The Washington Post does a Q & A with the former Republican Governor of Ohio…
The guy could run against Donald Trump for the GOP Presidential nomination, but I doubt it very much…..
Former Ohio governor John Kasich has sent mixed signals about whether he will launch a primary challenge to President Trump for the 2020 Republican presidential nomination. Now a senior political commentator for CNN, Kasich says he has bigger things on his mind.
You said recently [about challenging Trump]: “There’s no path right now for me. … I’ve never gotten involved in a race that I didn’t think I could win.” Then you tweeted, “While the path looks tough, all of my options are on the table.” What factors are you considering before you make the final decision?
Whether there’s a path. I mean, I don’t have anything to add. I didn’t say anything that is any different than what I’ve been saying for the last year. You know, things are very volatile in this business, and you just cannot predict what might change.
How do you determine that there is, or there isn’t, a path?
Have you ever been out hiking in your life? When you’re looking to how you’re going to get to the top of the hill, you kind of make an assessment as to which is the right way to go — if you can even make it.
What motivates you to be thinking so hard about running in the first place? What would you do differently from President Trump?
Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. You know, I’m not thinking hard about — look, there’s lots of things that I’m doing. I’m an idea guy. And I’m very interested in what’s happening with our country, what’s happening around the world….
image…the dail beast
If Kasich were to run against Trump in the primaries ,which I’m almost sure he won’t, he would be humiliated and obliterated.
He’s a pretty smart guy.I can’t believe he would go on a suicide.mission.
Is the Republican Party in a “ coma” as Kasich claims ,or is it showing its true colors and it just took a hustler like Trump to bring them out?
If the latter,then Kasich and those like him are really going to have to re-evaluate their political futures if Trump is re-elected.
If the former, then Kasich may have a future,assuming a Trump defeat next year,in attempting to redefine the Republican Party in a post Trump world.
Kasich acknowledges that his chances would be slim…
Absent a major fuckup or revelation?
Trump IS person for the Grand Ole’ Party
i keep getting the though about what would Biden or any Democrat have to do in the 80 or so days after they won the election?
You know what could be a good wake up call to these comatose Republicans John? Running as a third party candidate next year. Call your party the Rational Republicans or Classic Republicans or something.
That’ll get em to pay attention.
Amash COULD just be what you are suggesting Scott….
I would hope that doesn’t bleed enough votes from a Democrat to have Trump do a squeezing into office a second time…
It’s enough to worry about the Democratic progressives fucking things up….
Yeah, Kasich is a bigger name though.
Amash is known to us political junkies but nowhere else currently.
Unless a big name like Kasich jumps in I think the percentage of 3rd party vote will drop considerably from the 6% share in 2016.
But media HAS TO love the Amash story enough to promo it big time?