The media is trying to sell that the 2024 Republican Presidentianl nomination will be OVER if the former South Carolina Governor loses in the New Hampshire primary.... She says 'NOPE'.... Nikki Haley’s campaign has a message for all those who are declaring her … [Read more...] about Nikki Haley says she’s ain’t ‘going anywhere’…..
The Border issue stopping Ukraine and other Foreign Aid Bill’s in Congress…..
It's parole for migrants that allows some to stay in the US for a certain amount of time seperate from formal admittance... It give's a President the ability to allow certain migrants from targeted countries entry, like the Ukraine, Haiti or Gaza.... President Biden is … [Read more...] about The Border issue stopping Ukraine and other Foreign Aid Bill’s in Congress…..
The First 6 New Hampshire Republican primary votes go to Nikki Haley….
Hmmmmmm? Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley won all six of Dixville Notch's votes in the first ballots cast in the first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary at midnight Tuesday. The big picture: Haley hailed the "great start to a great day in New Hampshire" in a post to X … [Read more...] about The First 6 New Hampshire Republican primary votes go to Nikki Haley….
Political Cartoons….1/23/2024….Trump/Supreme’s-Racism in America – Kissing Trump’s Ass….
Courtesy of DSD @ Politicaldog101 … [Read more...] about Political Cartoons….1/23/2024….Trump/Supreme’s-Racism in America – Kissing Trump’s Ass….
The 2024 New Hampshire Presidential Primary……
The media focus is on the Republican side between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley.... Trump IS expected to win... The question will be HOW MUCH........ The media is selling the nomination for the Republicans would be over if Trump wins by double digits.... Haley is looking to … [Read more...] about The 2024 New Hampshire Presidential Primary……
McCarthy says the House RightWingNuts have stopped the The place from working…..
Of course he's right..... And the same Freedom Caucus kicked him out of his spot as Speaker..... The warning is for the current Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson..... Who IS getting stuck 100 days into his spot... He wants to get the place going... The … [Read more...] about McCarthy says the House RightWingNuts have stopped the The place from working…..
Supreme’s tells Texas… The Feds control the border…
Texas Governor Abbott HAS been doing HIS thing to run his OWN border enforcenement to zing President Biden and Democrats... NOPE!..... The LAW is CLEAR...... The Federala Government enforces immigrtation policy and law..... NOT the state of TEXAS... That includes … [Read more...] about Supreme’s tells Texas… The Feds control the border…
There’s a Fake Joe Biden Voice Urging Dems Not To Vote In the NH Primary…..
These robocalls are flooding New Hemapshire Democrats phones.... The New Hampshire attorney general's office says it is investigating what appears to be an "unlawful attempt" at voter suppression after NBC News reported on a robocall impersonating President Joe Biden telling … [Read more...] about There’s a Fake Joe Biden Voice Urging Dems Not To Vote In the NH Primary…..