It’s looking more and MORE like Donald Trump’s bad week has hurt his approval numbers among Americans….
This has got to make his fellow party members VERY NERVOUS…..
They are carrying him on their backs because they are afraid of the voting of their party members….
If Trump is on a slide downward, with no recovery before the November midterm vote?
Things are gonna be touchy for Republicans …..
Because the polls are showing disapproval even among Republicans right now….
I’ve been talking about the softening of support for Trump here for SOMETIME….
The polls are now backing my point up…..
Just 36% say they approve of the job President Trump is doing, a 5-point drop from last month, according to the latest IBD/TIPP poll. Fifty six percent disapprove of Trump’s job performance, up from 53% the month before.
The drop in Trump’s approval rating comes after a spate of bad news, including the conviction of his former campaign chairman on eight counts of fraud and a guilty plea on campaign finance charges by Trump’s former lawyer, which sparked a torrent of impeachment talk. Trump also caught flak for his handling of Sen. John McCain’s passing.
The sharp decline also comes with the midterm elections now just over two months away.
The broader IBD/TIPP Presidential Leadership Index plunged 11.6% to 40.4. That’s one of the biggest monthly drops since IBD started tracking this index in January 2000. The proprietary Leadership Index combines results from several questions on approval, favorability and strength of leadership.
Trump’s Approval: Losing GOP Support
Trump lost significant ground on job approval with Republicans this month, which fell from 83% last month to 76% this month. Among independents, Trump’s approval dropped 4 points to 33%. Democratic approval has never been above the low single digits.
He also saw a big drop in support from men (it went from 49% last month to 40% today)…..
Link for the first ABC/Wash Post poll showing the same 5% drop in Trump’s poll numbers….
This 2nd poll has his approval DROPPING by 5% points and the polls aren’t small….
Unkown how long…But its there…
Now that Trumps support among Republicans is finally taking a real hit(suggestions here that it has been declining for months were of course rubbish.),it will be interesting to see how Republican candidates respond,particularly in competitive races.
Further, it is necessary to observe whether this represents an actual trend or is merely a response to recent events .Trump has,in the past ,taken momentary hits to his approvals only to fairly quickly recover .
Agreed Jack….
Interesting ?
One would think this story would be a BIG DEAL in political media….
But hardly a blip?
Maybe they don’t want to lose their good thing?
Nate Silver NOW agrees that something IS going on with Trump’s numbers….
Even his polling shows a drop of about 2% points….
Nate Silver
Couple of further polls came out after I wrote this, and this is looking more like it *might* be a real downtick and not just noise. Still, best to wait a week or two.
Add a third poll showing Trump’s decline in approval by 5% points or more….
… a Kaiser Family Foundation poll gives Trump an approval rating of 37%. All three are declines from the last poll by each pollster, which had Trump’s approval rating in the low 40s.”….
You can drop the RealCkarPolitics average down to
41.5% approve
54.4% disapprove
Will do…
Rass helps Trump’s numbers…..
But that’s three polls with the drops….
He is down to 44% in Rasmussen today.
I’m looking at 3 polls with around 36% approval…..
It’s 41% this week in Gallup. The low 40s is probably accurate.
I will wait a few weeks to see if this is a trend or a blip.
Trump has a habit of falling approvals , then fairly quick rebounds.
I attribute that to his peripheral supporters ,who really don’t like him but like his policies. Accordingly,they switch back and forth with their approval/disapproval with regularity.
Agreed Jack….
But he’s getting ANOTHER beatdown for the next week or so with Woodward’s book….
He’ll get a bump up probably with Kavanuagh’s confirmation….
Of course, the really important number is his approval among Republicans.
We all know that his disapprovals are lopsided among Democrats .less so,but still significant among those who describe themselves as “ independents,” a group that includes many who usually vote Republican while refusing to adopt that label.
I have long contended that as long as Trump maintains high approval ratings among Republicans he will stand.
There has been some minor erosion in his approval among Republicans (still above 75%) .If that figure begins to drop precipitously,then Trump has real problems.
My view has been that the 75% or so figure is mushy….
The hardcore number of support is bounces around as you just said….
You might never guess this if most of your news comes from cable (MSNBC, CNN and/or Fox), but Donald Trump this week has not been hogging the lead-story headlines every day in the way he has for most of the weeks since 2016. That makes the last week or so relatively abnormal for the Trump Era..
The McCain funeral, Bob Woodward’s book, and Trump’s tweet about Jeff Sessions have made news, but the broadcast networks and regional newspapers have also given attention to the various weather disasters, Syria, the economy, tariffs and forthcoming elections for Congress and state offices — as well as the usual mix of celebrity news (e.g. Colin Kaepernick, Asia Argento), spectacular accidents (e.g. tractor-trailer vs bus) and crime (e,g, Mollie Tibbetts).
So, one’s judgement about these recent changes in approval/disapproval ratings may have to wait until one can see what will probably closer to the news atmosphere of October and November.
At some point, of course (since the poor wretch can’t help himself), Donald Trump will say, tweet, do or threaten something that brings the spotlight back onto The Most Important and Successful Man in World History.
And then (following Jack’s counsel) we can see if the President’s approval ratings return to the mid-low forties or else sink even lower towards the mid-thirites.
I HAVE tried to showcase some of the off-Trump stories here ….
You ARE Right DSD…
The world does move on away from the media concentration on all things Trumpism…
I should (as I’d intended) have added Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation battle to those news menus:
“The McCain funeral, Bob Woodward’s book, and Trump’s tweet about Jeff Sessions have made news, but the broadcast networks and regional newspapers have also given attention to Brett Kavaanugh’s confirmation hearings, the various weather disasters, Syria, the economy, tariffs and forthcoming elections for Congress and state offices — as well as the usual mix…