The should be handed down this month..... Some of them.... Abortion.... Second Amendment... Religious Liberty..... Immigration.... As the Supreme Court rounds the final weeks of the term it has yet to decide an unusually high number of cases including disputes … [Read more...] about We’re waiting for us p to 33 Supreme’s decisions….
US Supreme Court
More than 2/3’s of American’s think the Justice Alito Five are WRONG on Abortion….Poll
Five Americans are seeking to change American law from the Supreme Court bench... Taking away the 'Right's of hundred of thousands of American women if they follow thru on their action to get rid of Roe v Wade.... MOST American's do NOT agree with their view.... More than … [Read more...] about More than 2/3’s of American’s think the Justice Alito Five are WRONG on Abortion….Poll
Supreme’s 5/31/2022…Texas/Florida Social Media ‘No’…Pa undated votes on hold…Leak hunt…
Texas/Florida Social media ruling........ The Supreme Court has suspended a Texas law banning online platforms from restricting user posts based on their political views, representing a major win for social media companies. In a 5-4 ruling, the court granted an emergency stay … [Read more...] about Supreme’s 5/31/2022…Texas/Florida Social Media ‘No’…Pa undated votes on hold…Leak hunt…
Can Austin Texas get around the state Abortion law restrictions?…Could other cities around the country?
What a novel idea... Tell the cops NOT to handle abortion cases? Might be a nice try... But? I would guess the Texas Dept. of Public Safety WILL be directed to be on the case there... Or? The State would try to go after the Austin City … [Read more...] about Can Austin Texas get around the state Abortion law restrictions?…Could other cities around the country?
Most Americans do NOT seem to agree with the ‘Supreme’s 5’ on Abortion Rights….
A very large poll is out with a read that 65% of American's do NOT want the Roe v Wade High Court opinion repealed.... Indeed the issue in another pool is important to 40% of the public.... Anti-Abortionist's might be happy... But they are in a vast minority of … [Read more...] about Most Americans do NOT seem to agree with the ‘Supreme’s 5’ on Abortion Rights….
Democrats will use the coming Abortion ruling to rise up its base….
And maybe others..... Republican and Independent woman get abortions also.... And EVERYBODY should worry about their basic 'Rights' vs the Supreme's 5..... Republican's gonna be carrying this on their backs.... Democrats and allied groups are launching a $6 million … [Read more...] about Democrats will use the coming Abortion ruling to rise up its base….
Donald Trump is worried about suburban women being pissed about abortion ‘Rights’….
Women get abortions.... Democratic Women .... And Republican women..... Anti-Abortion people don't care.... Seems that Donald Trump.... The Republican 'leader' IS worried that Alito and the other 4 High Court justices could be letting the flood gates open to a … [Read more...] about Donald Trump is worried about suburban women being pissed about abortion ‘Rights’….
Supreme Thomas disses Roberts in public….
Let's remember Thomas complained out loud about the court getting 'proper respect'.... Now we have Thomas knocking the Chief Justice in public? Hmmmmm? Last week at a Dallas conference, Thomas took a surprising, public jab at Roberts. Thomas has long touted the good … [Read more...] about Supreme Thomas disses Roberts in public….