Another step by 'Right to Lifers' to drive their goals across America... Problem? A Large Majority of Americans do NOT support this.... But the Supreme's throwing abortion rules and regulations to the states have created what the old nationwide abortion 'Rights' Law … [Read more...] about Alabama Says Embryos in a Lab Are Children…The Fall Out…..
House Republicans EXPECT a Government Shutdown…..
Folks? Things COULD get REAL BAD if the House RightWingNut's stick to their goal's and House Speaker Johnson feels his job security IS more important than keeping the American Government working for 330 million people ..... Behind closed doors, House Republicans have … [Read more...] about House Republicans EXPECT a Government Shutdown…..
New Q Poll give’s Biden a National Lead Over Trump….
This is actually a 1% drop for Biden from Quinnipiac's end of January poll and is VERY differnt from polling we see from Right leaning Real Clear Politics which almost always just lists Biden trailing Trump...(The Economist has had Biden ahead by 1% consistently ) Biden has … [Read more...] about New Q Poll give’s Biden a National Lead Over Trump….
Texas Gov Abott and Republican’s WIN….Biden looking to clamp down on migrants….
President Joe Biden is back where he was with President Obama in 2013..... Moving to crack down migrants to America.... Republicans are again whipsawing an American Democratic President into action.... Biden's action's to reverse the Trump hardline policies have caused … [Read more...] about Texas Gov Abott and Republican’s WIN….Biden looking to clamp down on migrants….
Ukraine Update…724 days into the Russian Conflict…The Avdiivka Retreat….
The retreat from Avdiivka seems to have cost the Ukraine up to 1,000 lost troops..... A stunning blow ..... US Republican House members under a push from ex-President Trump are in NO hurry to approve aid for Ukraine.... Trump is probably still pissed at Ukraine for NOT … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…724 days into the Russian Conflict…The Avdiivka Retreat….
Swing State GOPer issues…..
There have been little to no issues with post 2020 elections despite Donald Trump trying to dislodge the Joe Bden WIN..... Republican state parties that got into trouble in the last Presidenbtial Election ARE having issues going into the November Presidential … [Read more...] about Swing State GOPer issues…..
Tim Scott REALLY wants that Trump VP spot…
Bonus Quote of the Day “Donald Trump led this nation to the best four years economically in my lifetime.” — Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), on Fox News, completely forgetting about the global pandemic that disrupted the economy during Trump’s presidency. … [Read more...] about Tim Scott REALLY wants that Trump VP spot…
The US House Republican’s bailing…..
The RightWingNuts who are in 'safe' districts who ARE also carrying the water for Donald Trump seem to be getting what they want.... Chaos that allows them to control their caucus.... And with that do Absolutely NOTHING except what THEY want.... And so? GOPer's ARE … [Read more...] about The US House Republican’s bailing…..