I keep screaming this at my TV when I see media people on TV smile and rant on about Democrats banging the table for going after impeaching Donald Trump ….
Those pushing qualify from the title of ‘Stupid ‘…..
Donald Trump WILL NOT be forced from office by a impeachment conviction….
There are Democratic House members that will NOT support it…
House Democratic Speaker Pelosi knows this….
67 US Senator’s would have to vote ‘Aye’ to convict…
Senate Minority leader knows that at least 2 of his Senator’s wouldn’t support it….
William Jefferson Clinton in his second term was impeached….
Not convicted…
Bill Clinton’s numbers THEN climb thru the roof!…
There is no reason to doubt that an impeachment move by Democrats WOULD afford no conviction and a guaranteed second term for one Donald J. Trump…
There are a growing number of Stupid Democrats thinking about getting media attention today, to help get Donald Trump and Republicans game a second term Presidency….
No conviction for Trump would effectively shut down ANY effort to get rid of him…
Soon after the House voted to impeach him in December 1998, President Clinton surrounded himself with dozens of Democrats on the White House’s South Lawn.
Directly behind the president stood Reps. Steny H. Hoyer and Elijah E. Cummings, the Marylanders who now serve as House majority leader and chairman of the House Oversight Committee. Next to them were Reps. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), the future majority whip, and Eliot L. Engel (N.Y.), now chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. A few feet away Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a moral force then and now within the caucus, held a prominent post in the front row.
House Democrats stood behind Clinton in defiant opposition to the nearly party-line use of impeachment when the outcome in the Senate — a hung jury — seemed all but certain.
Flash forward more than 20 years. Those Democrats now find themselves staring down a revolt mostly from the more junior ranks of their caucus. The relative newcomers want impeachment proceedings against President Trump even though Senate Republicans stand unified behind him and the outcome — hung jury — is all but certain….
Ocasio-Cortez, 29, a first-term rising liberal star, was in grammar school at the time of the Clinton vote. Eshoo, 76, in her 27th year in office, sides with her best friend in Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), warning that once an impeachment inquiry gets started, it will almost certainly head to the full House even if polls continue to show opposition.
“It’s very difficult to unring a bell,” Eshoo said.
Pelosi tamps down talk of Trump impeachment — welcome words for centrist Democrats
The media has focused intensely on the Democratic political divide, between those from safely liberal areas versus several dozen from swing districts where Trump remains somewhat popular….
james, are you saying that House Democrats would be making a mistake to move to impeach Trump as it would make it more likely he wins reelection?
If so, I tend to agree. The pressure in the party to move towards impeachment is only going to be growing though.
I double down on that….
Now I also feel that just talking about gets under Trump’s skin and worries him…
Pelosi had a get together with her party people this morning and told them….
She implored them to let the probes continue and let Trump keep screwing HIMSELF …
The grassroots wants impeachment though and are going to hold it against Pelosi personally if she “doesn’t do her duty.” The pressure will also be felt on the Presidential candidates who have yet to come out in favor of impeachment.
I know that people here get upset when I try to offer “ideas” for Democrats, but perhaps she could have put forth a proposal to “formally censure” Trump, hoping that would be enough for some.
Boy, did this thread about impeachment (only 3 out of 30-odd comments) lurch way-off topic fast.
I’d just like to add to the comments about the GOP welcoming impeachment talk what I heard Rev. Pat Robertson say on his 700 (PTL) Club this morning. He also seems glad to let the Democrats get tangled up in this trap by proceeding prematurely.
¶ As for Trump’s assertion that he can’t work with the opposition party if it’s pursuing investigations against him, that (to the best of my fallible memory, knowledge & belief) didn’t apply to either Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, even after impeachment proceedings by an opposition Congress were about to begin.
Were that the case, almost no bipartisan or non-partisan deals, agreements or understandings could be accomplished about anything — since oversight (and thus investigation) of the Executive Branch [Article II] is a Constitutional responsibility of the Congress [Article I] and much (though far from all) of that oversight will eventually direct towards the Executive Office of the President, or higher.
I’m curious as to what CG thinks of the abortion bans in Alabama, Georgia, Misaoiri, etc and how they will play out politically in those states and across the country.
I’m staunchly Pro-Life, but agree with the many Republicans who thinks the Alabama bill went too far. There needs to be an exception for rape victims;. I don’t think this would be a good case to take to the Supreme Court for Pro-Lifers and in fact could backfire. It’s tough to gage the politics, but it has the potential to hurt Republicans, which is why many are distancing themselves.
I am not sure the particulars of Missouri. I am less troubled with what passed in Georgia, although it might have been more sellable to extend the period a couple more weeks I suppose. I think there would be broad consensus in the country to ban abortion after the first trimester.
So, you have very conservative states who are overreaching just as states like New York are overreaching when they pass legislation to allow abortion all the way up until delivery.
And has anybody figured out just what exactly it was that Ralph Northam was saying on the radio show when he said that a baby born would be “kept comfortable” while a discussion was held?
This certainly could work both ways politically.
If you speak with OB-GYN doctors who have had to perform late term abortions–as I have– you might realize conservative media’s portrayal of that very rare instance is less than honest. It’s fucking heartbreaking to hear that a child would never even be comfortable enough to sleep should be forced to be born into a world of constant pain. If in these instances the parents and doctor elect to give this child peace it is not my business to get in the way of that.
There seems to be “broad consensus” that a woman’s uterus is not the dann business of you or I or any other stranger.
Republicans could easily have acted to pass laws with exceptions for rape and incest or in the case of Georgia–allow for women to leave the state for their medical procedure and not face prosecution when they return. But they didn’t. Because this is about controlling women.
Hell a good ole boy Republican from southeast Missourah (Limbaugh country) said most of the assault cases he saw in law enforcement were “consensual rape”. Jesus, they’re all Todd Akin Republicans now. And we should show not a bit of mercy in calling them Todd Akin Republicans in every suburban Missouri district. Make them pay Dracarys!
The child is already born though.
Euthanasia? It’s certainly not an “abortion” at that time.
Where do we draw the line? Up to 5 years old if there is a health issue?
I see you want to focus on this instead of the fact that you think politicians should be between a woman’s uterus and her doctor.
I’m not falling for it.
Republicans are far from the mainstream on this issue now as proven by these bills.
It’s pointless to debate the morality of abortion and what should or should not be considered a human life. People will always disagree over this.
I am not sure if you are attempting to defend what Northam said or not.
Northam was not talking about abortion but infanticide. The baby is born. It is not a fetus. It is as alive as you and I and deserves every single right under the law that you and I have.
Whether one thinks it is appropriate to abort a child for having a disease or a disability or not, it will never be the case that such a diagnosis for the baby goes undetected until after the baby is born or just before.
To hell with debate about “morality”.
Is a woman’s body the business of politicians or not?
It’s easy to take that mindset if you do not believe an unborn child is a person deserving of protection.
That is simply where we disagree. Not uncommon in our society.
Do you support any exceptions at all to complete and total abortion on demand?
Is there sourcing for this claim that the Georgia law would prosecute women in any way, shape, or form for having an abortion, whether they leave the state or otherwise?
One can pass all the laws one wants.
In my view,even in red states ,it will be very difficult to find juries that will convict doctors who perform, much less women that have abortions.
I noticed, in Georgia ,the Prosecutors in Atlanta and surrounding counties have essentially said that they might not find the “time” to bring such prosecutions under the new law there.
Ironically the continuing adoption of these type laws,if upheld, may serve to decimate the anti abortion movement ,a mainstay of many state Republican parties.I mean…They’ve “won.”
From what I can quickly find, the legislation in Missouri and Alabama explicitly says women cannot be prosecuted.
There is some ambiguity in Georgia because of another existing law, but the sponsors of the bill say they never had an intention to see women prosecuted and the expectation is that a DA would never bring such a case against a woman.
This claim that there would be a criminal charge for a woman who left the state to have an abortion seems to be highly dubious. (I overrehard a young co-worker say this as well last week) If a “crime” occurs across state lines, wouldn’t it a federal jurisdiction matter then?
And that fact opens up an entire other legal dispute.
If abortion is in fact “murder” as most anti abortion people claim,how can the object of the procedure who willingly participates in the alleged “murder”(accessory)not be prosecuted along with the principle .
That’s a web that defense lawyers will savor over and helps explain why many prosecutors aren’t going to be bringing many of these type cases.
Anyway ,increasingly,abortion has become more of a symbolic stand on what many on the Right consider a moral issue.
It has long been my view that as a legal or philosophical matter even the overturning of the hated Roe v. Wade decision will not stop many abortions in this country.
I don’t think even the most ardent supporters of these laws (and I said I would have voted against the AL one) intend to see women prosecuted.
The intent is to reduce the number of abortions.
I don’t know what their “intent” is.
I know that once you start prosecuting people for a crime all sorts of other matters come into play and ,as I said, defense lawyers will have afield day with these laws that many Republicans are jubilantly adopting.
Further, it is my belief that many of the lawyer legislators who are voting for these laws well understand this but are doing so simply to show their constituents where they “stand,” while they fully realize the prosecutorial difficulties I have brought up.
Good point Jack. These laws were definitely written by people who consider all abortion– even in the case of rape and incest–murder.
CG wants to downplay how extreme these laws are because he doesn’t want his Republican party to pay the price for it’s extremism.
Meanwhile 90% of his shrinking party follows soneone he can’t stand–Donald Trump –no matter what.
If he really wants to blow up and restart hos party–Game of Thrones style– he would note how out of touch Donald Trump is making the GOP and that these draconian anti woman laws are Exhibit A.
Tie them all together and let them drown together.
Never seen Game of Thrones and Trump has said he disagrees with the AL law too.
I trust that in his heart of heart, Trump sides with you guys on the abortion matter and is only pretending to be Pro-Life. He has likely paid for several abortions and pressured women into having them.
Who cares what is in Trump’s “heart of hearts”
He is appointing justices that are more likely to overturn or curtail a ruling that 70% of Anericsns agree with–Roe v. Wade.
That’s why all these laws invading women’s privacy are being introduced. The people writing and voting on them sure don’t give a shit if Trump paid for abortions in the past. He’s on their side–and YOUR side now.
As jack said, we don’t know how those Justices would rule.
As someone who wants to see Roe v Wade overturned, I am of course doing you guys a solid by not voting for Trump in spite of that.
If it’s a federal crime.
So, again, this claim that the Georgia law will lead to women who leave the state to have an abortion being prosecuted is fake news.
If You’re addressing me?
I never said anything about the Georgia law.
I was just answering your question.
The law is clear. What Scott said simply is not backed by any fact at all. You agree, that what he claimed would a purely federal matter.
Yes, this feels like “old times” on here for sure. Congrats james,
Funny, you have more problems with Scott’s alledged faux pas that’s with the most ctremist members of your party who are busily adopting these spiteful mean spirited laws to show their so called
“Conservative values”
What are you “congratulating”James for?
I’m congratulating him because he has for months now been waiting for people to be commenting here again (not many of us of course) but still, this obviously is what he wanted.
And my work productivity will suffer.. for now.
Thanks CG….
I’m glad for the comeback
And as always would LOVE more commentors!
Well, Scott is here for me to address personally and those other bastards aren’t.
Not that I count Scott as a bastard or anything.
I hear ya Jack.,.
I think the Supreme’s can read…
America does NOT want to go backwards on abortion and women’rights…
If a direct challenge to Roe reaches the Supreme Court that will be very interesting.
CJ Roberts,in particular, is a well known supporter of stare decisis.
A lot of voters in 2016 cast their vote thinking social issues like a woman’s right to choose and martiage equality were settled law. Maybe they thought this because despite his promises to appoint conservative jurists we kept hearing that the Republican nominee was not a ” real Republican”.
3 years and several draconian state laws later we should all be wiser.
Firstly, I don’t hear anybody on the right trying to make an issue on the marriage thing,
I sort of disagree with the general premise. Traditionally, these issues have been far more effective for conservatives than liberals in terms of driving out the vote. I think Trump won because of social issues in large part and the idea that Democrats had moved so far to the left.
The Supreme Court vacancy is certainly an issue that exit polls show elected Trump as well.
A lot of people who hated the idea of voting for Trump, held their nose and voted for him, for that reason, and to simply do what they could to stop the left.
They will have to one day ask themselves if it was worth the cost. For me, it wasn’t.
I don’t see a strike down of Roe even from the Supreme’s
The state ducking would take the country backwards…
As a matter of fact?
The Republicans have lined up AGAINST the straight no abortion we’ll put the doctor in jail state law….
We’ve been here before…
I just do NOT see this country going back to coat hangers
Most Americans are not approving of abortions after the first trimester.
Even beyond that, they would want limits placed such as for sex selection. Under Casey vs. Planned Parenthood though, any abortion is legal for any reason at any time, no questions asked.
At the least, states should have the right to set limits. The idea of a baby who would be able to be viable outside of the womb being killed is abhorrent to many.
Nonetheless, I think the most effective way to reduce abortions is to appeal to people’s hearts and minds. Advances in science, such as showing when a heartbeat is present helps.
On the other hand, when we have national leaders, such as the current President, who is a virtual paragon of immorality and who will never call on America to reach for her better angels, and merely operates on a daily basis in pursuit of settling personal/temporary grievance, without regard to method, it makes it tougher to demonstrate a higher principle.
Once they defer to the states?
We go right back to pre-Roe vs Wade time….
Let’s NOT kid ourself’s on this…
The Supreme’s ruling Was MADE to codify the BASIC Right’s of women and bodies …
The anti-abortion people ARE looking to take the choice away….PERIOD!
Well,if you’re right,then all those who voted for Trump on the Supreme Court issue that CG alluded to above,are going to be mightily disappointed.
In my view, a certain obsession has developed ,on both sides, over the composition of the Supreme Court.
I personally don’t believe that it is of the prime importance as it is now given.I doubt if many people can name even one case that the Court has handed down over the past ten years or so that has had a major impact on their lives.Certainly Congressional actions have been of much more importance,yet the myth persists.
In regards to the whole brouahaha about new state abortion laws, I found the concept of Alyssa Milano’s “sex strike” to be pretty hilarious.
She claims that because abortion restrictions are being put into place, women who might be at risk of facing an unwanted pregnancy should refrain from an activity that could possibly cause an unwanted pregnancy…Alyssa acted like she was putting forth some great concept of civil disobedience.
No, what she called for might as well have come out of the mouth of Phyllis Schlafly or an Archbishop.
Yeah that was stupid.
Of course I guess I’m a dinosaur in that I don’t know who in the Hell Alyssa Milano is!
She was one of my first celebrity crushes.. way back when…
Now, she is a Twitter Warrior for the Left.
Tony Danza played her Dad….
She the daughter on the show Who’s the Boss’
And played one of the witches on TV series ‘Charmed’….
She does the five for animals sad commerocal