Donald Trump made the above statement…..
After he did in public?
The people running the show in Syria have become confused?
The American policy for Stria is to STAY engaged to counter ISIS, Iran and the Syrian Government and Russia from having the country for their own….
Thta policy is well known and carried out by various parts of the American (And other countries) military, intelligence and foreign policy arms….
Their boss just either is signalling a change in policy, or?….Does NOT know WTF he’s talking about….
President Donald Trump’s unscripted remark this week about pulling out of Syria “very soon,” while at odds with his own policy, was not a one-off: For weeks, top advisers have been fretting about an overly hasty withdrawal as the president has increasingly told them privately he wants out, U.S. officials said.
Only two months ago, Trump’s aides thought they’d persuaded him that the U.S. needed to keep its presence in Syria open-ended — not only because the Islamic State group has yet to be entirely defeated, but also because the resulting power vacuum could be filled by other extremist groups or by Iran. Trump signed off on major speech in January in which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laid out the new strategy and declared “it is vital for the United States to remain engaged in Syria.”
But by mid-February, Trump was telling his top aides in meetings that as soon as victory can be declared against IS, he wanted American troops out of Syria, said the officials. Alarm bells went off at the State Department and the Pentagon, where officials have been planning for a gradual, methodical shift from a military-led operation to a diplomatic mission to start rebuilding basic infrastructure like roads and sewers in the war-wracked country….
I have no idea what we are doing in Syria.
Yes you do….
You may not agree…
But as the post states….
It HAS and IS the US and allied policy NOT to leave Syria in the hands of Assad, The Russians, ISIS and Iran…..
Trump probably has never read or understood any of this…
He doesn’t involve himself in anything that ain’t about him...
You are aware that the Assad dynasty has ruled Syria for over Fifty yeats ,are you not?
You are aware that the Assad’s have been allied with the Soviet Union and Russia all during that reign
You are aware that supposedly ISIS has been “routed?”
So,once again, take away the prpaganda line, and the question Rodman’s,
What are we doing there?
He, he, he….
You and I ARE aware….
Do you think Trump is?
Mattis is aware….
That’s what counts….
Better yet?
Iran and Russia are thousand of miles closer to this…..
Obama’s goal of kicking ISIS out is a modified success….
And Trump seems to want throw the effort away plungingthe region back into choas….
I repeat….
The guy should have NEVER been given the job….
If the region is left to fester on it’s own?
We WILL have issue’s down the road as the fighting stops there and reaches across the sea to here again….
American can ill afford to NOT keep things at arms length…
Nor does American need to be sending hundreds of thousands of troops into the area…
Support for the players has worked for the past few years….
Yes I’ve read that stuff.
My point was we are obviously not succeeding, have no chance of succeeding without a significantly increased commitment which isn’t in the cards , and am simply wasting time, money and effort for nothing.
These so called “rebels” we are supporting are no better than Assad and not worth a cent of American money and certainly not a single American life.
As for that propagandistic interventionist garbage..reminiscent of the babble I remember from Vietnam .
So ,in reality?No,I have no idea what we are doing there.
I agree on this also….
Be it as it may?
The POLICY is and HAS been in place….
I doubt if Trump’s wishes will be done….