The Hill….
MSNBC political analyst John Heilemann on Thursday said that he’s “virtually certain” that 10 percent of Republicans would say it “would be OK for Donald Trump to dissolve [their] own grandparents” if they were asked the question in a poll.
Heilemann made the assertion during a segment discussing a recent Ipsos poll that showed 43 percent of Republicans saying “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.”
“I would like a pollster ask this question,” Heilemann said. “How many people in the Republican Party think that it would be OK for Donald Trump to dissolve their own grandparents? I’m virtually certain that if it was a Donald Trump-related question, you’ll get like 10 percent that would be like ‘Donald Trump has the power to do whatever he wants, including kill my parents.’ ”
And I am virtually certain that if the tape of Trump saying the “N” word his popularity with the Republicans would spike up. They are all in with this piece of shit.
Omarosa is about to release more tapes. She knows how to play this guy.
I certainly agree that if a tape is released of Trump uttering the “N” word,there will be little,if any, negative effect on his approval among Republicans.
I would agree that Democratic wins south of the Mason-Dixon line will continue to be difficult …..
But there is no place to go but up for Democrats and there will be small gains….
I agree. In fact I bet FOX News has an African American conservative lined up to make their case just in case a tape were released.
Where it would make the dofference is in suburban districts where already struggling GOP incumbents could have to fight a battle on two fronts–increased black vote (true you have some prominent African Americans saying they already know Trump is racist but to hear it on tape could be a big motivator) plus a disheartened country club Republican vote that may just stay home. Those two forces combined could seal the fate of a lot of suburban Republican congressmen.
James, I’m confused by your patent inability to transfer simple information correctly from a story that’s right in front of you onto a headline.
It was important in the Hispanic/Bill Nelson post, but it’s not so important here, but in fact the quotation was about condoning the President’s killing your grandparents, not your parents:
… 10 percent of Republicans would say it “would be OK for Donald Trump to dissolve [their] own grandparents” if they were asked the question in a poll.
In fact the headline IS correct….
The person DOES say they BELIEVE they would get the 10% if the question was asked about Trump….
The person does give a complex answer about HOW the answer to question might come back…
I’m sorry you’re confused…
I had to read the thing about 5 times….
So, I guess that in this case, it was The Hill’s summary lede sentence that garbled the quotation, not you.
I should have read more closely.
Welcome to MY world!
The number of ardent Trump supporters who have living grandparents is probably quite low.
Not the point and you KNOW that CG…..