While talking my morning walks last week I began to think about the above….
Yea, I KNOW Donald Trump IS now the Republican party….
Like the Pied Piper he says something and party people grumble under theri breath….But then invent ways to show they are supporting him….
I know this sounds like a broken record, but….
Donald Trump, with his YUGE ego campaigned against the same law makers that tow his line….
If you look back to the campaign and early 2017?
You see flashes of Trump’s ole practical Democratic side that he had doing business in New York City which leans to the left of
of the people he commands now….
My thoughts is of a early 2019….
With Nanacy Pelosi back in the House Speakers Chair with a margin of over 10-15 seats and Paul Ryan back in private life ?
And the Democratic loses in the Seante that could amount to only a few seats?
What does a Donald Trump do?
Oh, and Robert Mueller out with a report that CLEARLY proves that Trump didn’t win his job on his own…But got substantial help from his Russian friend Putin?
That, along with a long list of his former campaign and admin people either on trial or signing like birds about Trump’s misdeeds?
Yea I’m thinking ….
What does the guy do?
Could he mount a fight against the onslaught?
Could he go out and start a war against North Korea or Iran?
Could he do something even more stupid AGAINST the best interests of the American and world economy?
Could Donald J. Trump do what he has done in the past?
And change stripes once again?
He’s been a Democrats twice, a memebers of the Reform party and now the head Republican…
But come next year folks?
Donald Trump is gonna NEED to dance with the Democrats…
My question is?
Does he throw his Grand Ole Party under the bus?
image…The Hill
Still with the Trump is a Democrat theme James?
Did you hear him in California. Trump will run for re-election against a Democratic Congress (if there is one, running against Chuck and Nancy), people of color, and the elites of California.
In other words, he will run as a traditional Democrat.
He is NOT anything Democratic RIGHT NOW
The question is after January
The real question would be,
Will the Democrats,if in the majority, work with Him?
Why would they want to give him a platform from which to run for re-election?
I agree Jack…
But Pelosi has been VERY reticent to actually go head to head against Trump in everything from gun control to immigration….
She even is against impeachment…
She seems to be looking for ways NOT to get into public fights with him…
I assume this is to cover for people like Lamb and Jones who BOTH campaigned saying they are supporters of the 2nd amendment…
I’ve said this here before…
Pelosi’s majority postion will be just a rough as Ryan’s….
She’s thinking full court….The lefties are thinking small ball…
Being the boss is a tough job….
Shumer also has been VEY careful to provide cover fire for Red State Dem Senator’s….
My guess is that both Democratic leaders WOULD work with Trump if he turned to the center or even a little left to survive and get some ego wins…
He’s about winning and ego…
Unlike you….
I do not believe he has an ideology ….
Except for making HIMSELF money and getting pat’s on the back
What exactly do you “agree” with me n?
Why woukld they help Trump I agree Jack….
But you said they would help Trump.
Why?You said they would want him to get some”ego wins?”To help him defeat the Democratic candidate in 2020?Thats absurd,
On the contrary the Democrats elected this year are all going to be running Against Trump.They are not going to Washington to help him get some “ego wins” as you call them.
All of this is nothing more than you trying to play this continuing narrative of yours that Trump has all these “Democratic tendencies” when ,except for a few conciliatory remarks to Schumer and Pelosi on a few occasions don’t exist.
I would suggest oo your future morning walks ,you listen to some soothing music.Perhaps it will get your mind off your never ending attempt to “prove” that Trump is really a”Democrat in disguise.”
I would also point out that ,except for here?Ive never seen or read anything that would remotely suggest what you are predicting.
I have pointed out that Pelosi and Schumer
Are NOT going hard at Trump
Google the pictures of the three in the WH…..
I understand were you are coming from
But the actual action are quite different
So because they smile for the cameras that means exactly what?
You’re kidding right?
You’re even more naive than I thought(and that’s saying something because I regard you as, by far, the most politically naive person here)
What major legislation that Trump has supported have they supported?Name all his appointees that Chuck and Nancy have gushed over.Indeed, Schumer has on several ocassions,noted that Trumps rhetoric is meaningless(for a recent example,note his anti NRA babble of a few weeks ago)
You make the classic mistake of listening to what Trump says which is,of course, irrelevant to anything
Amusingly, you concede that he is governing just like any other Republican would.Yet,you insist ,with no evidence whatsoever other than some innocuous remarks that he usually quickly disavows or simply ignores and matters from the distant past,that he exhibits “Democratic tendencies.”
Did I say they would knock themselves out FOR
For infrstructure, immigration, sanctions and this recent bank bill Democrats sat down with Trump and Co.
On two CR’s Dem’s worked out compromises
If you read the linked piece there is
Feeling that Democrats are of two camp’s
The left leaner sand the practical people…
The LEADERSHIP of the party isn’t gonna go to against Trump
I just explained why just now
Yes the “leadership” of the Democratic Party is very supportive ofDonald Trump.
You’re a clown.