Hillary Clinton was the Sec oif State when she got questioned and abused about her phone security….
Donald Trump, the President has disregarded all that…
Seems Trump has been talking on TWO unsecure phones for months….
I wonder how many foreign countries have been listening in to his call’s?
President Donald Trump uses a White House cellphone that isn’t equipped with sophisticated security features designed to shield his communications, according to two senior administration officials — a departure from the practice of his predecessors that potentially exposes him to hacking or surveillance.
The president, who relies on cellphones to reach his friends and millions of Twitter followers, has rebuffed staff efforts to strengthen security around his phone use, according to the administration officials.
The president uses at least two iPhones, according to one of the officials. The phones — one capable only of making calls, the other equipped only with the Twitter app and preloaded with a handful of news sites — are issued by White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency, an office staffed by military personnel that oversees White House telecommunications.
While aides have urged the president to swap out the Twitter phone on a monthly basis, Trump has resisted their entreaties, telling them it was “too inconvenient,” the same administration official said.
The president has gone as long as five months without having the phone checked by security experts. It is unclear how often Trump’s call-capable phones, which are essentially used as burner phones, are swapped out.
President Barack Obama handed over his White House phones every 30 days to be examined by telecommunications staffers for hacking and other suspicious activity, according to an Obama administration official….
image…the dailybeast.com
This is really a big deal, but barely deserves mention in this incompetent, corrupt, lying and criminal administration. Despite her well-publicized flaws, Hillary always was far superior in every way that I can think of to Donald Trump, and she was easily a better choice for President.
CG may have gotten his wish that Hillary is not President, but my guess is that he now sees what the GOP has become. He still chooses to believe though that it was a much different party before Trump. To me, his defense of Oliver North is sickening, but most Republicans of his day defended North just as Republicans today rally atound Trump.
I saw a bumper sticker last week that said “Love Trump’s hate”. I think that captures how a literal majority of Republicans feel. Almost all Republicans are willing to overlook his corruption and lying for some reason, and it is not because he stands for free trade and is against the deficit.
That’s a pretty good summation of where things stand.
North knowingly violated the law that existed at the time.He himself referred to his actions as a “neat idea.” The problem was,it wasn’t legal.
It is rather ironic that a conservative group like the NRA ,composed of many law and order types who would rail against “soft”Judges who let criminals go on “technicalities,” Is now led by just such a person.
I want to know if the PDog comment section has reached a point where an in-depth discussion of 1980s political indictments are fair game…
Knock yourself out CG…..
He, he, he…..
I just want the guy to quit…
To be gone….