He’s NOT the only Progressive/Left leaner looking for Democratic votes out there…
And guess what?
All this jocking favors who?
Not the Democratic Senator from that state but who?
Bernie Sanders put down roots in California during the last presidential race — and he never really left. Now, he is making the delegate-rich, early voting state, where progressives are ascendant, a central part of his 2020 campaign.
But as the Vermont senator sets up camp here again, he finds himself in a different and perhaps less favorable environment, without Hillary Clinton to play off, surging energy behind a progressive rival in Elizabeth Warren and a popular home-state senator, Kamala Harris.
A crush of events this weekend centered around the state Democratic Party convention here — from ballroom speeches to intimate meals to a liberal forum organized by the influential group MoveOn — laid bare the emerging scramble to cut into Sanders’ progressive base.
“Last time, Sanders was able to run as the only progressive against an establishment candidate,” said Doug Herman, a California-based Democratic strategist. “There are multiple options for a progressive candidate at this point—if that’s who you want to elect. And polling is showing that Warren is taking the biggest bite out of Bernie’s base.”
California’s Super Tuesday primary — and the liberal-leaning state’s glut of delegates — has heightened its importance next year. The convention served as a kind of curtain-raiser for its millions of voters, but also a chance to chip away at Sanders’ standing in front of plugged-in activists. Public and private polls of the state, which largely mirror national figures at the top, show former Vice President Joe Biden running in the lead, followed by Sanders, Harris and Warren….
The Democratic Presidential nomination race should over after the votes are counted in California on March 3rd’s Super Tuesday primaries…
Interesting that Biden did not show up for the event. Probably a good move as Hickenlooper and Delaney got booed.
Biden doesn’t have to do the exposure stuff….
People KNOW who he is….
But his people HAVE to work EVERY primary state up to Super Tuesday…
Certainly it is noticed that Biden didn’t attend. He’ll get s pass on this and maybe another one if he is no-show at another major event. After that, he will have to show up,
I would agree to a certain extent….
If his numbers stay solid in a state that has an event ?
He can pick and choose….
I think his handlers are smart to keep him OUT of the media too much…
He simply does NOT have intro himself…
He did that over the 8 years he was in office…
If his numbers continue where they are after the first debate?
I’d say he’s a lock and can continue to work the swing states he’ll need for the general election against Trump…
The fact is?
The left/middle civil war thing seems to only be a media phenomena …
And what’s worst is the lefties are splitting their own vote…
Any casual review of Democratic primary history shows that Biden is very far from a lock to get the nomination.
From whst you write, I believe that you hate progressives far more than Republicans. But the vast majority of Democrats don’t share your intolerance.
Biden is the second choice of many Sanders supporters and Sanders is the second choice of many Biden supporters. And that is a good thing. The party needs to stay united.
Speaking of “locks”, this would be a good day to check out Jeopardy.
Dethroned Jeopardy champion James Holzhauer has the exact same framed photo portrait of the Chicago skyline in his home that I have in mine.
That has to be a sign of something..
He had over $2M…
I’d be interested to see a Biden supporter who had Sanders # 2 and vice versa.
What the Biden thing reminds me of is Mitt Romney’s 2012 race for the nomination.
Romney was facing a smaller and far less substantial field than Biden currently is and was considered the front-runner. He attempted, for the most part, to run a general election campaign in the primary, thinking that the votes on the far right would splinter.
For the most part, despite some ups and downs, that is what happened and Romney’s strategy worked in winning the nomination.
However, Obama, who was of course assured of his party’s nomination, ran a “turn out the base” campaign during the general election when he did not try to move to the center, but pointed to his opponent as an extremist and instead of trying to win over voters who had passed him over last time, managed to squeeze out as many liberals and members of the Democrat base as possible.
It worked in November, as Obama won, but with far fewer votes than he got in 2008.
So, it feels like Biden is Romney and Trump is Obama in regards to the last time an incumbent was opposed.
Obama ’08 had a very large head start on Trump ’16 though.
yes – there was a recent poll which asked each person was asked for their first and send choices for president. Among Biden supporters Sanders was #2. And among Sanders supporters, Biden was #2.
One of the things I will look at when I decide who to vote for is how they do against Trump head to head. While it is still very early, Right now, Biden did best, and Sanders is second. And yes, a lot of Democrats will be looking at Who is most likely to beat Trump.
Yes Z….
And some will vote their choice a person that Trump CAN beat….
Well let’s look at the head-to- head polling seven months from now. Hopefully, both Biden and Sanders will be doing even better than they are now.
Remember that in 2016, such Trump vs. … polls pretty consistently showed Sanders doing rather better (or at least as well) as the presumed consensus Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.
In some polls, he was ahead of Trump when all the other Democratic candidates fell short.
THAT isn’t the case this time….
Biden isn’t anything remotely like Hillary…