It going to be Democrats…Democrats…DEMOCRATS….
There are something like 23 or 24 of them running in the Presidential nomination sweepstakes….
All are essentially trying to dislodge Joe Biden from the top of the hill….
This first debate’s [NBC] will be held on two days t on Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27 , there are so many ticket holders they split the debate up to two days for now…
We’ll see how this goes….
Several of the candidates have no real chance to get the nomination…
A few haven’t even qualified for the debate stage….
So?…. The debate’s WILL cut down the number of people ACTUALLY in the contest…
The other debates are …..
More on the Debates @ Election Central.…
New Open Thread is here for June 23rd…..
Interesting that Donald Trump’s response when asked about the latest rape allegation against him responded, “she’s not my type.”
Think about that, not, “that’s a horrible accusation” or “that isn’t how I remember our encounter” or even “she asked for it.” Nope, “she’s not my type.”
Meaning, of course I would have raped her if she were a ten, and Republicans are silent.
Some might think that there’s a good chance one of the Democratic Presidential candidates might apologize for having a dick in the upcoming debate. I wish Trump and the Republican Party enablers would simply apologize for being dicks.
And while we are on the topic of apologies, the Republicans owe Al Gore an apology for all the ridicule they have heaped on him for his Global Warming warnings. Frank Luntz changing the term to climate change won’t alter what is happening to our environment. Mike Pence can tell us all the the U.S. has the cleanest air and water, but that’s a lie. A terrible lie, but just one of many he’s told for the “Great White Hope.”
Just another reason to replace this Administration with a Democratic Administration that will actually address this issue instead of denying it. But Pence always was good at denial.
Got to go, conference call with clients here on the East Coast, at least I get to do it from the beach. P-Town is quiet this week.
With that many candidates and the limited time one will hear nothing but sound bites,
Since almost by definition ,with this large of field, nothing of substance will be discussed.
It will be an opportunity to have a “ gotcha” moment if somebody says something that can be blown up.
I have stated many time in the past that I have never found these “ debates” ( sic) of much use .
Morning Folks….
Debates may not be much to you….
For some it IS a chance to see the candidates under a bit of stress…
For the bottom feeders?
It’s a chance to intro themselves…
The lefties talking some of these things that have no future ARE gonna COST them primary votes…
Big ‘free’ programs that ain’t free turn off middle Americans of BOTH parties…
I presume you are responding to my post on another thread.
Actually, Sanders provides a funding mechanism for his program.You may disagree with it but that’s different from saying it is “free.”
The “bottom feeders” are already gone.
They just don’t know it yet.
The three or four minutes they are going to get to speak during these “debates”will do nothing to change that.
The following candidates,in my view, have some “chance”of being the nominee:Biden, Warren ,Sanders,Buttigieg, ORourke, Harris, Booker and maybe Klobuchar.
The rest?Dead Men or women walking.
I would agree with ur list……
I agree also. everyone else is greater than 100-1 odds.
I either agree or disagree. This is to see if the comment posts.
I’d agree with that assessment. It’s a shame that neither of the governors–Inslee or Hickenlooper–have caught fire yet.
Unless something drastic happens though those two will he the Bruce Babbitts of this cycle.
Let’s see if anyone remembers that name.
Bruce Babbitt….
Many say Bruce Babbitt’s ’88 campaign was derailed when he was caught on an open mic telling his wife, whom he had not seen for several days, that he was horny.
Party members were aghast that a Democrat wanted to get it on with his own wife.
Actually Babbitt never was a serious candidate.
I remember Babbitt as ,having to me at least ,an awkward speaking style.
He came across as almost too earnest and seemed to be overly rehearsed.
I always felt like he was playing a candidate in a movie.
Didn’t he have some sort human bobble-head thing going on when he talked?
Yeah,like I say it was awkward and stilted.
Very humorless.
Almost like he was some kind of caricature.
The media loved him. He was the most “high-minded” of the candidates in that cycle.
I suppose America missed out on Babbitt vs duPont.
Of course, he would go on to become Secretary of the Interior under Clinton, where like nearly all of his first term Cabinet members, was nearly indicted (or actually indicted.)
He was also the runner-up to Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the Supreme Court seat.
I just remember hearing all these 1988 names on tv as a child and thinking Babbit’s name sounded a lot like Biden and not being sure if Gephardt and Hart(pence) were the same person or not.
I remember that campaign well.
Babbitt tried to be the most “”moderate” candidate in the field.
He came to S.C. a couple of times but generated no support,that place having been taken by Al Gore who went on to win several primaries.
Like I say,he never was a serious candidate and never came close to winning anywhere.
Apparently he was a pretty smart guy though.
Being a cog of the then Democratic establishment at the time, I dutifully supported Gore.
The ’88 Al Gore who was a proud tobacco farmer!
I believe Dana Carvey played Babbitt during that campaign on SNL for the debate sketches. His GOP character on the show worked out better.
Is that what Republicans believe?
I think Republicans believe Trump doesn’t rape women who aren’t “his type”.
Meaning they believe he would rape one that is.
And they are fine with it.
My thoughts exactly Scott.
Inslee and Hickdnlooper have both run poor campaigns and neither deserve more support than they have. Inslee for example sometimes uses “climate change” – which GOP pollsters prefer over “Global Warming” – which is an incredibly stupid mistake on Inslee’s part.
Briefly, I disagree with the premise of that.
It’s definitely the left that prefers the term “climate change.”
“Global Warming ” used to be the term and then conservatives would talk about why it was so bitterly cold at times (and we are having the coldest June in memory here) and those who wish to push the issue more then changed their talking point to the climate changing in general which leads to blizzards and polar vortexes, instead of just “warming.”
So, Inslee is not making a mistake.
I assume media editors also have something to do with wording…
Frank Luntz found that “climate change” is less scary to voters than “global warming” and suggested Republicans use “climate change”. You are likely being disingenuous again. Or look up Luntz on Wikipedia.
I don’t know, Zreebs, if my last aside is what you’re referring to when you refer to someone’s being disingenuous, but in my case that certainly wasn’t the case.
Rather it reinforces my point about how hard it is to navigate this thread.
Your query, “Is this what Republicans really believe?” appears just before the discussion of climate change vs Global Warming, not as a continuation of that sub-thread. It took me forever — even after your second remark — to match up the discussion with your rhetorical question.
Of all of the people on this site, you are probably the LEAST likely to be disingenuous. Both of my responses were to Corey, and not to you. Sorry for the confusion.
Every Democrat from Obama on down uses the term “climate change.” Look it up, instead of slandering poor Jay Inslee, who has enough problems.
Maybe the liberals here can say which term they think is the more accurate.
I don’t care what you call it. Acknowledge it exists and do something about it!
My point is that people believe “Global Warming” is a bigger issue than “Climate Change”, so you should call it Global Warming. This is a Marketing 101 mistake.
Of course if you don’t believe in or are indifferent to Global Warming like Corey because he will likely be dead before he is dramatically affected, then calling it Climate change makes sense.
I looked up Luntz on this issue and he seems to want Republicans to find common ground with Democrats on addressing the issue substantively not just to frame the issue in order to beat Democrats, as he has in the past with the other ways he suggest issues be framed via words.
The bottom line is that *everyone* who thinks that the planet is in danger uses “climate change” instead of “global warming.”
During the two nights of debates, we can keep track for every time one of the non-Inslees uses the term “climate change”, Zreebs should donate a dollar to a charity of his choice.
Morning people….
Conversation is back at the PDog….
I did this open thread 2 days ago!….
This is merely a test to see if I can post from this location.
I am having a busy day and would be wise to stay away from the fray today… h/t Dr. Suess?
No, there is no such thing as a free lunch. And if you are a believer in private healthcare, you are having to pay for the multi-million dollar salaries of the CEOs and the dividends that these companies pay to stockholders. You also to have to pay for things like marketing materials and underwriting costs – costs that will be a lot more expensive than if it were a single payer system. There is a reason that healthcare costs more in the US – even if you don’t understand why.
His opposition to a single payer health care system is rooted in the fact that He essentially supports the present system .
Although I would never wish harm on him or his family,one catastrophic event may change his tune when he finds out how much his health insurer takes care of him.
Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of this in my time.
Warren and Sanders ‘free’ stuff rollout’s don’t headline the FACT that they involve HIGHEWR taxes …..
Since most reach people will be allowed to duck paying taxes , no matter HOW much these two bill shit us about the pay part?
Middle class people like me will end up with higher taxes….
A Good Republican reply.
I would expect no less.
James is essentially saying that Warren and Sanders secretly want to further increase the share of taxation on middle class voters! I’m not sure I ever heard a Republican make that conspiracy argument before?
There’s nothing secret about their desire to raise taxes.
you think GOPer’s are gonna let liberal Dem’s increase taxes for the rich?????
as was said before….
these big ticket ‘free’ ideas are just that….
talking points….
“I will cure cancer.”
Joe Biden
Arguably,all campaign discussions are “talking points.”
true THAT Jack
there are NO free rides
“There are no free rides.”
Ain’t it!🙄
One Final test….
Of course the Democrats have to win the Senate – or they will have a tough time getting a budget passed, never mind a major program. And that is true if Biden wins too.
Ok, that’s interesting. At a certain point, all the posts I was trying to make from work did not go through. It was like I was “banned.” james, do you know what might have happened.
I tried from home and it works here though. Anyways, no time now to say all the things I was trying to say before!
i have idea why CG…
something changed….
ur fine now…
ur work computer could have had a new filter or IP address change…
Uh-oh.. I hope they aren’t on to me…
I guess I will see tomorrow.
May the force be with u!
On MTP yesterday,Trump said he wanted Pence to remain on the ticket.
Of course Trumps remarks mean nothing as he can change his mind on a dime.
There has been talk that Nikki Haley might replace Pence as VP candidate.
I have opined that Trump would likely keep Pence because of his lapdog type loyalty .Besides, I think Trump really doesn’t like Haley very much.
Could Trump deal with the replaying of her negative comments from 2016 being posted?
If Trump says your job is safe you better have a backup plan.
I don’t think he will pick Haley if he jettisons Pence though.
Maybe he’ll go with Lindsey Graham.
Or his own son
Nothing would surprise me honestly.
He, he, he….
Nor should it Scott, I agree….
Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal ran an editorial today advocating replacing Pence with Haley.
Speculation on Mediaite that either Rupert Murdoch or Trump himself was behind it.
Trump is at his heart a reality TV host. He will play up the possibility of switching out VPs till the convention I bet. It’s good for the ratings.
what a way to make Mike feel wanted, eh?
Making Mike Pence & Nikki Haley squirm uncomfortably on your very own reality show.
Switching Vice Presidents hasn’t happened since FDR ran with Sen. Harry S Truman in 1944 (4th term) rather than sitting VP Henry A. Wallace (3rd term), after picking Wallace in 1940 rather than his 2-term VP, John Nance Garner (1932 & 1936).
[ Ike-Nixon x 2; Nixon-Agnew x 2; Carter-Mondale x 2,; Reagan-Bush x 2,; Bush-Quayle x 2; Clinton-Gore x 2; Bush-Cheney x 2; Obama-Biden x 2 ]
Before that (excluding VP’s who died or resigned in their first term) not since Benjamin Harrison ditched his sitting VP Levi Morton with Whitelaw Reid in 1888.
¶ Returning candidates who had lost in their first try were a little more likely to pick a new running mate; e.g. Nixon-Agnew in 1968 & 1972 after Nixon-Lodge lost in 1960, Stevenson-Kefauver in 1956 after Stevenson-Sparkman lost in 1952 and Tom Dewey-Earl Warren in 1948 after Dewey-John Bricker lost in 1944.
William Jennings Bryan ran and lost with three (some would say four) different running-mates in 1896, 1900 and 1908.
Trump said the other day that Pence will be his VP in 2020. but of course it’s not as if Trump’s word is gold!
No…..It isn’t….
Earlier I opined that Trump might want his son to be his VP.
I’m not kidding.
Some Republicans who line up for his rallies have said that they would like to see Don Jr. succeed his father as President.
Nutty? Absolutely. But that s the state of the modern GOP.
Actually, Ivanka is the one who gets mentioned and clearly, she is the favored child.
Maybe, Ivanka can be VP and Donald Jr can be something like Defense Secretary?
On DonJr. for VP?
If Trump wanted to put Don Jr or Ivamka as VP to groom for President Republicans would let it happen.
Mark my word
I can’t imagine that Donald Jr. is any less qualified to be President than Donald Sr.
New Open thread coming tonight….
Interesting media news…
Carl Cameron ,what retired from Fox News in 2017,has come out as a(gasp,) “librul.”
Cameron, a mainstay of the Fox News division who appeared nightly on Fox News shows such as Special Report and Shepherd Smith is working on anew progressive website startup.
Cameron criticized his former network for letting their opinion entertainers ie, Hannity,Tucker Carlson,etc take precedence over hard news reporters.
Carlson apparently is a major foreign policy advisor to Trump and is being given credit by some for Trumps overruling his actual foreign policy advisors in standing down from a military strike against Iran.Carlson later launched a blistering attack on NSC Advisor John Bolton .Trump followed up with open criticism of the hawkish Bolton which praising him as a “good guy.”
It’s not very surprising. I would assume the same majority of Fox News “news” people, as opposed to the opinion people (putting aside the openly liberal Shepherd Smith who hosts for several hours a day) are as likely to be Democrats than anybody else on tv news.
The only reason it is a little surprising is Cameron was sort of a protege of Britt Hume who, usually,but not always, takes conservative positions on things.
Cameron ,on the air would often call Hume, “boss.”
Then again,Hume was a protege of the famed muckraker Drew Pearson who ,conversely ,usually,but not always,took the liberal side of issues .
I first saw “Campaign Carl” on tv when he worked for WMUR in NH during the 1996 primaries.
He impressed national media people and got the gig at the new FNC after that.
I don’t know if he was a “protégé” as much as an ass-kisser.
WMUR has been, and I think is still owned by the family of William Loeb, the arch-reactionary publisher of the Manchester Union-Leader, a newspaper that was nver shy about putting its right-wing politics on the front page.
Remember Ed Muskie crying over Loeb’s accusations that Muskie had used the word “Canuck” in the 1972 primary season (that was back in the days that Real Men — unlike, say, John Boehner 30 years later — were meant never to cry in public, especially those seeking to control the nuclear trigger).
WMUR, an ABC affiliate, is owned by Hearst. According to Wikipedia, it was never a property of the Loebs.
Thanks for correcting my long-held but apparently erroneous belief.
The Wikipedia entry for the late William Loeb (rather weakly sourced) says:
“He tried, but failed, to win the license for the only television station licensed in the state, WMUR-TV.”
I thought Muskie cried while defending his wife from attacks.
I think that we might both be right, CG.
The accusations, according to Wikipedia, came a day after the forged “Canuck” letter was released, so it’s hard to say which motivated his emotions when he spoke just after both of them came out.
The video clip of him in the snow is of him imploring… “she’s a good woman…”
In 1972, Loeb publicly endorsed and made a speech on behalf of Sam Yorty,the maverick Democratic Mayor Of Los Angeles,who was running in the Democratic Presidential Primary In New Hampshire.
Loeb was pissed at Nixon for being insufficiently “conservative.”
Times have changed in politics. It’s virtually a given that at least one of the 20 Democrats will weep during the debate.
At least one or more (Gillibrand or Beto most likely) will drop f bombs from their podium as well.
The wildcard for me is if any of the candidates will actually consume cannabis while on stage.
Or hug a reporter or another candidate….
Trump talked about the size of his penis on the debate stage and your party nominated him!
There is at least a slight chance that one of the Democrats will on stage apologize for having a penis.
Well, I could think of a couple of those candidates who might not apologise for lacking one — only to have the Nation’s Premier Moral Leader mention bleeding…
Quinnipiac University poll, June 6 – 10, 2019
( via http;// )
53 % – 40 % — Biden vs Trump (D + 13 %)
51 % – 42 % — Sanders vs Trump (D + 9 %)
49 % – 41 % — Harris vs Trump (D + 8 %)
49 % – 42 % — Warren vs Trump (D + 7 %)
47 % – 42 % — Buttigieg vs Trump (D + 5 %)
47 % – 42 % — Booker vs Trump (D + 5 %)
Re: Trump vs SIX Dem’s and trailing?
Even a year and half out….
In just two days, this thread has become long (75 comments including this one) and nearly-impossible to navigate (I have no idea what Zreebs is referring to when he asks “Is this what Republicans really believe ?”)
But that’s the price of an active, open discussion.
Perhaps it’s already time for a new Open Thread.