It’s gotten THAT bad….
And Donald Trump really cares less about what people think…
Heitkamp IS in a Red State….
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said that President Trump once asked her to switch political parties during a December 2016 meeting in Trump Tower.
“When I visited with him in Trump Tower before he was sworn in, he asked me to switch parties,” Heitkamp told The Washington Post on Tuesday in an interview.
“He says, ‘You should switch parties,'” she recalled. “I said, “You should give me an Ex-Im bank.'”
She was referencing the Export-Import Bank. At the time of the meeting, Heitkamp was pressing to have Trump restore full lending powers to the agency.
Heitkamp said that Trump might have made another overture about switching parties during a flight from Washington to North Dakota in September. At the time, Trump flew the state’s congressional delegation on Air Force One for a tax reform event there.
Heitkamp told the Post that Trump often prods her about her party affiliation.
“He’s always ribbing me a little bit about being too conservative to be a Democrat,” she said….
Why would a “secret Democrat “or a man with “Democratic tendencies”seek to draw Heitkamp into a party that he’s not “really” a member of?
Then again, how do we know Heitkamp isn’t a”secret Republican “ and using this Trump gambit to cover her tracks?
Because Trump could then pat HIMSELF on the back for a Heidkemp jump ship..
The guy is really just about HIMSELF….
So he is “ just about himself?”
And you have previously described him as the” Leader “of the Republican Party.
So,quite obviously, in your view, these Republicans are really dumb as Hell aren’t they?
They are supporting a guy who doesn’t give a damn about them or their party,right?
A LOT. Of them are dumb as rocks
But a LOT accept the guy for FEAR of what America is moving to be..
He “fights” the other side, so that’s all that matters to them. They want a “fighter.”
Democrats will be feeling the same impulses even more strongly.
If u are the caucus leader I will always have those who want to ‘fight’ the opposition
Don’t matter which party
One of those human things
Add a Trump to mix and u have a YUGE daily headache
Then again, maybe they are just”more than one thing.”
You know Republican loyalists on one hand and hail dear Leader Trump on the other ,despite the fact that he doesn’t give a damn about their party and may even “really” be a Democrat.
That’s about right Jack
It’s about HIM
The first part is obvious. I am surprised it was asked.
Conspiracy theorists never want to let go.
Oh I “get” it. “Secret Democrat” Trump wanted to get Heitkamp to join him in this hostile takeover of the Republican Party and the Republicans are too damn dumb to see what’s right before the theorists eyes.
Quite a telling indictment of Republicans.