NBC has just finished a poll that shows by almost 20% points Americans want a ‘change’ in how things are going with the country with Donald Trump as President…
The question will be?
In a month with American’s do as expected and come out a VOTE to effect the change they want?
It WILL BE up to them…..
One finding from this month’s NBC/WSJ poll that didn’t get as much attention as it deserved was this number: 59 percent of voters said they wanted to see a “great deal” or “quite a bit” of change from the way President Trump has been leading the country. By contrast, 40 percent said they wanted no change/not that much change/just some change.
That 59 percent wanting change was almost identical to the 62 percent who said this on the same question in November 1994 (when Republicans won control of Congress), and the 63 percent who said this in October 2010 (when the GOP won the House and picked up six Senate seats).
What’s more, voters who said they wanted change in our September 2018 poll included: 61 percent of independents, 65 percent living in competitive House districts, 59 percent of suburban residents and even 32 percent of Republicans (!).

We’ve written before that since the Iraq war and the aftermath of the Great Recession, we’ve seen three-straight “change” elections in midterm years: in 2006 (when Democrats won control of Congress), in 2010 (when the GOP won the House) and 2014 (when the GOP won the Senate).
And the numbers above suggest that — five weeks before November’s contest — we could be in store for a fourth-straight change election in 2018.
Yet nearly six-in-10 voters wanting change doesn’t guarantee Democratic success in November….