrested in L.A. were illegal aliens, 19 of 22. They are said to have killed many people in the most brutal fashion. They should never have been allowed in our Country for so long, 10 years. We have arrested and deported thousands….
….of gang members, in particular MS-13. ICE and Border Patrol are doing a great job!
I want to apprise everyone of an incident in the Strait of Hormuz today, involving #USSBoxer, a U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship. The BOXER took defensive action against an Iranian drone…. [VIDEO]
Today, on behalf of the American people, I received an American flag that flew aboard a ship carrying the first waves of U.S. Service Members to land in Normandy… [VIDEO]
This should have been taken care of years ago, the Trump Administration is taking care of these thugs now! [VIDEO : 22 MS-13 Gang Members Indicted ]
Today, @FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to welcome members of Team USA to the @WhiteHouse for a great celebration of their success during the 2019 @SpecialOlympics @WorldGamesAD! Congratulations @specialolyUSA! #Cheer4USA
I am pleased to announce that it is my intention to nominate Gene Scalia as the new Secretary of Labor. Gene has led a life of great success in the legal and labor field and is highly respected not only as a lawyer, but as a lawyer with great experience….
….working with labor and everyone else. He will be a great member of an Administration that has done more in the first 2 ½ years than perhaps any Administration in history!
Great new book, “Justice On Trial, The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.” Fantastic job by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino!
It is amazing how the Fake News Media became “crazed” over the chant “send her back” by a packed Arena (a record) crowd in the Great State of North Carolina, but is totally calm & accepting of the most vile and disgusting statements made by the three Radical Left Congresswomen…
…Mainstream Media, which has lost all credibility, has either officially or unofficially become a part of the Radical Left Democrat Party. It is a sick partnership, so pathetic to watch! They even covered a tiny staged crowd as they greeted Foul Mouthed Omar in Minnesota, a…
….State which I will win in #2020 because they can’t stand her and her hatred of our Country, and they appreciate all that I have done for them (opening up mining and MUCH more) which has led to the best employment & economic year in Minnesota’s long and beautiful history!
Thomas “the Chin” Friedman, a weak and pathetic sort of guy, writes columns for The New York Times in between rounds of his favorite game, golf. Two weeks ago, while speaking to a friend on his cell phone, I unfortunately ended up speaking to Friedman. We spoke for a while and…
….he could not have been nicer or more respectful to your favorite President, me. Then I saw the column he wrote, “Trump Will Be Re-elected, Won’t He?” He called me a Racist, which I am not, and said Rhode Island went from economically bad to great in 5 years because the…..
….Governor of the State did a good job. That may be true but she could not have done it without the tremendous economic success of our Country & the turnaround that my Administration has caused. Really Nasty to me in his average I.Q. Columns, kissed my a.. on the call. Phony!
Because of the faulty thought process we have going for us at the Federal Reserve, we pay much higher interest rates than countries that are no match for us economically. In other words, our interest costs are much higher than other countries, when they should be lower. Correct!
I like New York Fed President John Williams first statement much better than his second. His first statement is 100% correct in that the Fed “raised” far too fast & too early. Also must stop with the crazy quantitative tightening. We are in a World competition, & winning big,…
….but it is no thanks to the Federal Reserve. Had they not acted so fast and “so much,” we would be doing even better than we are doing right now. This is our chance to build unparalleled wealth and success for the U.S., GROWTH, which would greatly reduce % debt. Don’t blow it!
….Fed: There is almost no inflation!
When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said. So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!
If Democrats want to unite around the foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular & unrepresentative Congresswomen, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I can tell you that they have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.
So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, “RACIST.” Their disgusting language….
….and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged. If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
94% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, an all time high. Ronald Reagan was 87%. Thank you!
Think what it would be without the 3 year Witch Hunt and Fake News Media, in partnership with the Democrats!
[2 video links not included, one to Mark Levin’s show]
Trump is more popular in the Republican Party than Reagan?
What sayeth ye CG?
I sayeth:
1. According to what source exactly?
2. There is probably a difference between approval of policies and personal affection. I think Reagan was more “popular.” As we know, the best thing many Republicans can say about Trump is that he “fights” the liberals, the media, etc.
3. Busy today..
The Uncollected Sayings Of Cult Leader Trump,Donald J.
Yeah, I don’t tend to take him at his word. He also says things like he won a landslide no like other Republican has ever won before (far fromit)
While Trump’s hardcore base is truly devoted to him, I think his overall favorability among Republicans as a whole is fairly low for an incumbent President within that party.
You “think” one thing.
Polls say otherwise.
The poll you cited earlier this week had the Republican number at 72%.
I stated earlier that I believe that poll is an outlier.
Others have shown Trumps JA among Republicans far higher.
Where are these specific polls? Rasmussen, which is always the most pro-Trump poll, never has it that high even among Republicans.
From Politifact…
As a f May 1..
Politico/Morning consult…84%
Gallup,July 1-12…90%
You not only know this but it’s been well published.
Once again, you are living in this fantasy world that Republicans are rejecting Trump.They are not.They are embracing him.You really know this but simply refuse to acknowledge this.
And you well know that it is not unrealistic at all to believe that 8 to 9 out of 10 self described Republicans will vote for him against any of the Democrats.
The polls u have there Jack have him in the low to middle 80’s….
RCP does a average ….
The outlier IS also probably the Gallup…..
Oh please…
All these polls are well within the MOE…
Your ridiculous fixation on the exact figure shows nothing but your ignorance of polling.
These polls all show a JA between 82-90% so a statement that around 90% of Republicans approve of Trumps performance is thoroughly sustainableandv that as off now 8-9 of every 10 Republican voters would vote for him is also.
You are just gripped with some kind of mania to “prove” with no evidence whatsoever that Republican support for Trump is wavering .It isn’t .
What’s funny is you’re the one that keeps referring to the Republican Party as Trumps party.Youre right.
.It is.
So why This contradictory whim of yours to just try to claim it’s not?
I understand your view on polling Jack…
But fact remains that Trump’s support is NOT in the 90’s range….
The composite polling you list is in the 80’s….
The low number in the poll we had was in 70’s….
I have ALWAYS stated that he has hardcore support which in MY view is the 70″s figure and across the board leaners that give him a another 10 % points maybe….
THAT is MY view….
Morning People….
Take it easy out there it’s gonna a be a hot two days!
my vehicle tells me it’s 100 degrees
oh wat!….No 99 decree’s…..
I understand where CG is coming from.
He desperately wants to return to the Republican Party that he knew preTrump.Hes torn between despising the Democrats and despising Trump.
He wants the latter gone and intellectually ( despite his increasingly fantastical flights of fancy about some “ centrist “ savior) understands that only a Democrat can do the job,yet he just can’t bring himself to verbally concede the same.
So he tries to convince himself that increasing numbers of Republicans are turning against their Leader.Theres no evidence of this of course.,so he just repeats the mantra.Apparently, hoping it will somehow magically come true.
In your case, it appears that your well known Trump obsession has reached the point where you are trying desperately to convince yourself that Republicans are increasingly tiring of Trump and are going to flock to the Democratic candidate to rid the country of him .
Once again, no evidence of this.Indeed, there is no evidence whatsoever there has been any significant erosion of his support among Republicans since his election.
Instead we are treated to uncalled for ballyhooing of one and two point deviations of selected polls to “ prove” the unprovable point.
Not tiring Jack….
As I just pointed out?
Lawmakers don’t REALLY support EVERYTHING Trump does…
We get a constant replay of comments against the guy, of deals with Democrats , only to be walked back and the current comment thing thing that GOPer’s say to reports off the4 record is dumb, but then they clam up….
This is fear…
This is N OT rear support…
10 seconds after loses or begin top drop in the polls they will drop him like a hot potato…
His support among lawmakers at least?
Has to be WAY below that numb errs you are fronting….
More nonsense.
So agew,very few, Republicans occasionally will mouth of some very mild criticism of Trump?
Their support,by their votes,which is all that matters, has been uniform across the board.
The above by you?
Mindless, meaninglessness drivel.
So they don’t “like him?So?
Actually not just a few….
Most who spea to media do this pretzel thing…
People who have and still work for him complain also…..
I understand u look at the Right as as a monolithic group that bow down to Trump
But THAT just isn’t true….
With all your contradicting statements…
I have stated that 8-9 out of ten Republican voters will support Trump for reelection based on current polling.
Tell me where you disagree ,if you do,with that statement and offer a evidence to support it
Oh certainly it’s true.
Tell me about all the prominent members of the “Right” that openly oppose Trump.Who are they?Besides Bill Kristol and afew essentially media created “spokesmen(Charlie Sykes) .Who?
You seem to think that “complaining” about him equals opposition.It doesn’t.They will still support him against any Republican or Democrat.
Your placing great store in personal animosities shows how little you really understand about politics.
In my view,Trumps” job approval” among self identified Republicans is around 90% and that is borne out by most polls.
Now his favorability rating is probably lower ,maybe around 75-80%.These are Republicans who ,while approving of his policies and appointments, find him persoanllay objectionable.
Once again, in my view ,most of these types will vote for him against any of the major Democratic candidates .(Biden may marginally get a few more of these votes).
In sum, I believe as matters now stand Trump can count on the votes of 85-90% of self described Republicans.
Add this retweet to your personal catalogue of fanatics, toadies and sycophants:
Mike Pence
4 hours ago
When our President stands up to radical Democrats who accuse Border Patrol of running concentration camps, use anti-Semitic slurs to denounce support for Israel, and continually attack America, we stand with President @realDonaldTrump!
What a surprise!
( as the lapdog rounds the track)
Considering only 2% of House Republicans voted to condemn Trump’s racist remarks it bears to reason that the President has 80-90% of support among Republicans.
The basic IS he’s the shit for Republican voters around the country…
But at for me?
I see his support in layers…
NOT a uniform 90%….
Busy day away from the computer …
A few posts maybe later..if not in the morning….
Some people I spent time with today echo’d our view here that Democrats need to STOP eating their own and make sure there is a OVERWHELMINGLY STRONG vote AGAINST Trump next November!
A day or two ago, Jack predicted that within a few years after Trump leaves office, his current supporters (especially those in or seeking office) will deny ever having backed him, just as Jack says it is hard to find a Southerner who admits to having George Wallace when he was an arech-segregationist.
Another example might be Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wisc.]. McCarthyism has acquired such a bad connotation that even today’s Republicans and conservatives use the term pejoratively, for example when they claim that someone is a victim of “the McCarthyism of the Left”.
But lurch back six or seven decades ago to McCarthy’s heyday, between roughly 1950 and the U.S. Senate’s censure in 1954, and it was very hard to find a Republican candidate or officeholder (there actually were a few like Margaret Chase Smith of Maine) who would dare to disagree with or condemn McCarthy’s tactics, partly because they feared the reaction from the Republican base, partly because they didn’t want to become targets of McCarthy themselves and partly because at one point McCarthy was popular among voters in general.
So they just dodged, weaved and prevaricated, like today’s Republican “leaders” with their current President.
In particular, Dwight D. Eisenhower temporized during his first campaign for President in 1952. According to Wikipedia (not of course an authority by itself, but only as good as its editors and sources):
“During the 1952 presidential election, the Eisenhower campaign toured Wisconsin with McCarthy. In a speech delivered in Green Bay, Eisenhower declared that while he agreed with McCarthy’s goals, he disagreed with his methods. In draft versions of his speech, Eisenhower had also included a strong defense of his mentor, George Marshall, which was a direct rebuke of McCarthy’s frequent attacks. However, under the advice of conservative colleagues who were fearful that Eisenhower could lose Wisconsin if he alienated McCarthy supporters, he deleted this defense from later versions of his speech. The deletion was discovered by William H. Laurence, a reporter for The New York Times, and featured on its front page the next day. Eisenhower was widely criticized for giving up his personal convictions, and the incident became the low point of his campaign.
“With his victory in the 1952 presidential race, Dwight Eisenhower became the first Republican president in 20 years. The Republican party also held a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. After being elected president, Eisenhower made it clear to those close to him that he did not approve of McCarthy and he worked actively to diminish his power and influence. Still, he never directly confronted McCarthy or criticized him by name in any speech, thus perhaps prolonging McCarthy’s power by giving the impression that even the President was afraid to criticize him directly. ”
For sources, references and context, see:
¶ But, today, only a very few ardent John Birchers will say anything even as mild as “Stalin’s Communism was such a threat in 1950 that Joe McCarthy’s zeal — if not his tactics or targets — was necessary to protect the Republic.”
¶ As with so much, this atheist can find an echo in the Bible, specifically the 26th Chapter of the Gospel according to St Matthew:
“34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice…..
69 Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee.
70 But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest.
71 And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth.
72 And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man.
73 And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee.
74 Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.
75 And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.”
As with Joe McCarthy, George Wallace and Richard Nixon (whom a sizeable proportion of GOPers still think was railroaded in 1972-74), see how many prominent or hopeful Republicans will echo St Peter’s words, “I know not this man,.”
DESPITE Jack’s gloom and doom?
This too shall pass….
a totally itrelevant comment to DSDs post.
Of course,as we all know ,DSD himself often has to correct you..
You often don’t even understand what he is saying.
The same applies to the rest of us…
Your total lack of reading comprehension is remarkable.
Indeed, what often happens, is your” replies” to various posts has no relationship whatsoever to the post itself.
I think that James has misunderstood what was a mere hypothesis or presumption (mainly unwritten) in Jack’s comment about disowning Wallace’68 and my reply about McCarthyism.
We certainly both wish (as do we all) that “this too shall pass”, and were speculating — if it did pass— whether in future decades, Trump’s current enablers would disown him, as happened to some of those who had once ardently championed George Wallace, Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon.
But that was an assumption for the sake of argument, and (much as we dread a second Trump term, perhaps concluded by Mike Pence), neither Jack nor I is anywhere near discounting the possibility of a Democratic loss in next year’s Electoral College.
The amount of destruction Trump could wreak in a second term (especially, as seems more likely than not, with a GOP Senate) is to ghastly to contemplate, but it might very involve the U.S. (with almost no allies) at war, racial violence, the environment raped and climate headed irreversibly downward.
But it could all too easily happen. And this, too, shall NOT have passed.
Everything passes..
And I am in agreement
Donald Trump could do what he always does
Fuck Things Up…
Been preaching here almost daily
The ‘squad’ gets kudo’s at home and are playing the SHORT game..
They just could be making them the enemies of their OWN party…
I hear that Pelosi is supported to have a sitdown with ‘squad’ next week to try to calm tensions and media bs down..
Today, 20 July 2019, not only marks the 50th anniversary of the manned moon landing, but also exactly 2 1/2 years since Inauguration Day, and 18 months before the next Inauguration.
We could start chanting “Eighteen more months !! ”, but — who knows ? — it could be “66 more months.”
Just 18 i’m betting on!
Today’s talking heads had GOPer’s on saying their guy was a chump…
But that he could win a second term….
You’ve never considered that Trump could win next year?
What planet do you live n?
Oh and these “GOPers” who think Trump is a “chump?”
They’ll support him down the line.Who gives a damn if they think he’s a “chump?”Hell they are worse than Trump in my view.
Stop being silly Jack…..
Of course we ALL are scared SHITLESS the knucklehead COULD have the Democrats help he continue his reign.…
That whole post of yours(as are most of your posts )the personification Of silliness,
Constantly stating the obvious , like the above nonsense,Replying to posts with a mishmash Of indecipherable horse manure that no one even understands, and good natured DSD gently trying to explain to you his posts that you so are obviously don’t even understand…
Sure my post was “silly.”It was meant to be.When responding to insipid silliness?Well what’s called for but more silliness.
let me know so i can answer ya back…..
I suppose you’re knocking my Trump is a one termer?
Why my conviction?
I’ll state it again….
Unless the Democrats run another candidate of Hillary’s caliber?
They SHOULD get the Presidency back ….
Donald Trump runs at 40 to 45% consistanly…..
Mostly any political junkie can reasonably make the prediction that he will lose the popular vote, AGAIN….
I have stated here that it’s NOT how many votes in reality….
It is where the votes come from….
Now Jack?
I also believe that absent an complete fuck up?
Ole Joe Biden WILL be the nomninee
That said?
Here’s some numbers….
Ohio….Biden by 4
Mich….Biden by 8
Pa……Biden by 8
Fla…..Biden by 3
NH……Biden by 10
Those RCP averages are the story….
Donald Trump NEEDS ALL the above….
I can’t find polling numbers for New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada ….
I KNOW it’s 18 month out….
But THIS Time?
Donald Trump HAS a record…
This time those suburban voters who left him at the altar last year?
Are goon be still in the back of the place going for Democrats or sitting it out….
The Rust belt GOPer’s may still like the ‘then vs us’ part of the guy…
But they have gained NOTHING from Donald Trump…
This is view about the ‘softness’ in the Trump numbers that constantly raise up to the highest level…
My bet is that some of Trump’s numbers ARE soft…
Why else would be bull shit them?
I STILL think Trump for a second term IS a long shot….
Trump should lose.I don’t disagree.
Having said that,sure he could still win.There are all sorts of scenarios whereby he could emerge victorious,
Way too early to predict a nominee for me.
For the Democrats to assure victory there needs to be a priority placed on turning out a heavy Minority vote,particularly in the usually Democratic states of Pa., Michigan and Wisconsin.
That’s what will assure victory.
The so called Obama/Trump voters?Thecones that are going to switch back to the Democrats have likely already decided to do so.Accordingly, while every vote counts, I am not high on putting as much resources into bringing these people back in the fold as I am in turning out Sure Democratic votes.
Where you and I are in major disagreement is the idea that Republicans ,who allegedly “disapprove “ of Trump ,are going to have a major effect on his reelection.While there is much talk about the numbers of Republicans who support Trump or “approve” of his performance, my contention is that even many who disapprove will vote for him in preference to any of the Democrats.I can’t see any Democrat ,even Biden ,garnering anymore than 5-10% of the Republican vote which makes this debate over Trumps “approval” among Republicans superfluous.
I wouldn’t use the word ‘major’ ….
I HAVE been pushing for around the edges….
I agree absent a major screw up?
Democrats would just get crumbs…
But WELL KNOW that Hillary lost by those same crumbs, eh?
No, James, I (whose Name is not Jack) think it was this post:
which really didn’ reply to my two posts above it
What I assume is the post Jack was responding to said “Everything shall pass”, which just isn’t true. Slavery and the Bolshevik Revolution may have passed but the evil things they did still live with us.
If on his intended path to personal despotism based on p0pulist prejudice, Donald Trump has another four years, he could cause all kinds of things that will take a long time, if ever, to pass: stripped-out mountaintops, pillaged virgin forests, wrecking the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, polluted oceans, irreversible climate change, wars that could last decades, a judiciary and civil service permanently bent to the Party of the Day (cf. Venezuela, Hungary, Russia), the destruction of scientific knowledge, a permanent corrosion of racial and ethnic relations, a permanent distrust of objective news media, an irreversible 1850’s-like division of the country, etc., etc.
May Heaven Save the Republic.
The end of your post just repeats your usual combination of truisms and questionable pro-Biden, anti-progressive propaganda (which really has nothing AT ALL to do with Jack’s discussion of George Wallace supporters, or my comments about the supporters of Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon.
This post is probably already too long for you to read, digest and remember. Many of our posts (Zreebs’, CG’s, ScottP’s Jack’s and my own) took a great deal of time and care to construct a logical progression of reasonably-well-written paragraphs that ask a question or argue a point.
If all you see and react to is what happens to show up on one screen of your cell phone, then perhaps you should take the time to understand what we’re trying to say.
You ARE correct….
I DO push Biden here…
I feel he IS the right answer right now for Dem’s….
Lord save us all if the knucklehead manages to get another term!
I read the whole thing DSD….
Excellent advice.
James likely thinks I don’t like him.
Not true.I simply get tired of his pseudo “responses” to me(which often have nothing to do with what I was talking about) and his apparent inability or refusal to grasp what is being said before embarking on a “response” which, as I’ve said, has nothing to do with the matter at hand,
He also is often consumed with minutiae.A good example was when ,after posting some polls ,all of which showed Trumps approval at 82-90% among Republicans .I extrapolated from those numbers that Trump,as of now, could count on the support of 8-9 out of every Ten Republicans,certainly a logical assumption.He then wanted to commence a discussion of the difference between the lower and the upper numbers of these polls as showing some “decline” of Trump support among Republicans.I am unaware of any analyst either Democratic or Republican Who claims such.The alleged differences of these polls was minute and of no consequence to that overall analysis.
If James would simply think before he posts.His views would be taken more seriously.
Hey Jack?
Since I started this place I HAVE said repeatedly that in fact I DO like you here…
I have said over and OVER the challenges make me BETTER…
You keep at it….
And yes….
Sometimes the little things DO make a difference….
We don’t agree own some things…
But on the hold?
We come from the same place….
DSD even gets impatient with me at times….
I am NOT perfect….
I am strong of view….
And most certainly make mistake like everybody else…
I DO think….
But I do see thinks differently then u do Jack from time to time….
And ya know what?
That’s ok…..
Laugh of the Day…
Donald Trump,Jr. is “writing” a book.
The only question is ask here is,Who is really writing that book?
Whom is doing the illustrations?
Can you quickly pick the entities Donald Trump thinks are overrated from the quotes?
I got 70 percent, with 40 seconds to spare. Had I taken my time, I would have gotten them all.
Nancy Pelosi’s approval has jumped UP by 3% points in the last four days in the RCP polling average….
Her approval average is about 3-4% points below Trump’s nationally….
New thread sometime later today……
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has given final legislative approval to a bill ensuring that a victims’ compensation fund related to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks never runs out of money.
The 97-2 vote sends the bill to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it….
AP News…
Person’s responding to disasters should not have to worry about if their government will have their backs for long term healthcare…
9/11 responders came from ALL over America…
Not just NYC…
We should cover those who sacrificed to help others….
In case you were wondering, the 2 Nays on 9/11 responder funds came from Republicans Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah.
Not voting was Johnny Isakson of Georgia.
I WILL do a Open Thread today….
I got 9 out of 10.
A host of articles on Political Wire today discussing hiw Trump has accomplished little for the working classs, sides with big corporate interests, seeks to cut food stamps, yet has outpaced spendung by Obama.
In other words–he’s a typical Republican!
Remember the “Tea Party?”
Recall that their supposed main issue was the “deficit” and the national “debt.”
Suspicious types noticed that they supposedly “spontaneously” rose up a scant two or three months after the inauguration of the first Black President.
So called “conservatives”assured us that such had nothing to do with these “good people who are concerned about their country “and their legitimate angst over burgeoning deficits which of course were caused by an Administration that had only assumed office a few months before.
So the question occurs,Where are they now?A White Republican President is presiding over the biggest deficits in history and these “good people who are concerned about their country?”Nowhere to be found or are they?
I suggest that you observe the next Trump Hatefest.Thats them. you know the ones screaming the loudest, wearing the goofy hats ,and chanting whatever slogan Dear Leader commands them to.
The lesson?Ill leave that to you.
Republicans simply forget about the deficit when they are in power.
They did that before Trump, they’ll do it when he’s gone.
Count on it.
The elimination of the sequester is in the new budget ‘deal’….
I was curious about that…
And yea Scott….
Biden or any other Dem in the WH will bring it back….
Trump talking g out of both sides of his mouth says he wants to make HUGE cuts in the next budget…
Bull Shit…
No ‘Tea Party’ organization….
I believe the lawmakers renamed themselves the “Freedom Party’
No matter….
Rightwingnuts STILL exist….
Their numbers will continue to drop….
But they have a direct line to Trump these days….
And Republicans have to pushback against them sometime just Pelosi has to pushback against the ‘squad’….
No they’re known as the Republican Party.
The question could be?
If Democrats can take the time to stop fighting among THEMSELVES could they remind voters that Donald Trump is NOTHING but hot air?????
You are opposed to multiple candidates seeking the nomination?
As I have said for years here?
Nomination race among Dem’s makes the winner stronger…
Good Practice….
Joe Biden right now is a prime example….
More contradiction…
On one hand you criticize Democrats “fighting AMONG THEMSELVES,”then claim that nomination race is “Good Practice.”
You do understand that a “race” implies a certain amount of political “fighting?”
Hell, maybe you don’t.
He, he, he…..
Yo Jack?
Everthing doesn’t fit exactly….
I said what I mean in both cases…..
I’m not just talking about the fight for the nomination….
Whatever you say…Uh yeah riiiight!
Good God!