According to FiveThirtyEight?
Probably no much …..
Democrats don’t like the guy ….
Republicans seem to keep giving him slack on just about everything….Including Immigration….
Polls conducted last month, at the height of public discontent with family separations, found that most Americans, including a significant percentage of Republicans, were opposed to the policy. Given that, our best starting assumption is probably that the crisis will prove harmful for Trump and Republicans, and that the best they can hope for is that it will turn out to be neutral for them.
Polls conducted in the wake of the administration’s reversal on separations, however, show that while a majority of Americans still oppose how Trump is handling the situation at the border, Republicans have largely unified in support of him.
According to a recent Quinnipiac poll conducted after the administration changed course on family separations, three in four Republicans said they approved of how Trump was now handling the issue. That’s a notably more positive response than Republicans gave on a related question a month ago, when Quinnipiac asked whether they supported the administration’s policy of separating families and 55 were in favor while 35 percent stood against it.
At the same time, polls show that as the family-separation crisis unfolded, Americans, especially Republicans, began to rate immigration as one of the most important issues facing the nation….
…recent YouGov/Economist polls also show immigration as a rising concern among Republicans. A month ago, 13 percent of Republicans surveyed said immigration was the most important issue for them. Since then, Republicans have become increasingly concerned with immigration. According to the most recent YouGov poll, 21 percent picked immigration as their top concern.1
Did more Republicans start naming immigration as one of their most important issues because they thought Trump was doing the wrong thing at the border and that needed to be fixed? It’s possible, but the polls we have suggest otherwise. Even though polls last month showed Republicans divided on Trump’s family-separation policy, there is little evidence to suggest that it has harmed how they viewed his overall job performance on immigration…..
“Republicans seem to be giving him (Trump) slack on just about everything.”
Apparently implying that Republicans overwhelmingly support Trump ,no matter what he does,even if they might personally disagree with it.
Is that your position, James?
Republicans lawmakers KNOW that Trump is a mess….
Some grumble out loud…
Most are silent ….
Some come to his defense out loud…
The ones that ain’t running?
They actually knock the guy out loud…
His staff do come behind and clean up for him….
They then go of the record with media explaining that KNOW their boss is full of it and that they work in a aimless house….
Trump supporters LARGELY support whatever their guys says…
They too will take a reporter aside and say their guy is off the walls….
But like the staff and lawmakers ?
They will cut him slack and generally support him…
ALL of the above carry Trump on their backs regardless…
Oh yes,uh right, yes definitely uh
It wasn’t a trick question ,yet it took you what,11 sentences to say
“ yes.”
Jack’s just using the ole Q & A thing….
We both understand each other….
Questions can ALWAYS be answered in different ways….
The trick is to twist (or compose ) the question to get the answer YOU want….
How you ask a question is important….
Of course the question can be viewed as a trick question….
Any question can be….
Paranoid much?
I just quoted what you said and asked was that your actual position because,at various times, you have claimed that your words were not necessarily your view but that you were simply “reporting .”
Like I said, based on your response,I presume the answer to my inquiry is “yes.”
It’s pretty common knowledge that some Republicans (certainly not all despite the phrasing that gets used by some here) support things they disagree with just because they feel the need to back up Trump. Tariffs are a prime example. We saw this sort of thing (although perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent) when it came to Democrats and Obama as well.
The “cult of personality/hero worship” thing was real with Democrats and Obama (and the party suffered greatly overall because of it) and Trump supporters are intent on taking it to another level.
Jack see’s very Little ‘grey’….
He seek’s to move things to his conclusion….
I fully understand what he is doing when he debates some things here….
I LOVE This!
What is it we are “debating ?
I was just asking a simple question as to whether the words you posted is your actual position.your answer was yes which you reiterated in your post below.
We DO sometimes spend a decent amount of out time here….
For me ?
The effort is well worth it
The debates
The interaction keeps me on my game
I sure would like more people to comment here
Right or Left don’t matter to me
Down the middle is fine also….
And as mentioned?
I thank all who come to this place
Oh, and though they don’t comment
We do have a few new subscribers to the feed..
And the weekly numbers continue to grow…
Yeah,probably too much.
Maybe I should heed my own words.
Ah more “ hypocrisy” on my part.
Too bad it’s just me, you and CG around to see this.
Oh ,I forgot those hundreds from all over the world who tune in here.
Come on boys, I’m tired of being kicked around by CG and James.
Let me have it… real good!
Yet there is only silence……..
I’m headed out to get a haircut and some other things, so it will just be the two of you.
101 Days Until the 2018 Election
Love ya Jack!
I’m on the road ..
Thanks CG!
I’m waiting for the twists and turns coming with The Midterms and Mueller’s throw downs….
I DO enjoy this place and I hope those who come here do also.
I’m rebuilding it
The bots and hackers haven’t found it yet
Unfortunately ?
Our troll is still around
I’m gonna keep on Truckin for as long as I can…
The Texan would likely defend Jack from James, I can tell by the way the Texan writes that he has a lower level of respect for James than the rest of us. Although I don’t fully understand it, the Texan appears to like to talk dirty to James, but I currently have no reason to believe that James is willing to reciprocate.
You DO understand the more you mention the guy?
The more he’ll troll this place?
I was just replying to your comment in which you wrote about him. How come I can’t write about him, but you can?
I don’t….
And of course, He, he, he, you’re gonna see it YOUR Way……
…from the piece ….
….’Even though polls last month showed Republicans divided on Trump’s family-separation policy, there is little evidence to suggest that it has harmed how they viewed his overall job performance on immigration….there is little evidence to suggest that it has harmed how they viewed his overall job performance on immigration…
The word used by the author is ‘divided’…The author does NOT mention support…Just that the people seem to NOT Care