That it would seem is the GOPer's first reaction to the leaked High Court's coming announcement that they will over rule the historic abortion decision that locked in abortion for American women... Polling shows that the procedure has the support of more trhan 50% of … [Read more...] about Republicans tip toe around their abortion ‘win’….
US Supreme Court
Democrats move to make the High Courts abortion strike down a rally to their voters…
A Supreme Court decsion to get rid of a women's 'Right' for a abortion isn't gonna something Democrats walk away from... The charge by Justice Alito to say that abortion isn't a "right' to pricay and control of a woman's body in the Consition is leading Democrats to worry and … [Read more...] about Democrats move to make the High Courts abortion strike down a rally to their voters…
A Legal view that Roe v Wade had a bad legal basis….
The argument is about the US Constitution as a 'Living Document'.... Abortion was illegal back then and Salivary was legal... The document IS centuries old.... To NOT adopt it to modern time's would essentially make it useless allowing 50 states to do whatever they … [Read more...] about A Legal view that Roe v Wade had a bad legal basis….
What could the Supreme’s shitcan Next?
Gay Rights? Interacial Marriage.?... Women's Equal Rights? Bring back Slavery?.... Voting access and Rights? The Political gauntlet has been throwndown by Judge Alito and his Right leaners on the High Court.... And? The vote in November could have the US … [Read more...] about What could the Supreme’s shitcan Next?
American’s support Roe v Wade Aborrtion ‘Woman’s Right’…..Poll
The US Supreme Court does NOT it appears.... A majority of Americans say the Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established a constitutional right to abortion, a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted last week finds. With the Supreme … [Read more...] about American’s support Roe v Wade Aborrtion ‘Woman’s Right’…..Poll
Supreme Court most probably WILL overturn Roe v Wade Supreme’s draft shows….
Politico has obtained a copy of the High Court's draft opinion on the 1973 abortion rights ruling.... Republican President's have run on appointing high court judges that would do just this.... Overturn the nation's law assuring women's right to have abortions... The … [Read more...] about Supreme Court most probably WILL overturn Roe v Wade Supreme’s draft shows….
Raising a Christian flag outside City Hall IS Free Speech…Supreme’s….
Just because the flag was religious in nature was no reason stop it since flags for other's had been riased in the past... The ruling was unanimous .... And would be appear to be a signal to officals across the country about 'Free Speech'.... The Supreme Court … [Read more...] about Raising a Christian flag outside City Hall IS Free Speech…Supreme’s….
Connecticut lawmakers pass bill to protect abortion seekers ….
With Southern State's working hard to cut off abortion within their borders and women traveling to get their procedures anyways? Other states have moved to protect those women exercising their right to control what goes on in their bodies.... This come's on the heels of an … [Read more...] about Connecticut lawmakers pass bill to protect abortion seekers ….