The Appeals Court decision throws the district designs back to the Democratic dominated New York State lawmakers.... The decision will be appealed to states' Court. of Appeals.. If upheld? Could get the Democrat's several more House districts in the 2024 general … [Read more...] about NY Court says Democrats can redraw House Districts……
US House
The FBI Director get’s chewed on by the House GOPer’s….
Carrying the water for their 'main man' ex-pResident Donald Trump.... The Republican's are aggressively questioning the Trump appointed FBI Director on a variety of things... House Republicans unloaded a barrage of criticism directed toward FBI Director Christopher Wray … [Read more...] about The FBI Director get’s chewed on by the House GOPer’s….
Guy who said he gave the FBI leaked info on Hunter Biden was indicted BY the Justice Dept……..
Seems Gal Luft had his own legal problems before he went after Hunter Biden in the media and got the Feds checking on HIM..... He(He is a Israeli born) is charged with being a unregisiterd arms dealer (there is a China connection?)..... And when question by the Feds lied … [Read more...] about Guy who said he gave the FBI leaked info on Hunter Biden was indicted BY the Justice Dept……..
Rep. Greene gets thrown out of Freedom Caucus ….
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) stayed with House Speaker McCarthy (R-Ca) on their recent 2023/2024 Debt/Budget deal with President Biden and Democrats.... The Freedom Caucus was against the deal.... So? She gets kicked to the curb by House crazies...... (There WAS … [Read more...] about Rep. Greene gets thrown out of Freedom Caucus ….
Impeaching President Biden?
The Republican House 'crazies' want to go after the Democratic President with articles of impeachment .... They don't have the votes.... But? They keep talking about it.... If they work hard enough? They can join Donald Trump in helping Joe Biden's re-Election … [Read more...] about Impeaching President Biden?
Swing District Republicans ARE worried about their parties crazies……
The House Republican Rightwingnuts maybe getting their attention in the media and causing House GOP Speaker McCarthy headaches... But Republicans in Blue states and places where President Biden will do good ARE worried.... Citing the 2022 Midterms..... They see pushes on … [Read more...] about Swing District Republicans ARE worried about their parties crazies……
More on the House Republican Civil war…..
The push by the crazies to impeach President Biden IS causing jitters for some GOP House members including Speaker McCarthy.... Just like Donald Trump.... Republicans seem to be working to help Democrats for the 2024 elections.... The Grand ole Party is shaping up to be … [Read more...] about More on the House Republican Civil war…..
Republican US House Biden Impeachment Wish Internal Political Fight….
It's getting crazy... The House crazies WANT to run a President Biden Impaeachment trial.... Most House and Senate Republicans want NO part of it.... And the fight on this has spilled out into the media.... Senate Republicans.... Senate Republicans are questioning … [Read more...] about Republican US House Biden Impeachment Wish Internal Political Fight….