I know the media keeps pushing Bernie Sanders as the leader of the Democrats in the Presidential sweepstakes for 2020….
But there IS a error in that….
Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat….
He’s and Independent….
Here’s the second issue with this….
In the early polling for the 2020 possible Presidential race ?
Joe Biden CONSISTENTLY LEADS in beating Donald Trump with Democratic voters….
Virtually NONE of the major political media report this….
Their hunger for a lefty Democrat to be the nominee for the Democrats has a herding effect with pundits listing Sanders first, by their ‘feelings’….
It continues to look like Trump will probably have an uphill path to reelection in 2020. He polls at either 39% or 40% in half a dozen match ups against possible Democratic candidates that we tested him in. The strongest polling Democrat is Joe Biden, who leads Trump 53‐39. Bernie Sanders leads him 49‐40, Elizabeth Warren leads him 48‐40, Cory Booker leads him 47‐39, Kirsten Gillibrand leads him 45‐39, and Kamala Harris leads him 45‐40.
One reason Trump may do so poorly in these match ups is that voters don’t think he’s fulfilled the core promise of his campaign to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Only 36% think he’s done that, to 58% who say he has not. Similarly only 36% of voters think Trump is honest to 57% who say he isn’t, and a 51% majority of voters outright say they think Trump is a liar to 39% who disagree with that characterization. And 57% of voters still think Trump should release his tax returns to 35% who say it’s not necessary….
Joe Biden CONTINUES to lead the Democratic sweepstakes people for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2020….
Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are the most popular potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, according to a new American Barometer poll.
The poll, which is a joint project of Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, showed Biden with a 50 percent favorable rating, while Sanders trailed with a 48 percent favorable rating.
Only 31 percent of those polled said they viewed the former vice president unfavorably. A third of respondents said they viewed Sanders unfavorably.
The survey comes as speculation swirls around a slew of potential Democratic contenders, including Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala Harris (Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Cory Booker (N.J.), who could challenge President Trump in 2020.
Warren held the highest favorable rating among Democratic senators listed in the survey, with 33 percent of those polled saying they held a favorable view of the senator.
The poll showed Gillibrand holding a 20 percent favorable rating, while 21 percent of respondents said they have a favorable view of Harris, and 23 percent said the same for Booker.
Name recognition remains an obstacle for many Democratic contenders. ….
I would have assumed Biden’s overall favorable number, being out of office and a non-candidate, among all voters would be around 60. Sanders seems to have taken a tumble as well in that regard. Hillary had far higher national favorable numbers than that around July of 2014.
Sanders cannot win the nomination….
He has little support from blacks and establishment supporting Dem’s….
And of course as I repeat too much?
He isn’t a Democrat….
Sanders has as good of a chance as anyone of winning the nomination, if he runs, considering his already established political base. I think it would be problematic for him if he and Elizabeth Warren *both* run. I am inclined to think just one will, and more likely her.
But sure, he could get black voters in primaries. He did better than anyone expected among them in 2016. Hillary got more, but considering how much she lost that segment to Obama by, demonstrated that not everything is permanent.
There will probably be at least one major black candidate and at least one Hispanic candidate and at least one major female candidate and there might be polarization down all those lines, leading someone like Sanders with his hefty national network to benefit.
And people don’t care that his not technically a Democrat, just like Trump supporters did not care that Trump was not really a Republican. Democrats like Sanders more than they like lifelong Democrat politicians who have done everything for the party down to getting the donkey tattooed on their ass, and that’s all that matters.
I think if Biden does run ?
The left flank of the Democratic party will make things eaiser for Biden,,,,
Warren and Sanders splitting their base in the party….
And SOME Democrats like me DO care that Sanders is an interloper that REFUSES to join the party….
Yes Patrick and Harris could take votes from Biden…
But I doubt they will out gain Biden with his ties to Obama….
Where is the natural consistency in the party today for a white male heterosexual Christian politician in his late 70s with hair plugs?
Maybe there are some people who want that, but I don’t know if that flies with other Democrats.
Besides, with Democrats wanting to tarnish Trump with Russia, it would be very awkward to turn to a voice from the past, that when he held a high office, is on video laughing his head off and mocking the suggestion that Russia might mean us harm.
Oh that’s not a big deal.
Lots of politicians did that in the past.That was before the Ukrainian invasion and the annexation of Crimea.
You remember of course that George W Bush had Putin down to his ranch and looked into his “soul.”
That was a very long time ago when Bush and Putin were both new in office. He turned out to be wrong.
The Obama Administration messed up on Russia for eight years. They tried to make Mitt Romney look like a madman for saying that Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe. History shows that Romney was right and Obama/Biden/Clinton were wrong and that is not going to be forgotten.
So what are all these people who “have not forgotten” going to do?
Vote for Trump?
Well, they aren’t going to get a chance to vote for Biden in a general election. Of that, I am pretty sure.
Well folks?
How about this?
Biden and Obama hanging out together in DC….
Barack Obama and Joe Biden made a surprise visit to a DC bakery.
“We were absolutely stunned to see them!” Lolly Rivas of Dog Tag Bakery says. Their order? Ham and gruyere on shallot-jam ciabatta, a slice of mint-basil blueberry cake, brownies and coffee, Rivas says.
“So what are all these people who “have not forgotten” going to do? Vote for Trump?”
Good one Jack!
I love Corey’s comeback – implying that Biden’s comment about Russia “is not going to be forgotten” in the Democratic primary. Biden will not likely be the Democratic nominee, but I am fairly sure this is not something that Democrats really care about. Once again, when made to look like a fool, Corey desperately tries to find something, anything to justify what he just said. And so he makes a second even more foolish comment on top of the first comment.
Morning People….
Yeah lots of people are “wrong.”
Thank Zreebs (who suddenly has a new affection for using my full first name), for confirming that Democrats really do not care about Russia policy, despite the consternation, and have no regrets at all about what transpired when Obama was President.
Oh – so now that I pointed out CG’s foolish comment (by the way, you once said you were indifferent to being called CG or Corey – I guess you changed your mind?), now he changes his position and suggests correctly that Democrats do NOT care what Biden said. What Biden said at the time was perhaps wrong, but far from irrational.
In retrospect, Biden made a mistake, but is not comparable to Trump’s comments about Russia, which are far, far more offensive – especially after Crimea and the election tampering.
I don’t recall you making a big deal about Biden’s comments when he first made them. Now suddenly it is a big issue.
If Biden DOES announce?
We ARE GONNA see GOPer opposition research go into overdrive with the media helping them….
Biden is and was a guy who is in Trump’s style of ‘off the cuff’….
For Democrats?
It will endearing
Just like Trump?
He appeals to the emotional…
But he ain’t Hillary
He CAN punch back!
And connect with Blue Collar guys….
You can use my first name if you want, but it is quite obvious why you have suddenly switched to doing so and who you are a puppet of here.. Do you care if I use your first name? I will respect your wishes. Last names are off-limits though which is what I am told your patron has been warned about.
I certainly criticized Obama-Biden at the time of the 2012 election in great detail for their shameful rebuke of Romney on the issue of Russia,
Yes, they were wrong at the time, and perhaps would do things over if they could. Still though, this is something that would be problematic for Biden in a primary if he ran, which I do not think he will.
If Democrats want to run against Trump on being too cozy with Russia (and they certainly should), they need somebody “fresher” who does not have the baggage of being part of an Administration that was in retrospect so shockingly wrong and naïve about Russia.
Yes, Biden has be so very successful as a Presidential candidate the two times he has run previously…
The last time he made the right call for his own life and family….
The party had it’s choice who beat back the Sanders challange…
I’m speaking of the Biden bids in 1988 and 2008 which went nowhere.
Historically speaking, Biden has been quite wrong on foreign policy matters. He wanted to divide Iraq into three countries.
Oh, ok
Back in the Day …..
I’m not all that sure that Russia is America’s greatest geo-political foe even today; China’s geo-political programme — which includes stealing or destroying the U.S. intellectual-industrial base and displacing U.S. military, diplomatic. economic and eventually cultural influence from the Western Pacific — is an equal or perhaps greater threat. Russia has great energy resources, but Russia is in no position to destroy Microsoft, Amazon. Verizon or USX, while China is.
In fact DSD Obama said the same thing you point out…..
China IS the worlds second biggest economy…..
Russia is back in 11 or 12th place depending on who you have doing the listing….
And yes….
China IS very aggressively working above below board to eclipse this country….
There are those who ARE especially worried that Donald Trump is unwittingly helping the Chinese achieve their goal thru his Trade War policy…
Hearty, plain-folks, working-class fare straight from the Heartland for the former President and Vice-President: “Ham and gruyere on shallot-jam ciabatta, a slice of mint-basil blueberry cake, brownies and coffee,”
While one can easily imagine the current President mocking this menu at one of his Nuremberg rallies, he’d be in a bind since he also likes to boast how classy and high-tone the Trump luxury Brand is (nothing but the very finest). ¶ But since when has consistency been the hallmark of the Trump School of Rhetoric?