This IS interesting….
The elections 6 /1/2 monthas from now are NOT for President….
60% of Americans do NOT approve of Donald Trump…..
This is AGAIN Republicans picking Democratic strong women to run against like Clinton and Pelosi….
Mind you?
There are NO strong Republican women politicians , eh?
Fox News: “Clinton is starring in the Republican Party’s 2018 midterm strategy. With no Democrat to attack in the White House for the first time in nearly a decade, Republicans are betting big that the ghost of Clinton will serve them well in 2018.”
“Even if she avoids the spotlight moving forward, the Republican Party plans to evoke her early and often in key congressional races, particularly in regions Trump won, which feature most of the midterm season’s competitive races.”
“Internal polling and focus groups conducted by Republican campaigns find that Clinton remains one of the most unpopular high-profile Democrats in the nation, second only to Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader.”
What else can they do?
Defend that damn fool they put in the White House?
Republicans are obsessed with Hillary Clinton and have been for years.At least in the past though she had some viability as a threat .She was a US Senator ,Secretary of State ,or a presidential candidate.
Now she is nothing more than a “used to be” and they are still at it.
If that’s not obsession ,I don’t know what is.
It’s sorryful…..
We ALL know, that if Trump had lost, Democrats would be running against him in 2018, trying to tie Republicans to him, etc. etc. They would speak of him constantly, even if he had been defeated, and probably would for decades.
As for Hillary, she does have a penchant of speaking herself into self-induced errors and continuing to be a divisive figure, which is why so many Democrats want her to “go away.”
We do NOT KNOW that
Trump would never have been the media magnet he is now
It doesn’t matter. Trump could have lost in a landslide and in 2018 in any sort of area where he did not do well, Republicans would still be called “the party of Trump” and all the Republican candidates would have to answer for it they supported him or not. That is one reason why people like me were so upset when Trump was nominated, assuming he would lose big.
Currently, Trump is President, and he is of course hard for Republican to defend personally (although many Americans think the economy has improved or that we look stronger in the world now, etc), so they have to run against “what could have been.”
Conversely, Democrats really do not have an agenda of their own to offer other than unyielding opposition to Trump, so they have to go on that too.
It’s going to be about who turns out the base in 2018.
Entirely different.
Republicans have been obsessed with Hillary Clinton since she became First Lady 26 years ago.
Until Trump was elected President after having been nominated by the Republican Party,nobody even mentioned him much. He was regarded as sort of aclownish figure.
I do imagine however that the party that nominated this fool will be defending that decision for many years to come.Nominating him was the act .The amazing fact that a major political party wanted this lout to be President Of the United States says it all.
In 2008, I don’t recall John Kerry even being mentioned by the Republicans ,nor was Bob Dole by the Democrats in 2000 or,most recently,Mitt Romney in 2016.
Republicans weren’t running against Hillary Clinton when Barack Obama was the head of the opposition. Republicans sure won a lot of elections running against Obama’s policies, where Hillary was never even mentioned.
The fact is that she is the most recent standard-bearer of your party and continues to speak out publicly in a way that makes your party look bad. So, of course it’s going to be brought up.
She and Trump are the two most divisive figures in recent American political history. Both parties have much to gain by running against the other.
If it bothers you guys so much, join me in hoping for an Independent option in 2020.
The whining and complaining by one side or another is just unseemly.
Republicans nominated Trump and will have to live with the consequences being used against them in 2018. (Maybe a President Ted Cruz would be even worse politically.)
Democrats nominated Hillary Clinton and will have to live with the consequences being used against them in 2018 (Maybe a most recent nominee Bernie Sanders would be even worse politically.)
The partisans on both sides have no right to complain. Politics in our current time, on both sides, is primarily about the other side being worse, and the voters will have their say this November, and different parts of the country will of course act differently at the ballot box.
No ,Hillary Clinton lost.Despite your fervent wishes ,she isn’t any longer a factor in the Democratic Party
Donald Trump is the Republican Party.
That’s a major difference, although I doubt anyone here is surprised by your attempt to equate the two.
As I said in my original post on the topic,your party’s effort to “ Clintonize” the campaign isn’t surprising.What else can they do?Defend this clown who has made a mockery of their alleged “values?”Talk about the “deficit” once their major issue after their actions in this Congress?
Nope, better to go with their old standby.
Of course we all know you are not a”partisan.”
Both parties are going to go with the “old standby.” What else can they do?
Stop whining about it and hope your party, which unlike me, you are “proud of” currently, and seem to think everything is all hunky dory within, nominates the right kind of candidates.
When have I said everything is “hunky Dory.”
You’re just so bitter about what is happening to your party that you are lashing out indiscriminately .
The Democrats have lots of problems.
But yeah, at least we don’t have Donald Trump so that is something.
If you truly do not think everything is “hunky dory” within your party, you sure keep it to yourself, or at least off here.
In 2010, both before and after the vote, there were plenty of examples of me complaining about or being concerned about those within the party calling for ideological purity, etc, and how bad candidates got nominated that cost us victories.
If you are willing to elaborate on what you think the “problems” Democrats have are, I would be interested to hear.
The only ones here I ever really hear suggest that Democrats might have their own issues are Zreebs when he warns against a reflexive loyalty to labor unions and james when he expresses concern about Bernie Sanders allies being nominated.
What you are suggesting is ridiculous. Despite the fact that all sorts of fundamentals of these midterms should favor Democrats, you are so afraid that talking about Hillary will work to the benefit of Republicans, at least in some parts of the country, that you are mad they are going to do it.
Well, welcome to the world of politics. What else did you expect?
If this were a baseball game and you had an opponent at the plate with a wildly undisciplined history of swinging at pitches out of the strike zone, you can expect them to throw them pitches well out of the strike zone, to try to capitalize on this weakness.
This is no different (for either side) and whining about it and claiming it’s “unfair” just makes you guys look bad.
If Hillary keeps a low profile in 2018 or otherwise refrains from insulting the people who did not vote for her, then this will be less effective than Republicans hope. It’s that simple.
When did I indicate I was “afraid!”
I even indicated I wasn’t surprised.As U sad what else can you Republicans do?
Let the chips fall where they may.If you’ve noticed I haven’t even said much about the midterms.
As far as I’m concerned most of this talk about what is going to happen is superfluous and not worthy of much comment until late August or so.
ok, that’s fine then, james is the one that is afraid then by complaining about this or trying to link it to sexism as if female political figures cannot be judged on their merits (which of course is about as sexist as one can get.)
Nobody should be surprised by any of this. After 2016, it makes all the sense in the world for both parties to run against either Trump or Hillary to try to gin up their base.
Theoretically, Republicans should have a lot more to worry about since Trump is the incumbent, but it also cannot be denied that on more than one occasion since the election, Hillary Clinton has publicly said things that have hurt her party and had many within it wanting her to “go away.”
Since it keeps getting brought up that I am a Republican, (aka waving the “bloody shirt”), I would point out that if I were a candidate, I would be running against both Trumpism in the Republican Party and far-left liberalism in the Democrat Party. I wouldn’t expect to get too far but my conscience would be clear.
Nonetheless, in my area especially, I could be running as the Neverest of Never Trumps and despite Scott P. being willing to vote for me, there would be far more Democrats who would try to make an issue of my past support for Mitt Romney. John McCain, George W. Bush, etc.
Yeah let’s see how that works for them.
When ya got nothing else.