While his support of tough on crime legislation in the past might find support from the Right….
Most Democrats , especially those on the Left , could have problems with such actions…
Biden, in addressing this early , before he would announce a run forPresident seems to address some the skeletons he has in his political closet….
His frank admission was at a Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in Washington DC…..
Biden will be challenged by several Democrats for the Black support he enjoys from being Barack Obama’s Vice President for eight years….Right now?
Biden has the lead in the 2020 nomination polling….

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has given himself a January deadline to decide whether to run for president in 2020, used his address at a Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in Washington Monday to express regret for supporting tough-on-crime bills during his time in Congress, including a measure that established strict sentencing standards for crack and powder cocaine offenses.
Why it matters: Biden would be an early front-runner if he enters the race.
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Monday said that America has learned during President Trump’s time in the White House that it “doesn’t take much to awaken hate.”
Biden, speaking at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in Washington, D.C., said that hate has been “legitimized” in the past two years.
“We’ve learned in the last two years, it doesn’t take much to awaken hate,” Biden said. “To bring those folks out from under the rocks. That part of American society that’s always been there, will always be there, but has been legitimized.”…