The rulling involves just one case actually…
The one in Colorado involing religious reasons to discriminate against gays…
The courts rulling does not apply nationally….
The narrow ruling could invite follow up case’s?
The Supreme Court ruled narrowly in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake to celebrate the marriage of a same sex couple because of a religious objection.
The ruling was 7-2.
The court held that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed hostility toward the baker based on his religious beliefs. The ruling is a win for baker Jack Phillips but leaves unsettled the broader constitutional questions the case presented.
The ruling, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, is not the wide-ranging ruling on religious liberty that some expected. It is tailored to the case at hand with the justices holding that members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed animus toward Phillips specifically when they suggested his claims of religious freedom was made to justify discrimination….
More is expected on this case….
I read this opinion yesterday.
It seems that the justices were much exercised over the process and felt that the Colorado Human Rights Commission had not functioned as a neutral arbiter but instead had expressed prejudice against the bakers religious beliefs ,rather than exercising a neutral decision making process balancing the interests of the Baker,the complainants and the State.
Question Jack?
Could the court have looked at the case from the wider prospective of the couples civil rights/discrimination?
I understand it’s a private business
But just because you are a Christian does NOT mean you can have a sign saying no cakes for Latinos ….
It’s like the court ducked ….