Debbie Lesko, by all accounts a good Christian conservative, will be the new representative for Arizona’s 8th congressional district. The district is strongly Republican. Lesko was a good fit. Democrats had no natural base of support in the district given its historic Republican-ness.
But don’t get cocky. The district is overwhelming Republican and Lesko won it by a smaller margin than she should have. Democrats turned out as best they can, but the district was drawn to be Republican. That they were able to keep Lesko to single digits is a continuing warning sign to Republicans that they need to be fielding their best candidates with the best ground games.
November is going to be tough. The data points just keep trickling in to prove it. But tonight, the best candidate really did win. Congrats, Debbie Lesko…..
“A good Christian conservative?”
Maybe she’s a “conservative,but anyone who hates the media and “libruls” qualifies for that moniker.
A “good Christian?”I differ with Erickson here.In my view anyone who supports Trump like this lady does might get to call themselves a “Christian” (the term being so broadly defined) but she isn’t a”good” one.
Do you think you have the qualifications to determine that in terms of who is a “good” one and who isn’t?
A literal reading of Erikson’s remark there is that he is simply saying she is a good conservative who is a Christian.
As for Erickson?
Just another Right Wing Republican who happens not to like Trump,but supports most of his policies.
While that is of great matter to you,it really doesn’t matter to me.
I oppose Trump not only because he is about but because of his policies ,almost all of which I oppose.
but some of them you do, so welcome to the club I guess.
Those agreements you have with Trump might make you either right or wrong, depending on what the policy is “in my view”, but I would be uncomfortable casting aspersions on someone’s religiosity.
Good…you’re “uncomfortable.”
Here let me make you more “uncomfortable.”
I find Franklin Graham and Falwell Jr.reprehensible for their support of this obnoxious lout.
They even claim God “sent” this putrid bastard.
So yeah I’ll question their uh,
Just two hustlers using religion as their front “in my view.”
I you can can that “uncomfortable” routine,,old,tired, and boring.
You get “uncomfortable” when anyone here criticizes any Republican except Trump .
Bringing up them is a different context, since they are engaged in the field of religion professionally and are specifically citing it to justify Trump.
That has nothing to do with you disagreeing with Lesko on policy matters. Her religion should have nothing to do with it, whether you consider yourself Christian or not (and I genuinely do not know) because that is irrelevant to how I view your political beliefs.
I said “in my view.”
We can all have opinions and yeah my opinion is as good as Erickson’s.or even yours.
Lesko and similar “good” Christians can praise the likes of Donald Trump to the hilt for all I care.
So yeah I will continue to give my opinions just like you do
You don’t like it?
Ah what a shame.
Just seems like an odd statement for you to focus on the Christianity aspect. I don’t know why Erikson has to do it either but at least he is someone who speaks openly about his own Christianity and I do not recall you ever broaching the subject before.
As for Lesko, I am sure she agrees with Trump on some issues than the Democrat does not, but all the candidates she beat in the Republican primary first all tried to tie themselves tightly to Trump and she did not.
That’s why Mark Meadows announced that she is joining the “freedom caucus,” composed of the most Right Wing Republicans in the House.
Yeah lots of NeverTrumpers in that group.
Your defense of her and others as not being tied “tightly” to Trump is meaningless to me.Apparently you spend a great deal of time trying to discern such matters .Have at it.
The Freedom Caucus is to the right of Trump. They are the ones that scuttled his first attempt at health care legislation. She is a conservative who in the primary played up her endorsement by Jan Brewer while three other candidates all talked about how much they loved Trump.
Are you trying to say she’s “against” Trump?
Otherwise I don’t get your point.
So she doesn’t “praise” him.Does she criticize him?
And she’s more Right Wing than he is?Thats a good thing?
Maybe to you,not to me.
I didn’t say that. I guess we will see what she says or does in office. What I am saying is that it was her strategy in the primaries not to talk about Trump, and she was considered a solid underdog, while her opponents, argued amongst themselves about who was the most sycophantic to Trump.
Man the goalposts keep moving.
Now a Republican who keeps quiet about Trump hoping the primary voters won’t notice is considered some profile in courage.
To you maybe. To me? Another coward .