Jeff Greenberg warns against Democratic over comfidence on something that APPEARS to be a sure thing….
(Remember Hillary Clinton folks?…)
Democrats will cement wins by running on things that voters are concerned about….
Not about just what the DNC feels in the overiding basic….
There ARE things that local and state Democrats will wise to NOT mention, that their fellow Democratic lawmakers working inn Washington WILL be focusing on….
What the national media focuses on?
May NOT be anything for voters back home think about….
For sure Donald Trump’s rants WILL be a factor….
But so will others…And the others maybe MORE of a place for Democrats to be at….
“All Politics IS LOCAL’…..
My anecdotal sense is that countless liberals are drawn to the never-ending, numbing procession of TV panel after TV panel, all focused on the Mueller investigations and what they might yield. (Stormy Daniels has now become the second obsessive subject.) Whenever I click on CNN during prime time, it feels like Groundhog Day. Each hour seems to promise that any minute now, federal marshals will parade down Pennsylvania Avenue with warrants and cuffs. And for many Democrats, the promise of a House takeover in 2019 is that impeachment hearings will begin roughly 30 minutes after Paul Ryan hands the gavel over to Nancy Pelosi (or her successor).
Maybe one or both of these events will transpire, although it’s hard to divine much from the reported communication from Mueller to Trump’s lawyers that the president is a “subject” but not a “target” of the special counsel’s investigations. But if Democrats should have learned anything from 2016, it is that the low regard in which most Americans hold Donald Trump does not necessarily translate into votes for Democrats.
What matters—and what is overshadowed by the cable news coverage and in too many Democratic messages—is what the Trump administration is actually doing. For instance, the budget reluctantly signed by the president includes $540 million for the Gateway tunnel, to provide new rail service between New York and New Jersey. If the administration, out of presidential pique with Chuck Schumer, reneges on that commitment, it would deal a blow to the economy of the Northeast on a par with a series of major hurricanes. The impact would strike everyone from commuters to factory workers in Republican-held congressional districts from New York to New Jersey to Pennsylvania. Or take the administration’s decision to weaken the fuel-efficiency standards that car companies were supposed to meet, which would make the air we breathe less healthy. Or the way that the administration has diluted the ability of Medicaid to provide health care for working-class Americans.
These are the kinds of stories that a 24-hour news network ought to be covering extensively. They should also form the arguments that a party seeking a return to political power ought to be hitting, repeatedly and forcefully. They do not depend on what Robert Mueller concludes, nor on whether the public learns all the details of the Stormy Daniels affair. They do not lose their power if the fervent dreams of Democrats that Trump will be exposed in all his mendacious obstructionism do not come true….
This dog feels the “wave’ IS in fact coming in November ….
But Democrats need to be running like they ARE underdogs…Hungry ones at THAT…
I couldn’t agree more with the article: if the investigations of the Special Counsel and the Congressional Intelligence Committees are all that CNN & MSNBC concentrate on, mirrored by counter-obsessions on Fox News and conservative talk radio, many of the real issues that worry ordinary voters, e.g. gun violence, health care and the environment, get crowded out and shouted down. And while Trump and the GOP have an edge on some issues, there are many where voters heavily favour the Democratic side of the issue.
Agreed DSD…..
I have tried here to make sure and touch on different things besides all things Trump….
While the national media tries to be Trump centric
The Democrats put there running appear to widen their reach with voters
Sure Trump counts
But so does healthcare, wages , job availability and yes gun violence and drugs…
And for Dem’s?
One size is surely NOT gonna fit all
Sort of a weird comment in my view.
You have constantly asserted that it was likely that Trump wasn’t even going to be President in 2020,presumably due to the Mueller investigation.
Further, counter to your claim above, I believe that you have been consumed with the Mueller investigation and on many occasions have chastised those who have downplayed its significance.
Of course,revisionism is the hallmark of this site.Things that were said never were and self serving”agrees” are thrown around with abandon even when the purported “agree” is in direct contradiction to previously stated positions.
I believe the Mueller investigation IS important ….
Trump IS the President of the United States…
How he actually got the job and to whom he might be beholden to IS of the utmost importance…
We just read about the past leaders of Brazil and South Korea being sentenced to jail for corruption ….
We have the current leader of Israel under suspection….
America has a thing to protect the office of the Presidency in order that the Union continue with storability
But I for one, question that effort that would let a criminal enterprise in the White House go unchecked by same standard that we ALL live by….
So I will continue to report on this…
Yes, I still believe that even if Mueller and Rosenstein follow the OLC and does NOT in fact charge Trump with crime?
They could make the report on Trump’s effort to quash a probe of his actions so heinous that he would be forced to fire HIMSELF….
I still believe that Putin has SOMETHING on the guy…
Money, video’s, something …
It’s MY hope that Mueller can uncover whatever it is…
Donald J. Trump does NOT belong in the job….
60% of Americans feel this way…
Judging by the actions of his adopted parties lawmakers and even staff?
They don’t either…
The country will fine if Trump is forced out of office…
He can just pardon himself and everyone else before the time comes…
I do NIOT believe he can pardon HIMSELF….
But Pence would gladly oblige…